What are the benefits of going to Penn, as opposed to doing a combined BS-MD program? The University of Pennsylvania does not have a joint BS-MD program with Penn’s School of Medicine. There are other schools that do have joint-degree programs, which allow students to complete both a bachelor’s degree and a medical degree in six or seven years. These programs are attractive to some students because they provide a guaranteed and streamlined route toward earning an MD. However, there are certain advantages to pursuing undergraduate work at a school like Penn, as opposed to doing a joint-degree curriculum. The most serious drawback to the joint-degree is that students are put onto a very fast track at a young age. Students do not have the opportunity to explore a wider range of course work or to seriously consider whether medicine truly is the right career fit for them. Even those high school students who “know” for sure that they want to become doctors often do not really understand much about the profession, and an intensive joint-degree program does not give them the time or the flexibility to weigh all of their career options. Also, by having four years to complete their undergraduate work, students at Penn have the time to take classes that will enhance their ability to be good doctors. Courses like “Medical Sociology,” “Bioethics,” and “Health Care Systems,” among dozens of others, help students to understand the social and economic aspects of health care, thus preparing them all the more fully for medical school and beyond.
不是别人没有正义感 入了窑子,还要立牌坊? 不可能
给大家举个attending 跟住院医合作的例子
我家娃从ICU搬到general floor, 住院医负责。 刚搬下去孩子哭得特厉害住院医不管 反正我们知道孩子瘙痒,只好哄他 两个小时后,孩子睡着了 这时候住院医进来,四五个说要给测体温 之前这些女的一直在门口聊天 孩子睡着了才进来
测完了又说要检查别的,伸手就翻孩子 从平躺到脸朝下 我说孩子刚睡着,手挡了一下 然后那个女医生就说我的行为太严重要举报 我真的就是轻轻护孩子一下。
第二天社工来 说了很多极其侮辱的话 我忍着 认识到医院要杀人了。
我跟大家说实话,住院医可能耽误你 但是刚进入体制的不大会杀人 而训练完以后 杀人已经不成问题了。
我看了录像 小姑娘心挺好 但不能上升到无限拔高
别抖机灵,盆有没有再说,Penn State就有premed专业
What are the benefits of going to Penn, as opposed to doing a combined BS-MD program? The University of Pennsylvania does not have a joint BS-MD program with Penn’s School of Medicine. There are other schools that do have joint-degree programs, which allow students to complete both a bachelor’s degree and a medical degree in six or seven years. These programs are attractive to some students because they provide a guaranteed and streamlined route toward earning an MD. However, there are certain advantages to pursuing undergraduate work at a school like Penn, as opposed to doing a joint-degree curriculum. The most serious drawback to the joint-degree is that students are put onto a very fast track at a young age. Students do not have the opportunity to explore a wider range of course work or to seriously consider whether medicine truly is the right career fit for them. Even those high school students who “know” for sure that they want to become doctors often do not really understand much about the profession, and an intensive joint-degree program does not give them the time or the flexibility to weigh all of their career options. Also, by having four years to complete their undergraduate work, students at Penn have the time to take classes that will enhance their ability to be good doctors. Courses like “Medical Sociology,” “Bioethics,” and “Health Care Systems,” among dozens of others, help students to understand the social and economic aspects of health care, thus preparing them all the more fully for medical school and beyond.
Pre-med 本医连读吧
是penn state还是u penn?
这个小姑娘去U PENN