Californians are packing up and moving to Portugal
In the last decade, the overall population in Portugal has declined even as the number of foreigners has grown by 40%. The number of U.S. citizens living in this land of 10 million rose 45% last year. Within the mix of retirees, digital nomads and young families, Californians are making themselves known in a country once considered the forgotten sibling of Spain.
The nation's most populous state is shrinking. California's population declined again in 2021 for the second consecutive year, state officials said Monday, the result of a slowdown in births and immigration coupled with an increase in deaths and people leaving the state. 都负增长了还增速减缓。。。。
The nation's most populous state is shrinking. California's population declined again in 2021 for the second consecutive year, state officials said Monday, the result of a slowdown in births and immigration coupled with an increase in deaths and people leaving the state. 都负增长了还增速减缓。。。。 甜甜圈123 发表于 2022-07-22 15:28
看来我对加州之前的估计过于乐观了。 也是刚查到的: Texas added the most residents of any state by raw numbers in 2021 while California’s population continued to dwindle for the second year in a row, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates. A years-long trend of residents trading the West Coast for the Lone Star State is likely continuing, especially as companies relocate to Texas in droves.
全球气候 算不上,
美国气候比较舒服的地方 的确是加州 到 西雅图一带。
在欧洲的话, 加州等于最差的气候了, 类似叙利亚,中东地区,
哪个欧洲人喜欢 叙利亚 中东那种气候啊。 昏
我们院儿好多去科州的。 Prop 13 真是害死人。把加州变成老人院了。年轻人买不起,买得起也住不起。
Here's Why Burned-Out Millennials Are Flocking To Portugal
美国加州人 纷纷移民 里斯本。
葡萄牙的气候 比 美国任何地方都好一亿倍以上。
嗯,很多移民欧洲的,房子还不到十万块,比中西部还便宜。 房价高的地方光速亚非拉化。
Californians are packing up and moving to Portugal
In the last decade, the overall population in Portugal has declined even as the number of foreigners has grown by 40%. The number of U.S. citizens living in this land of 10 million rose 45% last year. Within the mix of retirees, digital nomads and young families, Californians are making themselves known in a country once considered the forgotten sibling of Spain.
美国主要是 缺少福利住房。
德国媒体说, 没有任何一个发达国家 如同美国那样, 几乎没有福利住房。
美国的福利住房加起来 , 估计还不到 德国的一个零头。
估计美国白人 全部移民 欧洲。
请多包涵 这里的ID都有住哪儿吹哪儿的习惯 西雅图阴雨天都有不少人吹天气好呢 。 这些人是多没见过世面啊, 加州硅谷的气候就是典型地中海气候, 搞得全世界独一无二似的
The nation's most populous state is shrinking. California's population declined again in 2021 for the second consecutive year, state officials said Monday, the result of a slowdown in births and immigration coupled with an increase in deaths and people leaving the state. 都负增长了还增速减缓。。。。
Texas added the most residents of any state by raw numbers in 2021 while California’s population continued to dwindle for the second year in a row, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates. A years-long trend of residents trading the West Coast for the Lone Star State is likely continuing, especially as companies relocate to Texas in droves.
从目前的神人预言看 加州的麻烦 要么可以忽略 要么就是难以想象
有空 可以多看看 埃德加·凯西的预言