回复 26楼Heiniu的帖子 怎么回复才能留条后路呢? We are still extremely interested in having you join our team. However, timing on our end is largely unknown. Because of the current economic environment, the leadership team isn’t able to commit to timing on new hire start dates. Being completely transparent, our most likely timeline is now September at the earliest, but an unable to pass along a firm date. I feel it is only fair to not string you along without knowing an exact timeline, and have you miss out on another great opportunity. Regardless of what you decide to do, we greatly appreciate your interest in the position as well as your patience. We will most certainly reach back out to you when the approval to add new hires is given to see if you are still on the market.
update: Dream offer 终于回复我了!!但是说现在hiring freeze,要到9月份才可能有opening。我现在也看现老板能不能promote,不能的话我可能会接一,因为一加钱而且加vacation,未来老板主动提出让我和里面同事聊一聊,感觉很有诚意!
我现在纠结我要是接了一,一个月后如果Dream offer可以hire了再走, dream offer会不会觉得我人品有问题??
第一个工作offer可以推迟入职吗?拖两个月? 现在的公司如果最终解散部门,你会拿到遣散费,相当于几个月的薪水,你可以利用这个时间找工作。你在job market 上的竞争力怎么样?能找到工作吗?如果能够找到,可以在现有公司等着,看看你的老板能不能找个位子给你。 如果对找工作信心不足,那就把现有的offer接过来吧,落袋为安。
拖不了这么久,现在市场风向变了,我面了10+ final rounds,做了好几回千年老二,好不容易这个我是1st choice, 但是commute和retail让我觉得会不会进去两个月就雷了。
至于Dream offer我觉得他是你的Dream,但是你不是他的Dream candidate,还是尽快move on吧。
我老板要是能带我去new team,也可以考虑,但是他各种很confident但是不能承诺,我就觉得别人把我当傻子哄
就是啊我老板自己跑了,想让我留着, Q4 hiring freeze来了找谁哭去😂
hiring freeze 的事情很难讲 我们这里有freeze 两年,后来reopen 就来了当初给了offer的人
We are still extremely interested in having you join our team. However, timing on our end is largely unknown. Because of the current economic environment, the leadership team isn’t able to commit to timing on new hire start dates. Being completely transparent, our most likely timeline is now September at the earliest, but an unable to pass along a firm date. I feel it is only fair to not string you along without knowing an exact timeline, and have you miss out on another great opportunity. Regardless of what you decide to do, we greatly appreciate your interest in the position as well as your patience. We will most certainly reach back out to you when the approval to add new hires is given to see if you are still on the market.
re. 人家真要的会果断就要的, 我觉得选1先做.但是如果不差钱, 就等着公司解散再找