初等教师考试的general knowledge section,通识部分 过半数硕士/博士fail 是高等教育的问题,还是初等教育的问题? Speaking of direct relevance between race and education The study found that when students had teachers of the same race as them, they reported feeling more cared for, more interested in their schoolwork and more confident in their teachers'''' abilities to communicate with them. These students also reported putting forth more effort in school and having higher college aspirations. New GWU research looking at data from New York City schools has found that Black, Latino, and Asian-American students are less likely to be suspended from school if they take classes with more teachers who share their racial or ethnic background. Now Cherng is a sociologist at New York University and he''''s just published a paperwith colleague Peter Halpin that addresses this question. It seems that students of all races — white, black, Latino, and Asian — have more positive perceptions of their black and Latino teachers than they do of their white teachers. student–teacher race and ethnicity matches were associated with fewer unexcused absences for Latinx students.
这通过率看着就不正常 At specific points, over 93 percent of white test takers passed the test compared to just 53 percent of Black test-takers and 50 percent of Latinx test-takers sitting for the same exam. cebublue 发表于 2022-07-18 09:57
当年马丁路德金博士说, I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. 呵呵 singlemummy 发表于 2022-07-18 11:10
呵呵,现在的考试招生招聘种种,judge by content就是歧视啊,必须要judge by color/race,还有sex(LGBT...)啊,要不怎么实现diversity
The irrelevance of that (General Knowledge) portion of the NTE is revealed by the fact that more than half the candidates with Master''s and Ph.D. degrees failed to post the required score cebublue 发表于 2022-07-18 13:52
这通过率看着就不正常 At specific points, over 93 percent of white test takers passed the test compared to just 53 percent of Black test-takers and 50 percent of Latinx test-takers sitting for the same exam.
考试成绩跟教学表现没有correlation,少数族裔通过率低,明显有问题。 The finding asserted that the test, in part, did not have a direct correlation to how the teachers performed in the classroom and did not offer concrete metrics on instructional success 另外,1994-1995,类似的考试,亚裔的通过率也不高;总体看,硕士以上的应试者超过一半failed通识部分考核。 To keep their positions, the successful teachers are now being forced to meet state requirements by passing either all three parts of the NTE, or replacement exams called the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) and Assessment of Teaching Skills-Written (ATS-W), both manufactured by ETS competitor National Evaluation Systems (NES) (see Examiner, Fall/Winter 1995-96). Data obtained from the New York Department of Education by FairTest, which is assisting the teachers, shows that 73% of whites passed the General Knowledge portion of the NTE in 1994-95 while only 32% of African Americans, 25% of Latinos, and 51% of Asian Americans reached the state-mandated cut-off score. The irrelevance of that portion of the NTE is revealed by the fact that more than half the candidates with Master''''''''s and Ph.D. degrees failed to post the required score.
而且也不是一人赔一百万 Since the concession by the city, payments made to the teachers have ranged from just hundreds of dollars to almost $2 million, a spokesman told the WSJ.
考试成绩跟教学表现没有correlation,少数族裔通过率低,明显有问题 The finding asserted that the test, in part, did not have a direct correlation to how the teachers performed in the classroom and did not offer concrete metrics on instructional success cebublue 发表于 2022-07-18 09:59
这通过率看着就不正常 At specific points, over 93 percent of white test takers passed the test compared to just 53 percent of Black test-takers and 50 percent of Latinx test-takers sitting for the same exam. cebublue 发表于 2022-07-18 09:57
这通过率看着就不正常 At specific points, over 93 percent of white test takers passed the test compared to just 53 percent of Black test-takers and 50 percent of Latinx test-takers sitting for the same exam. cebublue 发表于 2022-07-18 09:57
当年马丁路德金博士说, I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. 呵呵
不是相信Law and Order 就不可以对已有的法庭判决作出评论批判。 楼上还有一位说楼主省略了说“这些人去了court“, 似乎去了court,有了court的判决就万事OK了? 那我们还批判什么高院推翻Roe?高院都判了,大家相信“law and order"就好了。 surge 发表于 2022-07-18 11:05
可是没看到这里有讨论太多这件事的来龙去脉细节啊 大家还是根据自己的固有印象随便评论两句而已 非裔西裔通过率比白人低本身不构成歧视,但是这里是说,这个test is not job related, 并且不能predict未来teaching performance。那一个test,和本职工作没有相关,却系统性筛掉了某些族裔,不就是有bias吗?
可是没看到这里有讨论太多这件事的来龙去脉细节啊 大家还是根据自己的固有印象随便评论两句而已 非裔西裔通过率比白人低本身不构成歧视,但是这里是说,这个test is not job related, 并且不能predict未来teaching performance。那一个test,和本职工作没有相关,却系统性筛掉了某些族裔,不就是有bias吗?
你没有仔细看 The concession by the city in recent months means around 4,700 onetime New York City teachers who were demoted or fired since 1995 because they couldn’t pass the state licensing exam can go to court to collect a piece of the funds. So far, $835 million in judgments have been awarded to more than half that group, and the city said it would set aside nearly $1.8 billion in the coming years to cover all potential claims. 所以平均的话,应该大约是835/2400 = 350K。 但是WSJ的文章里举的例子就是一个人(Sylvia Alvarez ) 考了十次没有通过,结果拿了1.1 million。楼主的题目没什么问题。 如果论平均的话,数字是有些偏差,但不妨碍这件事的ridiculous。
您英文好,翻译一下这句: Since the concession by the city, payments made to the teachers have ranged from just hundreds of dollars to almost $2 million, a spokesman told the WSJ.
可是没看到这里有讨论太多这件事的来龙去脉细节啊 大家还是根据自己的固有印象随便评论两句而已 非裔西裔通过率比白人低本身不构成歧视,但是这里是说,这个test is not job related, 并且不能predict未来teaching performance。那一个test,和本职工作没有相关,却系统性筛掉了某些族裔,不就是有bias吗?
你没有仔细看 The concession by the city in recent months means around 4,700 onetime New York City teachers who were demoted or fired since 1995 because they couldn’t pass the state licensing exam can go to court to collect a piece of the funds. So far, $835 million in judgments have been awarded to more than half that group, and the city said it would set aside nearly $1.8 billion in the coming years to cover all potential claims. 所以平均的话,应该大约是835/2400 = 350K。 但是WSJ的文章里举的例子就是一个人(Sylvia Alvarez ) 考了十次没有通过,结果拿了1.1 million。楼主的题目没什么问题。 如果论平均的话,数字是有些偏差,但不妨碍这件事的ridiculous。 surge 发表于 2022-07-18 11:23
您英文好,翻译一下这句: Since the concession by the city, payments made to the teachers have ranged from just hundreds of dollars to almost $2 million, a spokesman told the WSJ. cebublue 发表于 2022-07-18 11:24
bar exam, white vs black 2022通过比例差了24%。这个教师考试,差的比例是28%,都是很大的gap。你正好证明了按照这个逻辑,那些没通过bar exam的非裔也可以去告了。不能当律师,这个损失可大了,一个million是打不倒的,那就一人10米吧。 surge 发表于 2022-07-18 11:42
bar exam, white vs black 2022通过比例差了24%。这个教师考试,差的比例是28%,都是很大的gap。你正好证明了按照这个逻辑,那些没通过bar exam的非裔也可以去告了。不能当律师,这个损失可大了,一个million是打不倒的,那就一人10米吧。 surge 发表于 2022-07-18 11:42
第一,你承认不承认两个两个考试white vs black gap 差不多。这是针对你说的“bar exam pass rate各族裔差异没有帖子里这个考试这么大”。 28% 对 24% 的差别,一个数量级的 第二,谁告诉你 bar exam高分的就证明以后会是好律师? Bar exam和这个教师资格考本来就是一个basic qualification考试,测的是基本知识,和以后的job success关系你说没有也不对,你说很有关系和不见得。这就是一个成为好老师好律师的必要条件,而不是充分条件。 这么简单的道理。
既然没有被disqualify,证明,实际操作中,这个考试并不deserve绝对的权威性。但却被用来降薪。 这就是一个侧面。 Teachers who failed were still allowed in the classroom, but the BOE paid them reduced salaries and denied them benefits, plaintiffs said.
The Liberal Arts and Sciences Test contained 80 multiple-choice questions and one essay covering math, science, humanities, history, communication skills and other topics. An expert hired by the teachers at a 2002 trial testified that part of the discrepancy in passing rates could have been due to cultural knowledge underpinning the questions. 这种专家就是鬼扯,而且“could have been"就是莫须有么 很简单,就把math, science两项单独挑出来,看通过率就可以了,我敢说通过率差别可能还更大 如果说数学题也是天生带歧视性的,那我就无话可说了 你们谁喜欢,谁就送小孩去那里学校上课好了 我要是教育局的头,就跟他们把官司打到底,一直打到最高法院去
The Liberal Arts and Sciences Test contained 80 multiple-choice questions and one essay covering math, science, humanities, history, communication skills and other topics. An expert hired by the teachers at a 2002 trial testified that part of the discrepancy in passing rates could have been due to cultural knowledge underpinning the questions. 这种专家就是鬼扯,而且“could have been"就是莫须有么 很简单,就把math, science两项单独挑出来,看通过率就可以了,我敢说通过率差别可能还更大 如果说数学题也是天生带歧视性的,那我就无话可说了 你们谁喜欢,谁就送小孩去那里学校上课好了 我要是教育局的头,就跟他们把官司打到底,一直打到最高法院去 kukuk 发表于 2022-07-18 12:55
既然没有被disqualify,证明,实际操作中,这个考试并不deserve绝对的权威性。但却被用来降薪。 这就是一个侧面。 Teachers who failed were still allowed in the classroom, but the BOE paid them reduced salaries and denied them benefits, plaintiffs said. cebublue 发表于 2022-07-18 12:48
我也不说你这个理由很牵强,至少在WSJ的报道里 She worked in New York City schools for a decade as she kept failing the exam. Under rules at the time, teachers could continue in untenured, temporary or lesser-paid roles as they tried to meet the state requirements. 也就是说,那个拿了1.1 million赔偿的老师,在考了十次重考的过程中,是临时拿了低工资。并没有说在十次没有通过以后,她还是继续有教师工作。但最后 Ms. Alvarez tried 10 times to pass the exam before she lost her teaching job in Brooklyn in 2003. 这是非常合理人性的措施,给了充足的机会重考,并不是降薪的手段。怎么没有权威性。这些一直不通过的最后都被disqualify了
详情请自行搜索, Black, Latino Teachers Collecting $835 Million in Discrimination Lawsuit
🔥 最新回帖
初等教师考试的general knowledge section,通识部分 过半数硕士/博士fail 是高等教育的问题,还是初等教育的问题?
Speaking of direct relevance between race and education
The study found that when students had teachers of the same race as them, they reported feeling more cared for, more interested in their schoolwork and more confident in their teachers'''' abilities to communicate with them. These students also reported putting forth more effort in school and having higher college aspirations.
New GWU research looking at data from New York City schools has found that Black, Latino, and Asian-American students are less likely to be suspended from school if they take classes with more teachers who share their racial or ethnic background.
Now Cherng is a sociologist at New York University and he''''s just published a paperwith colleague Peter Halpin that addresses this question. It seems that students of all races — white, black, Latino, and Asian — have more positive perceptions of their black and Latino teachers than they do of their white teachers.
student–teacher race and ethnicity matches were associated with fewer unexcused absences for Latinx students.
呵呵,现在的考试招生招聘种种,judge by content就是歧视啊,必须要judge by color/race,还有sex(LGBT...)啊,要不怎么实现diversity
🛋️ 沙发板凳
呵呵,又碰到喷子了。 你倒是说说,我怎么煽风点火了? 你自己搜索下,我的summary是不是事实。
另外,1994-1995,类似的考试,亚裔的通过率也不高;总体看,硕士以上的应试者超过一半failed通识部分考核。 To keep their positions, the successful teachers are now being forced to meet state requirements by passing either all three parts of the NTE, or replacement exams called the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) and Assessment of Teaching Skills-Written (ATS-W), both manufactured by ETS competitor National Evaluation Systems (NES) (see Examiner, Fall/Winter 1995-96). Data obtained from the New York Department of Education by FairTest, which is assisting the teachers, shows that 73% of whites passed the General Knowledge portion of the NTE in 1994-95 while only 32% of African Americans, 25% of Latinos, and 51% of Asian Americans reached the state-mandated cut-off score. The irrelevance of that portion of the NTE is revealed by the fact that more than half the candidates with Master''''''''s and Ph.D. degrees failed to post the required score.
白人能通过,黑人通不过。那一定是biased test. 就应该放水每人都能通过就没问题了。就这样老师越来越烂,然后再教出一帮越来越烂的学生,这样更好,精英们带着一帮蠢货世世代代投猪党就更好了。
呵呵,按你的逻辑,要求教师的文化素质高一点,是不对的。 请问,那种教育或者考试,是100%应用到实际工作中?
最烦你这种喷子了。 你说说,我哪里mislead别人了?
就你这个逻辑和素质 别上来试图引导教育话题了 这里人均graduate school 你这样的意见领袖在法拉盛微信群里混混蛮好
今天就是发个感概,就被你阴谋论了。 你的心理有多阴暗,自己琢磨去吧。
那你还是关心关心政治 有点基本的储备 再出来料这种“工会” “歧视” “政府” “税钱”的话题吧 不够丢人的
你自己树一个靶子,然后攻击。 你脑子不是有什么问题吧?
我突然明白了 你是真的不知道你的推理跳跃 是一个重大失误 原来你是真不知道 我觉得我错了
别以为你是开玩笑,照此速度,医院license 考试照此办理也不是不可能
相信law and order也要对美国法治有点信心好吧。
我太阴暗 你太简单
相信law and order的才对现在美国的“法治” 没有信心
比如那些反复犯罪被抓却被DA 拒绝charge的,这些都是司法体系的溃烂, 让大家怎么有信心?
SAT 不是已经好多地方都不收了嘛。两党都朝作死的目标一路狂奔...
最烦这种自作聪明的人了。 你觉得甩出一个PDF很酷吗?你以为别人看不懂英文吗?
有点common sense很难吗?
前面都说这个考试多么准确重要 90%的白人都名正言顺地通过了 那为何公立还那么差?
不是相信Law and Order 就不可以对已有的法庭判决作出评论批判。 楼上还有一位说楼主省略了说“这些人去了court“, 似乎去了court,有了court的判决就万事OK了? 那我们还批判什么高院推翻Roe?高院都判了,大家相信“law and order"就好了。
当年马丁路德金博士说, I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. 呵呵
?? 首先不是平均分的,有的人那里200万,有的就是几百几千 其次,835 Million,4000多个人分,请问是怎么算到100万的? 1.8b是for additional claims的
看来你才是个带方向的。 除了挑起政治冲突,你还能干点人事吗?
光ban 掉不行! 要给那些自认为可以得奖的黑人科学家们补发奖金! 还有精神损失费!
你用麦当劳的案例来解释?不管伤者的照片如何,那个就是一个典型的恶意索赔frivolous lawsuit。 咖啡是热的,这是一个“reasonable” person能够理解。如果你撒到腿上,除非你能证明是咖啡杯的设计或质量有问题导致,不让哪怕你的大腿照片再惨,哪怕最后搞得要截肢,那也是你自己的fault。
事实上,明明不是人均百万,文章写的很清楚,几百块到200万不等 这highly simplified的标题也值得维护?
可是没看到这里有讨论太多这件事的来龙去脉细节啊 大家还是根据自己的固有印象随便评论两句而已
非裔西裔通过率比白人低本身不构成歧视,但是这里是说,这个test is not job related, 并且不能predict未来teaching performance。那一个test,和本职工作没有相关,却系统性筛掉了某些族裔,不就是有bias吗?
835 million / (4700/2), 自己算算吧。 我的标题很夸张吗?
而且还伴随对公校老师的抱怨 老师不就是这些考试选出来的吗? 这考试太值得反思了
又不是平均分 为什么要用除法? 再怎么除,800➗几千,能得1?
也对 那我留你们在这里骂街吧 真有效果
800/4000=0.2, 0.2百万是20万,离100万还有一点距离。
The concession by the city in recent months means around 4,700 onetime New York City teachers who were demoted or fired since 1995 because they couldn’t pass the state licensing exam can go to court to collect a piece of the funds. So far, $835 million in judgments have been awarded to more than half that group, and the city said it would set aside nearly $1.8 billion in the coming years to cover all potential claims.
所以平均的话,应该大约是835/2400 = 350K。 但是WSJ的文章里举的例子就是一个人(Sylvia Alvarez ) 考了十次没有通过,结果拿了1.1 million。楼主的题目没什么问题。
你尽管挑刺。 我相信有common sense的人,自会判断。
您英文好,翻译一下这句: Since the concession by the city, payments made to the teachers have ranged from just hundreds of dollars to almost $2 million, a spokesman told the WSJ.
可楼主很坚持要做除法呢 文中末尾说了是几百到近2m不等
你不说我还不知道,你看看bar exam pass rate各族裔差异没有帖子里这个考试这么大呢 https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/legal_education_and_admissions_to_the_bar/statistics/2022/2022-bpq-national-summary-data-race-ethnicity-gender-fin.pdf
那是因为bar exam 有两个个预先条件。。。。。 首先得能录取进professional school ( 法学院,以学院, 牙医学院。。。。), 还得能毕业! 能finish 这些professinal school, 已经刷掉了很多不合格者(大家都知道不合格者里面XX种族多还是少)
bar exam, white vs black 2022通过比例差了24%。这个教师考试,差的比例是28%,都是很大的gap。你正好证明了按照这个逻辑,那些没通过bar exam的非裔也可以去告了。不能当律师,这个损失可大了,一个million是打不倒的,那就一人10米吧。
考试制度不可能完美,是个人都知道。 可是,这和歧视有什么关系?
纽约市既然能给某些人赔几百(也就是reimburse个考试资料费),有的人给一百多万 那为什么给了一百多万,反映了怎样的判断过程,还是很值得深究的 而不是上来就assume人均都能拿到一大笔,然后开始按肤色批
这种情况下主要依据一般是如果他通过了exam,还是继续他原来的career path,会赚多少钱。但一旦丢了工作,比如转行去当收银员,工资多少。赔偿就是补个差价。当然有人转行比如做生意很成功,这个赔偿就很少了。
楼里讨论的这个教师考试是否构成歧视显然至少是two pronged test啊,首先要通过率显著不同,其次这个考试和job success没有关系。 你说bar exam和job success没关系?
第一,你承认不承认两个两个考试white vs black gap 差不多。这是针对你说的“bar exam pass rate各族裔差异没有帖子里这个考试这么大”。 28% 对 24% 的差别,一个数量级的
第二,谁告诉你 bar exam高分的就证明以后会是好律师? Bar exam和这个教师资格考本来就是一个basic qualification考试,测的是基本知识,和以后的job success关系你说没有也不对,你说很有关系和不见得。这就是一个成为好老师好律师的必要条件,而不是充分条件。 这么简单的道理。
nonono 最好回到殖民地时代 白人教所有人,开化大家 什么文化多样性,不需要存在。
The Wall Street Journal
Black, Latino Teachers Collecting $835 Million in Discrimination Lawsuit New York City to set aside a total of nearly $1.8 billion for plaintiffs who alleged teacher licensing test was biased
Thousands of Black and Latino former teachers in New York City stand to collect more than $1 billion after the city recently stopped fighting a decadeslong discrimination lawsuit that found a licensing test was biased. The concession by the city in recent months means around 4,700 onetime New York City teachers who were demoted or fired since 1995 because they couldn’t pass the state licensing exam can go to court to collect a piece of the funds. So far, $835 million in judgments have been awarded to more than half that group, and the city said it would set aside nearly $1.8 billion in the coming years to cover all potential claims. “It was time to bring this long standing case to a close,” a New York City law department spokesman said.
The state required the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test for teacher licensing from the 1990s until 2014. A group of teachers sued New York City and state agencies in 1996, alleging the test’s use was discriminatory and violated employment laws. The teachers showed in court that white test takers passed at statistically significant higher rates than Black and Latino test takers. At times, over 90% of white test takers passed, compared with fewer than 62% of Black test takers and 55% of Latinos. A pivotal 2012 court ruling found the test violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, in part because it didn’t relate to what teachers do in the classroom and wasn’t an indicator of better-performing teachers. Sylvia Alvarez is one of those former New York City teachers benefiting from the case, through a $1.1 million judgment she is now collecting payments on. Ms. Alvarez tried 10 times to pass the exam before she lost her teaching job in Brooklyn in 2003. She landed at a private preschool making less than half her prior salary of $45,000, which meant she could barely afford rent in Queens; and her two daughters had to return to Puerto Rico, where the family is from, to live with their grandparents. She remembers falling to her knees and crying when she learned about the class-action lawsuit, relieved to learn the test itself was part of the problem. “It gave me back my life,” the 56-year-old said. “It gave me that sense of release that I wasn’t failing.” The Liberal Arts and Sciences Test contained 80 multiple-choice questions and one essay covering math, science, humanities, history, communication skills and other topics. An expert hired by the teachers at a 2002 trial testified that part of the discrepancy in passing rates could have been due to cultural knowledge underpinning the questions. The case took a circuitous journey through the federal court system, including the trial ending in 2003 that went in favor of the city and state and multiple trips to appellate courts. The city has argued it followed the licensing requirements mandated by the New York State Education Department and that it had no control over the test, which has since been replaced by other mandatory licensing exams. The state Education Department avoided liability after an appellate court in 2006 found the agency didn’t qualify as the teachers’ employer and dismissed it as a defendant. A court-appointed lawyer is now assessing the value of each plaintiff’s claim. The process requires documenting how each person’s earnings compared with what they could have made if the test hadn’t interfered with their career. The city unsuccessfully argued the payment system is flawed because it assumes each plaintiff would have worked in New York schools for the two decades the case has been pending. Half of teachers who start with the district leave within the first 10 years, the city said. Payouts range from a few hundred dollars to nearly $2 million, the spokesman said. Ms. Alvarez said she views the funds not as a windfall but as money she would have earned had her career stayed on course.
She worked in New York City schools for a decade as she kept failing the exam. Under rules at the time, teachers could continue in untenured, temporary or lesser-paid roles as they tried to meet the state requirements. “Mentally, it destroyed me,” she said of the repeated test attempts. The settlement helped her buy her first house, in Puerto Rico, and spend time with her daughters. The career trajectories of the plaintiffs vary, said Joshua Sohn, who joined the case as a junior lawyer in 2000 and is now a partner at law firm Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP. Some became career substitute teachers in New York. Others found teaching jobs in other states. Many left the profession. “It’s a generation of teachers whose lives were disrupted, whose careers were derailed,” he said. Theodore Regis, 57, lost his New York teaching job in 2003 after failing the exam five times. The court awarded him a $1.2 million judgment. “It was worth it for us to fight discrimination,” said Mr. Regis, now a teacher in North Carolina. “Teaching is beyond money. It’s my life.” Write to Sara Randazzo at [email protected] Copyright ©2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Appeared in the July 15, 2022, print edition as ''Former New York City Teachers Get Paid in Discrimination Suit.''
这些没有通过考试的老师,是不一定会被解雇的,只是没有福利和同等工资。如果当年的考试如此合理,筛选如此必要,为何却成为一个降薪的工具? 既然各个侧面反应考试有问题,那补偿也不见得没道理。
哪里有各个侧面反应考试有问题?我看到的借口就两点:一是不同族裔通过率不同,第二就是考试结果和job performance没有关系。这两点我前面都评论过了,不再赘述
你不能把有些学区的leniency当作考试有问题的借口。我不知道为什么有的老师只是被降薪,可能像公司里一样,降级处理,可能是工会的压力。我的确认为考十次都通不过的人的确应该被disqualify,而不是拿到1.1 million的赔偿金。
既然没有被disqualify,证明,实际操作中,这个考试并不deserve绝对的权威性。但却被用来降薪。 这就是一个侧面。
Teachers who failed were still allowed in the classroom, but the BOE paid them reduced salaries and denied them benefits, plaintiffs said.
没考过也不会被disqualified,只是减薪 所以这考试也不是为了小孩的教育质量
She worked in New York City schools for a decade as she kept failing the exam. Under rules at the time, teachers could continue in untenured, temporary or lesser-paid roles as they tried to meet the state requirements.
也就是说,那个拿了1.1 million赔偿的老师,在考了十次重考的过程中,是临时拿了低工资。并没有说在十次没有通过以后,她还是继续有教师工作。但最后 Ms. Alvarez tried 10 times to pass the exam before she lost her teaching job in Brooklyn in 2003.
你要是有事请个律师,是不是会请一个没执照的? 水管工上门修东西,可能某个没执照的handyman也能做,可能还能做的更好,所以他要求得到带执照的水管工一样的报酬 公司雇会计师,有会计证的比没会计证的薪水要求高,是不是合理? 你脑袋里是一团浆糊啊