Trump to Musk: Elon! Elon! He's not going to buy Twitter. Where did you hear that before? From me! Musk to Trump: I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset. Trump to Musk: "You know, he said the other day, Oh, I've never voted for a Republican. I said, I didn't know that, he told me he voted for me. So he's another bullshit artist." Musk to Trump: Not true. 谁也不知道他说的是什么not true. Trump to Musk: "When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, 'drop to your knees and beg,' and he would have done it…" Musk to Trump: "Lmaooo" laugh my ass off... 把屁股都笑掉了
马斯克已经忙不过来回应川普了,今天马斯克的另外一个新闻: Elon Musk’s Dad Also Wants to Populate the Earth 马斯克他爸Errol Musk宣布,他和他的继女Jana也就是马斯克的继妹又给马斯克生了一个弟弟,取名Elliot Rush Musk。马斯克他爸跟Jana他妈结婚的时候,Jana四岁。离婚的时候,Jana22岁。几年之后他爸和Jana有了第一个小孩,现在又是一个。马斯克他爸还发表了一下感想,If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to. 据说这个Jana还是特斯拉的高管,考虑到马斯克有跟公司高管乱来的前科。。。这可真够乱的
马斯克已经忙不过来回应川普了,今天马斯克的另外一个新闻: Elon Musk’s Dad Also Wants to Populate the Earth 马斯克他爸Errol Musk宣布,他和他的继女Jana也就是马斯克的继妹又给马斯克生了一个弟弟,取名Elliot Rush Musk。马斯克他爸跟Jana他妈结婚的时候,Jana四岁。他们离婚的时候,Jana22岁。几年之后他们有了第一个小孩,现在又是一个。马斯克他爸还发表了一下感想,If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to. 据说这个Jana还是特斯拉的高管,考虑到马斯克有跟公司高管乱来的前科。。。这可真够乱的 youdai 发表于 2022-07-14 18:55
马斯克已经忙不过来回应川普了,今天马斯克的另外一个新闻: Elon Musk’s Dad Also Wants to Populate the Earth 马斯克他爸Errol Musk宣布,他和他的继女Jana也就是马斯克的继妹又给马斯克生了一个弟弟,取名Elliot Rush Musk。马斯克他爸跟Jana他妈结婚的时候,Jana四岁。离婚的时候,Jana22岁。几年之后他爸和Jana有了第一个小孩,现在又是一个。马斯克他爸还发表了一下感想,If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to. 据说这个Jana还是特斯拉的高管,考虑到马斯克有跟公司高管乱来的前科。。。这可真够乱的 youdai 发表于 2022-07-14 18:55
老忠实 对 蒸汽船
之前是老川在聚会上先说一龙是bullshit artist
我也觉的是字字戳心 哈哈哈😄
Trump也开了草根阶层反对deep state 的先河,这也是共识 否则咋那么多共和党背刺Trump
到现在还相信deep state 这些阴谋论的连蠢货都不如了
呵呵,家里蹲大妈懂美国是咋work 的至少要有PHD学位,剩下的自觉自愿被CNN洗脑, 你跟这帮跟蠢货说地球是圆的,他们不仅不信,还要烧死你的
Musk to Trump: I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset.
Trump to Musk: "You know, he said the other day, Oh, I've never voted for a Republican. I said, I didn't know that, he told me he voted for me. So he's another bullshit artist."
Musk to Trump: Not true. 谁也不知道他说的是什么not true.
Trump to Musk: "When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, 'drop to your knees and beg,' and he would have done it…"
Musk to Trump: "Lmaooo" laugh my ass off... 把屁股都笑掉了
马斯克他爸Errol Musk宣布,他和他的继女Jana也就是马斯克的继妹又给马斯克生了一个弟弟,取名Elliot Rush Musk。马斯克他爸跟Jana他妈结婚的时候,Jana四岁。离婚的时候,Jana22岁。几年之后他爸和Jana有了第一个小孩,现在又是一个。马斯克他爸还发表了一下感想,If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to. 据说这个Jana还是特斯拉的高管,考虑到马斯克有跟公司高管乱来的前科。。。这可真够乱的
可不是嘛 黄右们的最爱
老爸的乱伦打击比较大吧。一个毕竟是前妻,而且两个人的关系也不见得好。当初就是Trump出轨造成的离婚,而且在离婚案的时候,当时她还指责Trump rape, 不过后来澄清说是feel violated, 不是rape.
我现在觉得它们一定很精分 不知道该爱谁了 哈哈哈哈