You're 16, it's time for prom and you need a date. For Melissa McCabe there was only one choice - her one-year-old son, Arthur. Melissa knew right away that she wanted her little boy to help her "close that five-year chapter of high school". "It was so nice to have him there with me to celebrate it because he was such a massive part of it," she says. "Everybody loved him and said how gorgeous he was," she tells BBC Newsbeat. All suited and booted, the dapper toddler was "10 out of 10, the smartest boy there", says Melissa, from Tranmere, Merseyside. It felt "so amazing" to have him with her on one of the proudest days of her life. "Obviously high school is a massive chapter in your life. Growing up, maturing and he was a massive part of that," she says. "I was pregnant, had him and then went back to school and did my exams." There were tough moments, such as when Arthur had chickenpox, but Melissa says her school was supportive and "very flexible", with her sister-in-law and brother helping too. "I could go and do my exams, because someone will be at home looking after Arthur." "It was tricky but the school were amazing." Melissa says she wasn't "on the right path and was not enjoying school" before she had Arthur. "It didn't feel like it was for me. Now look at where I am. I'm a mum, done really well in my exams and I'm here." Melissa is now going on to study health and social care at college. She created a TikTok of her prom, and was flooded with heartfelt comments, with one user calling Arthur "the cutest date". Another said she deserved the "best mother award 2022". "Everybody's going to prom with their boyfriends, whereas I took my biggest blessing," she said in her post.
You're 16, it's time for prom and you need a date. For Melissa McCabe there was only one choice - her one-year-old son, Arthur. Melissa knew right away that she wanted her little boy to help her "close that five-year chapter of high school". "It was so nice to have him there with me to celebrate it because he was such a massive part of it," she says. "Everybody loved him and said how gorgeous he was," she tells BBC Newsbeat. All suited and booted, the dapper toddler was "10 out of 10, the smartest boy there", says Melissa, from Tranmere, Merseyside. It felt "so amazing" to have him with her on one of the proudest days of her life. "Obviously high school is a massive chapter in your life. Growing up, maturing and he was a massive part of that," she says. "I was pregnant, had him and then went back to school and did my exams." There were tough moments, such as when Arthur had chickenpox, but Melissa says her school was supportive and "very flexible", with her sister-in-law and brother helping too. "I could go and do my exams, because someone will be at home looking after Arthur." "It was tricky but the school were amazing." Melissa says she wasn't "on the right path and was not enjoying school" before she had Arthur. "It didn't feel like it was for me. Now look at where I am. I'm a mum, done really well in my exams and I'm here." Melissa is now going on to study health and social care at college. She created a TikTok of her prom, and was flooded with heartfelt comments, with one user calling Arthur "the cutest date". Another said she deserved the "best mother award 2022". "Everybody's going to prom with their boyfriends, whereas I took my biggest blessing," she said in her post. vincentilia 发表于 2022-07-14 12:25
Melissa knew right away that she wanted her little boy to help her "close that five-year chapter of high school".
"It was so nice to have him there with me to celebrate it because he was such a massive part of it," she says.
"Everybody loved him and said how gorgeous he was," she tells BBC Newsbeat.
All suited and booted, the dapper toddler was "10 out of 10, the smartest boy there", says Melissa, from Tranmere, Merseyside.
It felt "so amazing" to have him with her on one of the proudest days of her life.
"Obviously high school is a massive chapter in your life. Growing up, maturing and he was a massive part of that," she says.
"I was pregnant, had him and then went back to school and did my exams."
There were tough moments, such as when Arthur had chickenpox, but Melissa says her school was supportive and "very flexible", with her sister-in-law and brother helping too.
"I could go and do my exams, because someone will be at home looking after Arthur."
"It was tricky but the school were amazing."
Melissa says she wasn't "on the right path and was not enjoying school" before she had Arthur.
"It didn't feel like it was for me. Now look at where I am. I'm a mum, done really well in my exams and I'm here."
Melissa is now going on to study health and social care at college.
She created a TikTok of her prom, and was flooded with heartfelt comments, with one user calling Arthur "the cutest date".
Another said she deserved the "best mother award 2022".
"Everybody's going to prom with their boyfriends, whereas I took my biggest blessing," she said in her post.
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🛋️ 沙发板凳
之前不是都嘲笑黑人社区贫穷混乱,很多低龄女性怀孕早之类的,不是你们么? 这GOP一推反堕胎,就美好了?
世界纪录Lina Medina,4岁怀孕5岁产子,小男孩一直以为Lina是他姐姐,直到10岁才知道其实是他妈妈。很让人不是滋味甚至异常愤怒的故事,反正我是不能理解如果真有个全知全能的主,他老人家整这种幺蛾子干嘛?
恶心 +1
我认识一个少女妈妈。15还是16就生了娃。她发现自己怀孕了可男朋友出了车祸死了。一定要生下来, 家长极力反对,说你生出来我也不给你带孩子。她不管不顾的生了,妈妈真不给带,她只能自己照顾。同龄同学出门聚会玩乐,她在家看孩子考证书,目标明确的进了护士学校,毕了业,当了护士,好几个住院医师狂追。她找了个追她最狂热的,结婚又生子,大房子豪车,年纪比孩子们的父母都要轻,孩子同学都很羡慕他们的妈妈。才35吧,儿子已经大学了。当然是美人,而且是性格开朗乐于助人的美人… 人的韧性很大,生活的可能性也很多。一个不怨天尤人乐观坚定的女性,生活还是会给予优待的。
多半是当她35岁的时候已经做奶奶好几年了,早婚早育,做teenager parents 都是家庭传统。
十多年前在某所公立高中代课,学校90%都是低收入家庭。学校有个护士站,每个年级都有两三个女生上课期间要出去给娃喂奶。有一次课间跟其中一个女生聊天, 问她孩子的爸爸怎么帮忙,她说不知道孩子爸爸是谁,自己妈妈也是单身母亲。问她毕业后有什么打算,她说自己没有打算,先找个工作养孩子。当时我单身未婚,只觉得非常惋惜,又无能为力。这是未婚妈妈群体生存的一个缩影,现在已婚有娃,开始担心自己的女儿也许会面临这种情况,但是没有选择。
16 岁有配偶?!
细思恐极 谁让4岁的怀孕的???
这个得女孩子家庭条件好, 父母帮着带小孩吧, 要不然根本不可能做到。
以前有个真人秀节目叫16 and pregnant, 里面好几个女孩的父母本身就是teen mom teen dad,几乎全部都是离异家庭,正经人家一个没有。
那时候平均寿命30多。15岁已经是人生一半了,必须在死之前让自己的孩子结婚生孩子,一代代才能延续。 光是水源不干净就让古代人寿命短。有钱人待客是给热茶的,因为开水没有细菌,烧热水需要花钱。有钱人是不喝凉水的,他们认为喝凉水会死掉,明朝有个大臣被关牢房,以为皇帝要杀他,自己就吓得想自杀,在牢房拼命喝凉水。穷人都是喝挑来的凉水的,很容易喝到细菌,上游涮马桶的水流到下游是常事。
哈哈 打压女性的点还是很配套的 美好的女性 对男人死心塌地 不顾后果也要为他生娃 生娃不要紧 只要美貌乐观 最后生活的好还要靠男人 这剧本看着就像自大狂的男人写的