现在各央行被通胀搞得,一个比一个鹰; 外汇市场的汇率就看谁更鹰 DJ BOC Frets About Domestic CPI Pressure, Higher Inflation - - Market Talk Dow Jones Global News - Jul 13, 2022 10:27:00 1026 ET - Canada's Liberal government has cited the war in Ukraine and supply-chain constraints as main drivers of annual inflation, which is at a 39-year high of 7.7%. In its decision to raise interest rates by a full percentage point, Bank of Canada added that domestic price pressures from excess demand --fueled by a tight labor market, rising wages and savings accumulated during pandemic--"are becoming more prominent." In explaining its decision to the lift policy rate by 1 point, it cited expectations among households and businesses for inflation to remain above 2% for an extended period, and thereby "raising the risk that elevated inflation becomes entrenched in price-and wage-setting." The BOC added that, "Until inflation drops significantly, the risk is greater Canadians" will believe higher CPI is here to stay. ( [email protected], @paulvieira) (END) Dow Jones Newswires July 13, 2022 10:27 ET (14:27 GMT)
Security deposit are not allowed in Ontario. just Google it. 200 是不是key deposit? 这个可以收。 如果房东要求你交security deposit,你也愿意交,当然可以,不愿意可以找landlord tenant board, landlord tenant board 会要求房东退钱。 奥兰多的出租房都是两个月的租金作为押金。
波动会比美国大。不过大跌就别指望了,现在温哥华多伦多都有严重的housing crisis,严重供不应求。一堆刚需等着买。 温哥华如果能接受小公寓,现在也不是特别贵。70万加币应该就可以买还不错的1b1b,80万就可以去温西了。再大跌你总也不可能指望70跌到50万吧。60万是有可能的。just my 2cents
回复 31楼Cath226的帖子 好吧,目测有偏差。 不过大家拿的老中们绝大部分住在Greater Toronto 和 Greater Vancouver,这句话应该没什么问题 How many people live in the Greater Toronto Area 2021? 7,281,694 The 2021 population of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) is 7,281,694, or 19.7% of Canada's population. The city of Toronto accounts for 38.4% of the GTHA's population. This is down slightly from 39.3% of the GTHA in 2016. Between 2016 and 2021, the GTHA's population increased by 4.7% or by 327,261 persons.Feb 11, 2022 What is the population of Greater Vancouver 2021? 2.6 million As the most populous city in the province, the 2021 census recorded 662,248 people in the city, up from 631,486 in 2016. The Greater Vancouver area had a population of 2.6 million in 2021, making it the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada.
DJ BOC Frets About Domestic CPI Pressure, Higher Inflation - - Market Talk Dow Jones Global News - Jul 13, 2022 10:27:00
1026 ET - Canada's Liberal government has cited the war in Ukraine and supply-chain constraints as main drivers of annual inflation, which is at a 39-year high of 7.7%. In its decision to raise interest rates by a full percentage point, Bank of Canada added that domestic price pressures from excess demand --fueled by a tight labor market, rising wages and savings accumulated during pandemic--"are becoming more prominent." In explaining its decision to the lift policy rate by 1 point, it cited expectations among households and businesses for inflation to remain above 2% for an extended period, and thereby "raising the risk that elevated inflation becomes entrenched in price-and wage-setting." The BOC added that, "Until inflation drops significantly, the risk is greater Canadians" will believe higher CPI is here to stay. ( [email protected], @paulvieira)
(END) Dow Jones Newswires July 13, 2022 10:27 ET (14:27 GMT)
不是,fix也有,但不能fix整个amortization period,一般fix3-5年。10年也有,但是利率会非常高。
0.75 已经priced in
那是因为你们只知道多伦多和温哥华。加拿大其他地方比如蒙特利尔、卡尔加里,房价虽然疫情期间也涨了一波,但还算affordable,也就是美国二三线城市的价格。加拿大农村有的是dirt cheap的house。不过加拿大农村是比美国农村可怕十倍的存在,真的没人想去。
只能收最后一个月房租作为定金,也是最后一个月的租金,不是security deposit.
Security deposit are not allowed in Ontario. just Google it.
200 是不是key deposit? 这个可以收。
如果房东要求你交security deposit,你也愿意交,当然可以,不愿意可以找landlord tenant board, landlord tenant board 会要求房东退钱。
可能不同省份规定不一样。 安省是不能收押金的, 只能提前收最后一个月的租金。 当然这个钱也不能用来扣除补偿被房客损坏的东西。
各种规定都极其对房东不友好, 比如房东不能禁止房客养宠物, 即使租房合同上写着不能养狗,但是这个条款法律上无效, 房客随时可以去买条狗养。房东不能以此来罚钱/赶走房客。
大温和大多人口占加拿大人口比例, 虽然没查数据,目测能有6,7成, 加拿大房市就是大温+大多房市,其它可忽略
冷,utility开支就是一大笔,冬天可能非常长。而且美国大农村再村,开两三个小时车就能去到一个稍微有点规模的城市。但加拿大很多农村要开到人口20-30万以上的城市可能要五六个小时。甚至谓有点规模的城市,依然是啥也没有,对于移民及其不友好。多年前st johns的朋友出门旅游,当地朋友让他捎点中超的东西飞机带回去。 加拿大太地广人稀,很多东西成本就上去了。
波动会比美国大。不过大跌就别指望了,现在温哥华多伦多都有严重的housing crisis,严重供不应求。一堆刚需等着买。
温哥华如果能接受小公寓,现在也不是特别贵。70万加币应该就可以买还不错的1b1b,80万就可以去温西了。再大跌你总也不可能指望70跌到50万吧。60万是有可能的。just my 2cents
好吧,目测有偏差。 不过大家拿的老中们绝大部分住在Greater Toronto 和 Greater Vancouver,这句话应该没什么问题
How many people live in the Greater Toronto Area 2021? 7,281,694 The 2021 population of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) is 7,281,694, or 19.7% of Canada's population. The city of Toronto accounts for 38.4% of the GTHA's population. This is down slightly from 39.3% of the GTHA in 2016. Between 2016 and 2021, the GTHA's population increased by 4.7% or by 327,261 persons.Feb 11, 2022
What is the population of Greater Vancouver 2021? 2.6 million As the most populous city in the province, the 2021 census recorded 662,248 people in the city, up from 631,486 in 2016. The Greater Vancouver area had a population of 2.6 million in 2021, making it the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada.
感觉你什么都不懂张口乱说。哪用得着5-6个小时,围绕大城市1-2小时车程的卫星城市房价就已经很友好了好吗。hamilton, waterloo, oshawa都是可以commute到多伦多上班的。还提St Johns这么偏的地方,你怎么不跟密西西比新墨西哥州的一片玉米地比?
Hamilton完全不是我说的大农村啊。大农村好歹要把官方定义的Canadian Metro Area们去掉吧?Hamilton、KW的新townhouse都有很多1million的。你真懂的话,难道不知道疫情期间这两个城市房价涨幅远超多伦多?当然现在领跌的也是他们。Oshawa是GTA的一部分。我前面说了,大农村有dirt cheap的house,这几个地方你敢跟我说dirt cheap我服你。
不是St John也得是Thunder Bay才好意思叫自己大农村吧。你把Hamilton叫大农村也不看Hamilton人民愿不愿意。。。
基本都靠着政府补贴在活 你想啊一年下半年雪的地方 根本不适合任何农业 如果没有补贴 加拿大没有农业
Thunder Bay这种大农村应该对标密西西比俄亥俄那种玉米地里的小镇,同样鸟不拉屎,同样开几个小时找不到中国超市。话说回来,有几个中国人住这种地方啊,不知道你为啥觉得美国农村比加拿大农村好 囧
这只能怪贪婪啊 炒房的破产都活该 普通人可以怪房产经纪