GOOG Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai shared message with Google employees - confirms will be slowing the pace of hiring (2296.99 ) "The uncertain global economic outlook has been top of mind. Like all companies, we're not immune to economic headwinds. Something I cherish about our culture is that we've never viewed these types of challenges as obstacles. Instead, we've seen them as opportunities to deepen our focus and invest for the long term... Because of the hiring progress achieved so far this year, we'll be slowing the pace of hiring for the rest of the year, while still supporting our most important opportunities. For the balance of 2022 and 2023, we'll focus our hiring on engineering, technical and other critical roles, and make sure the great talent we do hire is aligned with our long-term priorities. Moving forward, we need to be more entrepreneurial, working with greater urgency, sharper focus, and more hunger than we've shown on sunnier days. In some cases, that means consolidating where investments overlap and streamlining processes. In other cases, that means pausing development and re-deploying resources to higher priority areas. Making the company more efficient is up to all of us - we'll be creating more ways for you all to engage and share ideas to help, so stay tuned."
讲真的,现在的ceo之类都是一些耍嘴皮的。什么scarcity breeds clarity 什么 be more entrepreneurial 什么working with more hunger 。 都空洞,喊口号,忽悠人的屁话。体面,虚伪,做给人看的积极向上。他们可能觉得自己厉害,写得这么高瞻远瞩大气磅礴。我觉得恰恰相反,真的就是空心气球。
讲真的,现在的ceo之类都是一些耍嘴皮的。什么scarcity breeds clarity 什么 be more entrepreneurial 什么working with more hunger 。 都空洞,喊口号,忽悠人的屁话。体面,虚伪,做给人看的积极向上。他们可能觉得自己厉害,写得这么高瞻远瞩大气磅礴。我觉得恰恰相反,真的就是空心气球。 ccchhh 发表于 2022-07-13 09:02
讲真的,现在的ceo之类都是一些耍嘴皮的。什么scarcity breeds clarity 什么 be more entrepreneurial 什么working with more hunger 。 都空洞,喊口号,忽悠人的屁话。体面,虚伪,做给人看的积极向上。他们可能觉得自己厉害,写得这么高瞻远瞩大气磅礴。我觉得恰恰相反,真的就是空心气球。 ccchhh 发表于 2022-07-13 09:02
讲真的,现在的ceo之类都是一些耍嘴皮的。什么scarcity breeds clarity 什么 be more entrepreneurial 什么working with more hunger 。 都空洞,喊口号,忽悠人的屁话。体面,虚伪,做给人看的积极向上。他们可能觉得自己厉害,写得这么高瞻远瞩大气磅礴。我觉得恰恰相反,真的就是空心气球。 ccchhh 发表于 2022-07-13 09:02
写的很有大局观, 还知道鼓励,强调了重点。文笔也很优美。哪里看出来舔屁了?难怪是不快乐的心。
联储都这态度了,还看不出来? 别的公司都裁了,他当然要跟上显得team player.
哈哈, 劈柴这油嘴滑舌的信,在美国职场混过的都应该读得懂他真正要说啥吧。 ...consolidating... streamlining... pausing... redeploying...
re, 同感觉至少读出了点今年人招多了有点后悔那意思
习大大的英文版“ 同舟共济克时艰,命运与共创未来”。领导船都差不多。
很快苹果CEO 也要出来表忠心。
只是slow hiring, 但是还是会优先招马工。没有说不招了,更没说要裁人。
赞总结。还有所谓的大局观关键词: mission, vision, opportunities, priorities.
只能说 传统互联网行业的全盛时期可能已经过去
倒数第二段说的太明白了已经,用了sunny days, 意思就是现在已经是cloudy days 甚至rainy days 了,具体措施也说的很清楚了。。。至于后续怎么操作应该可以想象
没有budget 哪里来的Hr 招人?
GOOG Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai shared message with Google employees - confirms will be slowing the pace of hiring (2296.99 ) "The uncertain global economic outlook has been top of mind. Like all companies, we're not immune to economic headwinds. Something I cherish about our culture is that we've never viewed these types of challenges as obstacles. Instead, we've seen them as opportunities to deepen our focus and invest for the long term... Because of the hiring progress achieved so far this year, we'll be slowing the pace of hiring for the rest of the year, while still supporting our most important opportunities. For the balance of 2022 and 2023, we'll focus our hiring on engineering, technical and other critical roles, and make sure the great talent we do hire is aligned with our long-term priorities. Moving forward, we need to be more entrepreneurial, working with greater urgency, sharper focus, and more hunger than we've shown on sunnier days. In some cases, that means consolidating where investments overlap and streamlining processes. In other cases, that means pausing development and re-deploying resources to higher priority areas. Making the company more efficient is up to all of us - we'll be creating more ways for you all to engage and share ideas to help, so stay tuned."
写得好虚伪,废话好多 整整一页, 就那么一行话是要说的 真难为写的和读的人了 唉
不会吧 信里都写的那么清楚了 随便一句都是consolidating,streamlining
那怎么说才好?”我们要裁人啦,不996你们自己看着办?” 还是像国内的小老板那样直接骂人才好啊
我们也不hire full-time 了只招contractor
大家心里都会骂的 不如直接老板先骂了 至于到底要骂谁 都是明白人 哈哈
是的 这就是商学院的战果啊
越有内涵的东西 越简单明了 所以,读一封信和文章 就读动词,副词 动词表示实际目的,副词表示态度 足够了
elon musk很简单明了,”不回来上班,就自动开除”,还不是一样被骂。
举个例子吧,本来一个季度有1万个head count招人,reorg以后就不需要这些人了,并不代表要裁人。