正面的例子不给了,给点reddit上看到反面的例子吧。 Risk. It''s a new vaccine, too new to know much about long term risks or possible side effects. While this vaccine has, of course, been extensively tested for safety like any other vaccine would be, it has not been around long enough to give conclusive evidence that there is no risk for long-term side effects. Vaccines that have been around for decades (like the t-dap vaccine) have been improved over the years to ensure their safety. When side effects occurred, however rare, they were documented and researched in order to make the vaccine better. The HPV vaccine hasn''t been in use long enough to have this advantage. Is there really any benefit? The push for the HPV vaccine has been largely due to growing awareness about cervical cancer. While the truth is that some cases of cervical cancer may have stemmed from certain strains of HPV that went unresolved, the truth is that most cases of HPV self-resolve. It is also important to note that of the many different strains of HPV in existence, the HPV vaccine only protects against a select few. When you add all these factors, it becomes clear that the HPV vaccine will barely decrease (if at all, considering possible side-effects) your risk for developing cervical cancer.
Statistically it''s a very safe vaccine, but if you do experience side effects, they are quite severe. Swelling and headaches are the most common side effect. Hives or a rash are next. Difficulty breathing leading to unconsciousness is the most extreme side effect. There were reported cases of it causing new cases of narcolepsy, but there isn''t enough information to suggest whether the vaccine was the cause, or something else. Interestingly, the Japanese government has withdrawn support for Gardasil, based on these side effects and doctors are told to inform patients that it is not recommended to use. I believe the question was why NOT to get it with NOT in capital letter. It causes very serious side effects in 7-12% of people who are vaccinated (that''s about average of 1-10), as in paralysis or death. That is from CDC data. I know several countries banned it, and texas no longer made it mandatory. I had a classmate die from the vaccine in HS. Saw her on Friday in class, dead Saturday morning. I had a saturday detention, so I heard right after death. At least with cancer, you have time to say goodbye and make amends. Chance of dying from the cancer a lot less likely than that vaccine itself 8.1 / 100,000 (0.0081%) for cervical, and 2.4/100,000 (0.0024%) mortality rate. 只能自己判断了。不过经历过covid疫苗,我现在不太相信那些推荐疫苗的数据了,感觉有些医生科学家,跟销售一样,为了推自己相信的东西,说话是不严谨的,甚至根本不查证,想说什么说什么。就跟amazon的评论一样,我一般会看负评。
再贴个反疫苗的,现在反疫苗这个词应该是中性了吧,经过了新冠疫苗,反疫苗应该不再等于反智了吧。 Did you know that HPV clinical trials did not demonstrate that HPV vaccines prevent cervical cancer? A systematic review of HPV vaccine pre- and post-licensure trials found that “the claim that HPV vaccination will result in approximately 70% reduction of cervical cancers is made despite the fact that the clinical trials data have not demonstrated to date that the vaccines have actually prevented a single case of cervical cancer (let alone cervical cancer death), nor that the current overly optimistic surrogate marker-based extrapolations are justified. Likewise, the notion that HPV vaccines have an impressive safety profile is only supported by highly flawed design of safety trials and is contrary to accumulating evidence from vaccine safety surveillance databases and case reports which continue to link HPV vaccination to serious adverse outcomes (including death and permanent disabilities)...” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23016780 Sign up: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/newsletter/
https://wap.business-standard.com/article-amp/health/why-has-the-controversy-around-the-hpv-vaccine-still-not-died-down-120021401998_1.html By the time the drive (or trial) was halted, 24,000 girls had been vaccinated, out of which eight had died. A government investigation in 2015 did not establish any link between the deaths and the vaccine. The vaccine, Gardasil, continued to be commercially available. 英国最近也有篇文章说防癌症的证据不明显,推荐大家还是靠pap来预防。
HPV不需要睡10个8个后才得。 如果自家的没打,对方也没打,两人都不是对方的唯一,过去有过性行为,1-3 partners in the last for both of them respectively,这种 scenario 基本上会感染 hpv 没跑了。 这种婚恋情况在二代ABC身上很普遍的,起码2个以上sex partners during their life time, 这还是算挺保守的生活方式了
HPV不需要睡10个8个后才得。 如果自家的没打,对方也没打,两人都不是对方的唯一,过去有过性行为,1-3 partners in the last for both of them respectively,这种 scenario 基本上会感染 hpv 没跑了。 这种婚恋情况在二代ABC身上很普遍的,起码2个以上sex partners during their life time, 这还是算挺保守的生活方式了 Slou9900 发表于 2022-07-12 22:38
你理解错了吧,这是预防宫颈癌的,不是性病。 唯一一种有效预防癌症的疫苗,为什么不打?
请先了解一下HPV,HPV 极易传染,condom 都难防住,美国HPV感染人群非常大,很多人可以是携带者但是没有任何症状却可以传染别人。
还没有足够的时间来证明终身有效,疫苗问世还不到20年,目前还没有recommendation 成年后何时再打booster, 但从现在的接种 schedule 看HPV疫苗管的时间还蛮长。
Hpv 伴随人类从早期进化到人类诞生,是最古老的病毒之一。除了极度保守的国家和地区和时代,地球上所有其他地方,hpv 都非常普遍,尤其是年轻到中年人群,好了得,得了再好
这是教娃一辈子不要Sex吗?或者是说找个partner 也是一辈子只跟过一个人的。现在这个社会很难吧。
你确定吗 免疫系统好当然可以自己清除 但是碰到弱的时候呢 宫颈癌病人都是怎么来的 梅艳芳不也是宫颈癌去世的吗 大概率不等于所有的
女性基本只会通过性接触感染,男的感染途径比较多,结构的关系。就算女的一辈子一个伴侣,对方也只有她一个伴侣,也很难完全保证不感染。 不打疫苗只能赌基因,有些人感染了身体能自己清除掉,没有严重后果,有些人不能。 不过我印象疫苗也只涵盖了大部分HPV亚种,打了也还是要注意自我保护的。
说的是没错, 但是除开大概率自己好了吧, 小概率就自己癌变了,更小概率就自己死了。
打了当然不能100%预防 而且预防也是只是几个比较凶险的亚种 但是真的有人想用这个赌吗 尤其是自己孩子 benefits>risk
Risk. It''s a new vaccine, too new to know much about long term risks or possible side effects. While this vaccine has, of course, been extensively tested for safety like any other vaccine would be, it has not been around long enough to give conclusive evidence that there is no risk for long-term side effects. Vaccines that have been around for decades (like the t-dap vaccine) have been improved over the years to ensure their safety. When side effects occurred, however rare, they were documented and researched in order to make the vaccine better. The HPV vaccine hasn''t been in use long enough to have this advantage. Is there really any benefit? The push for the HPV vaccine has been largely due to growing awareness about cervical cancer. While the truth is that some cases of cervical cancer may have stemmed from certain strains of HPV that went unresolved, the truth is that most cases of HPV self-resolve. It is also important to note that of the many different strains of HPV in existence, the HPV vaccine only protects against a select few. When you add all these factors, it becomes clear that the HPV vaccine will barely decrease (if at all, considering possible side-effects) your risk for developing cervical cancer.
Statistically it''s a very safe vaccine, but if you do experience side effects, they are quite severe. Swelling and headaches are the most common side effect. Hives or a rash are next. Difficulty breathing leading to unconsciousness is the most extreme side effect. There were reported cases of it causing new cases of narcolepsy, but there isn''t enough information to suggest whether the vaccine was the cause, or something else. Interestingly, the Japanese government has withdrawn support for Gardasil, based on these side effects and doctors are told to inform patients that it is not recommended to use.
I believe the question was why NOT to get it with NOT in capital letter. It causes very serious side effects in 7-12% of people who are vaccinated (that''s about average of 1-10), as in paralysis or death. That is from CDC data. I know several countries banned it, and texas no longer made it mandatory. I had a classmate die from the vaccine in HS. Saw her on Friday in class, dead Saturday morning. I had a saturday detention, so I heard right after death. At least with cancer, you have time to say goodbye and make amends. Chance of dying from the cancer a lot less likely than that vaccine itself 8.1 / 100,000 (0.0081%) for cervical, and 2.4/100,000 (0.0024%) mortality rate.
A systematic review of HPV vaccine pre- and post-licensure trials found that “the claim that HPV vaccination will result in approximately 70% reduction of cervical cancers is made despite the fact that the clinical trials data have not demonstrated to date that the vaccines have actually prevented a single case of cervical cancer (let alone cervical cancer death), nor that the current overly optimistic surrogate marker-based extrapolations are justified. Likewise, the notion that HPV vaccines have an impressive safety profile is only supported by highly flawed design of safety trials and is contrary to accumulating evidence from vaccine safety surveillance databases and case reports which continue to link HPV vaccination to serious adverse outcomes (including death and permanent disabilities)...” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23016780
Sign up: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/newsletter/
By the time the drive (or trial) was halted, 24,000 girls had been vaccinated, out of which eight had died. A government investigation in 2015 did not establish any link between the deaths and the vaccine. The vaccine, Gardasil, continued to be commercially available.
我儿子打了疫苗,这几年不断的长warts,问了医生, HPV疫苗不防这种普通手脚上的warts。 有些后悔打这个疫苗了。
是的,hpv vaccine 防不了长手脚上的warts, 但是能防hpv 6 and 11, 你自己去查查这两种strains 产生的warts 是长在哪的吧。
我只是好奇,这位层主是不是觉得科技医疗创新都适用于下一代。那50年内的疫苗大家都不要打,留到50年后打吗? 没人打的话,等50年有啥意义啊?
如果自家的没打,对方也没打,两人都不是对方的唯一,过去有过性行为,1-3 partners in the last for both of them respectively,这种 scenario 基本上会感染 hpv 没跑了。
这种婚恋情况在二代ABC身上很普遍的,起码2个以上sex partners during their life time, 这还是算挺保守的生活方式了
但是大部分人都能自己清除病毒,又不是一旦感染就终身携带。只要不是经常casual sex,普通正经男女朋友交往,再加上带套,感染几率不大。
我是这么想的,如果中了,指感染后进阶成LSIL, HSIL,以及再往下发展成癌,这个结果能不能承受,如果不能承受,life or death 那种,那90%甚至95%的清除率就显得不那么高了对不对?
我知道得了宫颈癌也不是马上就 life or death 这种压力,但是癌症对中年人来说还是很沉重的
性行为开始前打这个疫苗最有用,对整个社会人群来说,第一次性行为的开始时间下限确实是 12/13 岁, 药厂发表数据得考虑这个事实,而且必须从整体考虑,它不能说某某族裔总体偏于保守,建议16岁以后开始, 某某族裔开始的早,所以11/12岁。所以统一规定11/12岁体检医生就开始问了