Karine Jean-Pierre: Asian American parents who oppose racial quotas in college admissions are "extreme" and "ultra MAGA" pic.twitter.com/63h6wfwG9f — RNC Research (@RNCResearch)
共和党出来一个女西裔议员候选人,NYT就出来了这个大字报评论: The Rise of the Far-Right Latina https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/06/us/politics/mayra-flores-latina-republicans.html 版上那几个整天“黄右”挂嘴边的ID,是不是从NYT那里接受培训的,手法一致,只要不和自己保持一致,就给贴标签扣帽子。
这个案件是下九个月最高法院关注对象 大家等好消息吧 亚裔是打前锋,背后收益是亚裔加上白人 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-30/harvard-affirmative-action-gay-rights-next-up-at-supreme-court Harvard Affirmative Action, Gay Rights Cases Are Next Up at Supreme Court Justices pick controversial cases to hear in next 9-month term Court’s rulings in abortion, gun cases have divided Americans
Source? Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. 的确是今年会有supreme court decision. 大衣被禁 发表于 2022-07-10 09:28
很多可怕的事情 估计以后医生考试也会取消。大家看医生会根据种族选择 造成黑人医生门庭冷落鞍马稀的局面 RIP to the LSAT? Let’s Kill the Bar Exam, Too The push to do away with the law school admissions exam has merit — and there’s no reason to stop there.
这个案件是下九个月最高法院关注对象 大家等好消息吧 亚裔是打前锋,背后收益是亚裔加上白人 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-30/harvard-affirmative-action-gay-rights-next-up-at-supreme-court Harvard Affirmative Action, Gay Rights Cases Are Next Up at Supreme Court Justices pick controversial cases to hear in next 9-month term Court’s rulings in abortion, gun cases have divided Americans
Karine Jean-Pierre: Asian American parents who oppose racial quotas in college admissions are "extreme" and "ultra MAGA" pic.twitter.com/63h6wfwG9f — RNC Research (@RNCResearch)
单纯的就事论事,去听一下发言本身把,里面根本没有说“asian american”,说的是republican,而且泛泛地把roe,epa这些最近的案子都包括进去了,说这些是exteme。光这个事件本身,明明是这个RNCResearch在标题党。民主党再怎么也不会明着把asian american parents挑出来说事吧。
单纯的就事论事,去听一下发言本身把,里面根本没有说“asian american”,说的是republican,而且泛泛地把roe,epa这些最近的案子都包括进去了,说这些是exteme。光这个事件本身,明明是这个RNCResearch在标题党。民主党再怎么也不会明着把asian american parents挑出来说事吧。
jty 发表于 2022-07-10 10:20
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/07/07/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-3/ 贴个原话。我觉得twitter说的是对的,问话的人exactly是在问upcoming October的 Harvard和UNC的案子,那么她的回答就应该是针对这两个案子的。当然你可以说这个发言人答非所问;either way,she is stupid. Q And two other questions on two other subjects really fast. As you talked about and as we’re still reeling and trying to figure out still what happens after Roe v. Wade in the states, et cetera — after the overturn of Roe v. Wade: In October, a case is supposed to be before the Supreme Court on affirmative action when it comes to education admittance — admittance on race. And there is a thought that it could be overturned with the way this Court has been overturning longstanding action cases. What is the White House’s thought on this? And is there a plan? Are you preparing for this, as many law organizations are preparing amicus briefs, friend of court briefs in favor of keeping these admittance — racial admittance procedures? MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, April, the President has been very clear about these extreme decisions that the Supreme Court has been making — not just on Roe, but EPA and other decisions that have come down most recently. This is another one that you’re talking about, in October. Look, the President has been also clear — is that we have to take action. We — that, you know, Americans have to make sure that they take their voices to the ballot box. That is the way that we are going to be able to — to fight back in a way that’s effective, in a way that’s going to make a difference. We have Republicans who are doing extremes. The President calls them “Ultra-MAGA.” They are a part of the Ultra-MAGA wing who are trying to take away the rights of the American people. That’s what they’re trying to do. And so, we have to do everything that we can. American public has to do everything that they can to make sure that their voices are heard at the ballot box. And that’s what the President is going to continue to speak to, and that’s what the President is asking for people to do.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/07/07/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-3/ 贴个原话。我觉得twitter说的是对的,问话的人exactly是在问upcoming October的 Harvard和UNC的案子,那么她的回答就应该是针对这两个案子的。当然你可以说这个发言人答非所问;either way,she is stupid. Q And two other questions on two other subjects really fast. As you talked about and as we’re still reeling and trying to figure out still what happens after Roe v. Wade in the states, et cetera — after the overturn of Roe v. Wade: In October, a case is supposed to be before the Supreme Court on affirmative action when it comes to education admittance — admittance on race. And there is a thought that it could be overturned with the way this Court has been overturning longstanding action cases. What is the White House’s thought on this? And is there a plan? Are you preparing for this, as many law organizations are preparing amicus briefs, friend of court briefs in favor of keeping these admittance — racial admittance procedures? MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, April, the President has been very clear about these extreme decisions that the Supreme Court has been making — not just on Roe, but EPA and other decisions that have come down most recently. This is another one that you’re talking about, in October. Look, the President has been also clear — is that we have to take action. We — that, you know, Americans have to make sure that they take their voices to the ballot box. That is the way that we are going to be able to — to fight back in a way that’s effective, in a way that’s going to make a difference. We have Republicans who are doing extremes. The President calls them “Ultra-MAGA.” They are a part of the Ultra-MAGA wing who are trying to take away the rights of the American people. That’s what they’re trying to do. And so, we have to do everything that we can. American public has to do everything that they can to make sure that their voices are heard at the ballot box. And that’s what the President is going to continue to speak to, and that’s what the President is asking for people to do. fenghuaren 发表于 2022-07-10 11:23
Aa最大的问题是它的goals本来就是矛盾的。 Affirmative action is defined as a set of procedures designed to; eliminate unlawful discrimination among applicants, remedy the results of such prior discrimination, and prevent such discrimination in the future. Eliminate unlawful discrimination and remedy past discrimination,很多情况下就是矛盾的。比如大学录取。对非裔的remdedy就是基于对于亚白的unlawful discrimination. 我推荐大家去读Thomas sowell a conflict of vision. 总的来说,左派最大的问题是脱离现实的ignore everything has a trade off.
很多可怕的事情 估计以后医生考试也会取消。大家看医生会根据种族选择 造成黑人医生门庭冷落鞍马稀的局面 RIP to the LSAT? Let’s Kill the Bar Exam, Too The push to do away with the law school admissions exam has merit — and there’s no reason to stop there. zerohedgeNY 发表于 2022-07-10 09:36
很多可怕的事情 估计以后医生考试也会取消。大家看医生会根据种族选择 造成黑人医生门庭冷落鞍马稀的局面 RIP to the LSAT? Let’s Kill the Bar Exam, Too The push to do away with the law school admissions exam has merit — and there’s no reason to stop there. zerohedgeNY 发表于 2022-07-10 09:36
你们真的有听她的回答吗?她只是在打太极,说了些套话,根本没说 Asian American parents who oppose racial quotas in college admissions are "extreme" and "ultra MAGA". 别人编一个给你一个title你就信了吗?真好骗。
你们真的有听她的回答吗?她只是在打太极,说了些套话,根本没说 Asian American parents who oppose racial quotas in college admissions are "extreme" and "ultra MAGA". 别人编一个给你一个title你就信了吗?真好骗。 condoquestion 发表于 2022-07-10 14:14
网友纷纷要求公布发言人Karine Jean-Pierre的成绩
🔥 最新回帖
不让加强控枪的是不是老白党们?mass shooting是不是枪打死的人?你真的愿意你的娃在教室里坐着要担心突然有个疯子冲进来拿枪扫?不仅要捏着鼻子选民主党,目标是要选够两院的人,最终把更严格的枪控给通过,把堕胎法案改过来。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
at the end of the day, all the policies rolled out are mid of the road, isnt it? vote blue.
严格意义上讲,这个官司还在打, 但是被拜登政府用行政命令驳会了
中间派都被消灭了,你永远只能在“抢劫低于950美元以下不犯罪” 和“10周之之后不许堕胎”之间选一个 记住是永远
AA对华人是保护?怎么不看看没有AA 的UC Berkeley 什么样?
看不懂 就回去再读一遍
Harvard Affirmative Action, Gay Rights Cases Are Next Up at Supreme Court Justices pick controversial cases to hear in next 9-month term Court’s rulings in abortion, gun cases have divided Americans
Source? Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina. 的确是今年会有supreme court decision.
我选不许堕胎。毕竟你还是可以飞到加拿大去绕过这个法令 被抢是无法控制的事情
拜登的司法部一上台就drop了case, 还要求高院也decline the case
RIP to the LSAT? Let’s Kill the Bar Exam, Too The push to do away with the law school admissions exam has merit — and there’s no reason to stop there.
反正选举时把我们亚裔归到minority 要我们的选票,涉及到真实利益时亚裔又成了MAGA。然后还有很多老中还要紧紧团结在剥夺我们利益的主党周国。
Supreme Court一直都是sffa vs Harvard, 北卡。 你这个是justice department investigation 跟高院一点关系都没有。
指望别的种族为自己争取利益本来就是很幼稚的想法 华人这次争取的是自己的利益。只要做出对华裔有利的判决,就是胜利。
白人并不受益。如果去掉aa白人受益那早就废掉了。 啥tj, 纽约特殊高中,都是白人要aa 好增加白人份额。
Exactly,TJ现在aa受益最大的就是白人。其实所有有色人种minority 都被主党玩得团团转。他关心有色族裔的利益吗?No,他只关注你手里的选票。
但是,你说的没错,白人还是占便宜了,因为取消的不单单是学校的aa, 还有工作中的aa.
我觉得亚裔就算没有工作中无形的aa, 还是沾优势的。因为我们真正大规模移民是90年代后。我们的二代的实力还没有表现出来。从学校做起,是提高亚裔竞争力的良性循环。
单纯的就事论事,去听一下发言本身把,里面根本没有说“asian american”,说的是republican,而且泛泛地把roe,epa这些最近的案子都包括进去了,说这些是exteme。光这个事件本身,明明是这个RNCResearch在标题党。民主党再怎么也不会明着把asian american parents挑出来说事吧。
是的,我也是觉得白宫这么指名道姓的asian american完全不合常理,特意打开看了,才发现是标题党
你说的对。但是,70%的人反对学校aa, 很多人会把自己带入。
我只能说幸好这个是代言人而不是joe 自己说的。否则就和当年希拉里说共和党deplorable 和罗姆尼说50% 不交税 一样打到一大批,让人反感。
愚昧人抱着手,吃自己的肉。你知道高院审理的结果吗?他只不过是把堕胎的权利还给地方和人民,而不是联邦一级,这有错吗?Please remember: Government is the problem, don't trust Government!
都不用说川普好话。就算是对左派提出一些批评,都会跳出一堆精分的孝子孝女,大喊白登完美无缺寿比天齐,你敢说白左爸爸一点不好就要扣你帽子说是黄左川粉。 见过的精神左派,十个里有九个对亚裔恨之入骨,剩下的一个装绿茶。
贴个原话。我觉得twitter说的是对的,问话的人exactly是在问upcoming October的 Harvard和UNC的案子,那么她的回答就应该是针对这两个案子的。当然你可以说这个发言人答非所问;either way,she is stupid.
Q And two other questions on two other subjects really fast. As you talked about and as we’re still reeling and trying to figure out still what happens after Roe v. Wade in the states, et cetera — after the overturn of Roe v. Wade: In October, a case is supposed to be before the Supreme Court on affirmative action when it comes to education admittance — admittance on race. And there is a thought that it could be overturned with the way this Court has been overturning longstanding action cases.
What is the White House’s thought on this? And is there a plan? Are you preparing for this, as many law organizations are preparing amicus briefs, friend of court briefs in favor of keeping these admittance — racial admittance procedures?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, April, the President has been very clear about these extreme decisions that the Supreme Court has been making — not just on Roe, but EPA and other decisions that have come down most recently. This is another one that you’re talking about, in October.
Look, the President has been also clear — is that we have to take action. We — that, you know, Americans have to make sure that they take their voices to the ballot box. That is the way that we are going to be able to — to fight back in a way that’s effective, in a way that’s going to make a difference.
We have Republicans who are doing extremes. The President calls them “Ultra-MAGA.” They are a part of the Ultra-MAGA wing who are trying to take away the rights of the American people. That’s what they’re trying to do.
And so, we have to do everything that we can. American public has to do everything that they can to make sure that their voices are heard at the ballot box. And that’s what the President is going to continue to speak to, and that’s what the President is asking for people to do.
楼主与RNC Research的标题又不是“这个发言人stupid”。
她是不是stupid,与楼主以及RNC Research是不是标题党,没啥关系吧。。。
川皇都滚蛋了 这口锅还在飞
指控高院比指控家属更严重。 说好的三权分立呢?
Sad but true
职场上亚裔也没收到AA 保护
有谁能保证,“高质量的DNA” 的标准是画在自己之下的? 你让马一龙来画, 那我们这里大部份人肯定都不属于高质量。
USMLE已经不准报分数了,只有pass fail。面试时会问的话还是可以问出点有用的信息。有private insurance 可以选医生,Medicaid和版上吃救济的没权选,正好以实际行动身体力行支持左派和AA,挺好的
单纯说 黄皮 白心 这种说法 感觉就很racist
按照这个说法 排列组合一下啊
黄皮 白心 黑皮 白心 黄皮 黑心 白皮 黄心 白皮 白心 白皮 黑心 黑皮 黑心 黄皮 黄心
你知道退休的都必须用Medicare 吗?
眼皮子浅,只看到教育,却没看到还有更重要的就业和职场, 更不用说除了亚裔身份以外,这里大多数人还有女性的身份~~
讨论的不是对话是不是无辜吧?现在的问题是楼主和RNC Research是不是在故意歪曲误导。