A U.S. person, including a citizen, resident, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust and estate, must file an FBAR to report: a financial interest in or signature or other authority over at least one financial account located outside the United States if the aggregate value of those foreign financial accounts exceeded $10,000 at any time during the calendar year reported. 我的理解是,一虽然是绿卡但几年不在是否还有效算resident,不是resident并不需要报;二这一年任何时间都不超过$10000的话不需要报。 Generally, an account at a financial institution located outside the United States is a foreign financial account. Whether the account produced taxable income has no effect on whether the account is a foreign financial account for FBAR purposes. But, you don’t need to report foreign financial accounts that are: Correspondent/Nostro accounts, Owned by a governmental entity, Owned by an international financial institution, Maintained on a U.S. military banking facility, Held in an individual retirement account (IRA) of which you’re an owner or beneficiary, Held in a retirement plan of which you’re a participant or beneficiary, or Part of a trust of which you’re a beneficiary, if a U.S. person (trust, trustee of the trust or agent of the trust) files an FBAR reporting these accounts. 应该是退休金账户也不需要报。
爸妈绿卡这几年大部分时间在国内,退休金很少,没有报税,也没有申请这边福利,最近汇了一笔钱过来存了定期,我才慢慢了解到FBAR,被可能的penalty吓坏了。我看到有个叫offshore streamline program的,可以用那个补报免除penalty,我也可以请个CPA和律师帮忙,但现在我父母不太合作,说大不了以后不来了,哎真不知道怎么办
对 但FBAR和file tax return两回事
没什么好办法 F吧罚的很狠 补报不需要会计师或律师 自己填表就可以 但是也有罚款 好像是百分之五吧
Generally, an account at a financial institution located outside the United States is a foreign financial account. Whether the account produced taxable income has no effect on whether the account is a foreign financial account for FBAR purposes. But, you don’t need to report foreign financial accounts that are: Correspondent/Nostro accounts, Owned by a governmental entity, Owned by an international financial institution, Maintained on a U.S. military banking facility, Held in an individual retirement account (IRA) of which you’re an owner or beneficiary, Held in a retirement plan of which you’re a participant or beneficiary, or Part of a trust of which you’re a beneficiary, if a U.S. person (trust, trustee of the trust or agent of the trust) files an FBAR reporting these accounts.
钱再多, 估计早就老老实实报税了, 毕竟万一被逮着, 都是坐牢的份。