我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
Going to the sun - MT, 2 months in Summer Beartooth - WY, 2 months in Summer Oregon 101 - all year, though it is pretty miserable in the winter 加州一号 - all year Blue ridge parkway - all year, best in fall, best in NC Keywest - FL, all year, though it is pretty hot in the summer Hana highway - Maui, all year Seward highway - AK, summer - same with all the other AK Highway mentioned A1A - FL, all year San Juan (CO) - CO, summer Columbia gorge - oregon, except winter Route 66 - multiple states, all year Utah 12 - spring and fall
Going to the sun - MT, 2 months in Summer Beartooth - WY, 2 months in Summer Oregon 101 - all year, though it is pretty miserable in the winter 加州一号 - all year Blue ridge parkway - all year, best in fall, best in NC Keywest - FL, all year, though it is pretty hot in the summer Hana highway - Maui, all year Seward highway - AK, summer - same with all the other AK Highway mentioned A1A - FL, all year San Juan (CO) - CO, summer Columbia gorge - oregon, except winter Route 66 - multiple states, all year Utah 12 - spring and fall Snowpig 发表于 2022-06-30 08:58
Going to the sun - MT, 2 months in Summer Beartooth - WY, 2 months in Summer Oregon 101 - all year, though it is pretty miserable in the winter 加州一号 - all year Blue ridge parkway - all year, best in fall, best in NC Keywest - FL, all year, though it is pretty hot in the summer Hana highway - Maui, all year Seward highway - AK, summer - same with all the other AK Highway mentioned A1A - FL, all year San Juan (CO) - CO, summer Columbia gorge - oregon, except winter Route 66 - multiple states, all year Utah 12 - spring and fall Snowpig 发表于 2022-06-30 08:58
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
Going to the sun - MT, 2 months in Summer Beartooth - WY, 2 months in Summer Oregon 101 - all year, though it is pretty miserable in the winter 加州一号 - all year Blue ridge parkway - all year, best in fall, best in NC Keywest - FL, all year, though it is pretty hot in the summer Hana highway - Maui, all year Seward highway - AK, summer - same with all the other AK Highway mentioned A1A - FL, all year San Juan (CO) - CO, summer Columbia gorge - oregon, except winter Route 66 - multiple states, all year Utah 12 - spring and fall Snowpig 发表于 2022-06-30 08:58
我也开个贴。一些觉得不错的scenic drive Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
Going to the sun Beartooth Oregon 101 加州一号 Blue ridge parkway Keywest Hana highway Seward highway A1A San Juan (CO) Columbia gorge Route 66
Utah 12号公路这么经典和著名,你都漏了
是,就像D上面说的,去Seward, homer, Valdez, glen highway, skagit 去white pass, 都一等一的。
当年 big bend 开出来的时候,有一段路。笔直笔直的, 连开一小时,方向盘都不打弯的。我都要疯了。
mark mark
请问blue ridge parkway这么长 那段更值得开?
北卡段,精华全在最南边的1/3,linn cove到Cherokee
你直接看all American road road的wiki page就行了,啥信息都有
Beartooth Highway 很险很漂亮,就像开在云中
以Sedona 为中心, 去Jerome, Williams 和oak creek 三个方向各有各的好。
叫天没用,只能叫自己,我在阿拉斯加爆胎两次,都是自己搞定 这是其中一次,在AK-4离Glennallen还有30 miles的地方,过一个修路的地段,爆胎(另一次在Dalton Highway) 当时凌晨2点,我艹,周围随时有灰熊跑出来,但我还是硬着头皮下车摸黑换了备用胎 用备用胎开到Glennallen的加油站,一家四口在车里眯了3个小时,等天亮 天亮之后,我tmd要疯了,看了爆的轮胎,是一个按标准已经要报废的轮胎,请看下图
我打电话给租车公司,就差说F字了 租车公司说,我们救不了你,sorry, 你得开回来Anchorage换车 客服叫我把照片也发给他们经理 我靠着一个备用胎,开了300多miles,从Glennallen回到Anchorage 去到ANC机场,租车公司柜台说,经理已经知道你的case了,她留了一部最好的车给你 我去看,一部全新的,大SUV,算了,人生不如意常八九,不和他们计较了,继续上路玩
总结经验教训,阿拉斯加的公路都很破,夏天到处都修路,修路地段都是碎石头 各位同学以后去阿拉斯加租车 第一,不要贪便宜租小车,最好是大SUV或者皮卡 第二,拿到车后要检查轮胎,确保轮胎质量要好,轮胎不够新的,就要求换车
+1, grandfather(Forrest gump) mountain, little Switzerland, linville viaduct, 太多可停的地方了。
是,雪山到high desert 。路上还有smith rock,Redmond cave,tumalo falls 值得停的地方。
Going to the sun - MT, 2 months in Summer Beartooth - WY, 2 months in Summer Oregon 101 - all year, though it is pretty miserable in the winter 加州一号 - all year Blue ridge parkway - all year, best in fall, best in NC Keywest - FL, all year, though it is pretty hot in the summer Hana highway - Maui, all year Seward highway - AK, summer - same with all the other AK Highway mentioned A1A - FL, all year San Juan (CO) - CO, summer Columbia gorge - oregon, except winter Route 66 - multiple states, all year Utah 12 - spring and fall
tioga pass 一路很漂亮。但是395沿路一般般,好看的好玩的要绕进去才有啊
那个Utah 12有一段在山巅,在云霄的感觉,哈哈哈😄恐高的人会很酸爽啊
这就是西部公园的 标准型呀。
Dolton Highway我家开过,北极圈过后就几乎没有paved 过的路,没有手机信号,没有洗手间,很多地方路上石头还挺多,速度必须低过30迈,要不容易爆胎。沿途开往极地的大卡车比较多,还有修路的工程车,还不算完全的寂寞。我们是6月底开的,荒凉广阔的阿拉斯加荒原上星星点点尽是冰雪退去后留下的水潭,蚊子密密麻麻,车停在路边被风那一面就像盖了一层蚊子做的毯子。娃娃路边尿尿的时候,我们一个人扶着,另一人不停的扇,要不娃娃屁股估计全肿。路的终点是石油公司的基地,我们最后还去看了北冰洋。
Utah的70 真不错, 没想到 州际高速也能有如此风景。 从拱门开回来时, 那个几个小时的大下坡也是很 有趣。
挺 Miami去key west那一段 踩 熊牙公路
同推荐Danali Highway啊!真的是移步换景,一路美景无敌还每过一个山都不一样!
那是interstate 70,不是Utah 70