sidewalk和之外的地方都是允许随便走的,虽然确实是属于你家。因为法律规定这都是公共的easement。就是说你property的前沿部分,应该都属于easement,就连如果没有sidewalk,只是草地,也是允许行人踩的。 Sidewalk Easements Also among the most common types of easements, a sidewalk easement typically allows people access through the front of your property. Even when there is not a physical pavement in place, there still may be an easement in place on the title report.
sidewalk和之外的地方都是允许随便走的,虽然确实是属于你家。因为法律规定这都是公共的easement。就是说你property的前沿部分,应该都属于easement,就连如果没有sidewalk,只是草地,也是允许行人踩的。 Sidewalk Easements Also among the most common types of easements, a sidewalk easement typically allows people access through the front of your property. Even when there is not a physical pavement in place, there still may be an easement in place on the title report. 小气蔻蔻 发表于 2022-06-29 15:15
The government owns a fixed width right-of-way that normally includes the sidewalk as well as the green strip in order to maintain utilities and drainage as well as public access to the sidewalk. Most of the time your property line is behind the walk.
The government owns a fixed width right-of-way that normally includes the sidewalk as well as the green strip in order to maintain utilities and drainage as well as public access to the sidewalk. Most of the time your property line is behind the walk. cintiman 发表于 2022-06-29 16:43
港真我也不太确定这条窄草坪的权限,我知道是由业主maintain自家property正对的sidewalk,而sidewalk原则上又是属于town的。然而这只是一个常识,我没有仔细研究过town code,在缺乏理论支持的前提下我就不争了。 刚好借着这个话题,我搜了一下,在Quora发现了下面的这个解释,我认为回答了权限的问题。总结起来就是,通常政府在审批建筑商permit时,通常会要求deed over从马路或者人行道向外推2~10英尺宽度的路权,以便扩路或者施工,这2~10英尺的宽度属于“公共路权”,即便在property owner的眼里这是他们的土地,但大部分情况下物业边界上的2英尺宽度其实是public ROW,路人经过和遛狗是ok的。当然遛狗还是要注意礼貌,清理狗狗留下的污秽。 Strictly speaking, is it legal for dogs to be walked along the edge of the sidewalk, walking and pooping on private lawns? · So I have worked in the past for a County government in real estate and zoning and had this issue come up a few times in the form of residents complaining about neighbors dogs. The general answer is that no you dont have the right to allow your animals on other peoples property. However, 99 percent of the time a dog being walked on what people THINK is on their property actually isnt. In pretty much every residential neighborhood in the Country your local government, whether its a municipal government, County, or even State, is going to own anywhere between 2′ to 10′ of the your lawn setback from the road or sidewalk. This space is public ROW which the government forces developers to deed over for utility use and future widenings before giving the developer the appropriate permits to build. Almost universally, you as the homeowner are actually required by legal contract (as the successor and assign of the developer) to maintain this strip because of the way developers agreements work across the Country. Basically, you dont own the first 2–10′ of your lawn but are required by legal contract to maintain it. The fact that everyone mows all the way up to the sidewalk or road, and many people even plant gardens there and have mailboxes there leads to the vast majority of people assuming they own their entire front yard when they really do not. Even on privately maintained roads with an HOA, the HOA and utilities will still usually own the first 2- 10′ of your lawn. Back to dogs. Its perfectly legal in the vast majority of jurisdictions in the Country for your dog to pee in public ROW, which includes the strip of public ROW in front of peoples homes (which they almost always assume they own). Therefor, if you keep your dog on the first foot or two of what looks like someones lawn your almost always fine. This of course wont stop rude people from yelling at you. If you let your dog run amok deep into someones front yard obviously thats a different story. One last important note, most jurisdictions do have rules stating you must pick up your dogs #2s. So while your allowed to walk your dog in the ROW in front of peoples house and it can pee there, you are almost always required by zoning code to pick up poop, which is really what most people care about anyway. This is the answer the Lawyers for the County I worked in came up with and was the standard answer we gave out to residents complaining about dog walkers. We told them they really only had a leg to stand on if the dog was truly coming deep into their yard.
🔥 最新回帖
这个牌子是不可以一直放着的, 按规定几天后必须拿掉的
🛋️ 沙发板凳
我还是觉得你事多。 当然你也可以就去竖个牌子说,这是我们家草坪 不准通过!
还可以自制一个牌子,说 “禁止呼吸我家草坪光合作用出来的新鲜空气!”
还没到气坏身体或者要立牌子的地步,反正闲话版不就是讨论琐碎事情的地方吗。我只是听听大家看法,学习一下,然后let it go了。
如果需要你出钱恢复,告诉他们。 如果HOA出钱出力修复草坪,你为什么不爽?
watering it every morning.
Sidewalk Easements Also among the most common types of easements, a sidewalk easement typically allows people access through the front of your property. Even when there is not a physical pavement in place, there still may be an easement in place on the title report.
不一定,有些地方甚至规定Sidewalk到马路边上包括Sidewalk都是City 的Property,看一下自己家的PropertyLine就清楚了
基本上 grass verge 都是属于政府的,不是 privately owned.
哪怕没有人行路, 院子最外也有一定距离的草地是政府随时可以增用的。
另外你家一定不是校车站, 十几个孩子们每年180天在上面走来走去, 跑老跑去的等校车,你岂不是要疯
我们小区有一些路段,没有curb,有时候就会有路人爬车在路边。因为要尽量靠路边爬,经常把谁家的草坪边缘压坏,下雨天更是草滚在泥巴里。 所以很多人,沿curb放大石头,隔一米什么的就放一个。 还有人把石头涂上颜色,艺术一些 还有人是放又高又大的花盆,有半米多宽,半人高。种上需要搭架子的花,花能长到一人高。 这样基本上就没有人爬车很靠他们的家了
这就是公共的地,和sidewalk 一样,只是你要负责清理修剪.
Sidewalk都是public 的,到curb的草地当然是公共的,虽然你要负责除草。
港真我也不太确定这条窄草坪的权限,我知道是由业主maintain自家property正对的sidewalk,而sidewalk原则上又是属于town的。然而这只是一个常识,我没有仔细研究过town code,在缺乏理论支持的前提下我就不争了。
刚好借着这个话题,我搜了一下,在Quora发现了下面的这个解释,我认为回答了权限的问题。总结起来就是,通常政府在审批建筑商permit时,通常会要求deed over从马路或者人行道向外推2~10英尺宽度的路权,以便扩路或者施工,这2~10英尺的宽度属于“公共路权”,即便在property owner的眼里这是他们的土地,但大部分情况下物业边界上的2英尺宽度其实是public ROW,路人经过和遛狗是ok的。当然遛狗还是要注意礼貌,清理狗狗留下的污秽。
Strictly speaking, is it legal for dogs to be walked along the edge of the sidewalk, walking and pooping on private lawns? · So I have worked in the past for a County government in real estate and zoning and had this issue come up a few times in the form of residents complaining about neighbors dogs. The general answer is that no you dont have the right to allow your animals on other peoples property. However, 99 percent of the time a dog being walked on what people THINK is on their property actually isnt. In pretty much every residential neighborhood in the Country your local government, whether its a municipal government, County, or even State, is going to own anywhere between 2′ to 10′ of the your lawn setback from the road or sidewalk. This space is public ROW which the government forces developers to deed over for utility use and future widenings before giving the developer the appropriate permits to build. Almost universally, you as the homeowner are actually required by legal contract (as the successor and assign of the developer) to maintain this strip because of the way developers agreements work across the Country. Basically, you dont own the first 2–10′ of your lawn but are required by legal contract to maintain it. The fact that everyone mows all the way up to the sidewalk or road, and many people even plant gardens there and have mailboxes there leads to the vast majority of people assuming they own their entire front yard when they really do not. Even on privately maintained roads with an HOA, the HOA and utilities will still usually own the first 2- 10′ of your lawn. Back to dogs. Its perfectly legal in the vast majority of jurisdictions in the Country for your dog to pee in public ROW, which includes the strip of public ROW in front of peoples homes (which they almost always assume they own). Therefor, if you keep your dog on the first foot or two of what looks like someones lawn your almost always fine. This of course wont stop rude people from yelling at you. If you let your dog run amok deep into someones front yard obviously thats a different story. One last important note, most jurisdictions do have rules stating you must pick up your dogs #2s. So while your allowed to walk your dog in the ROW in front of peoples house and it can pee there, you are almost always required by zoning code to pick up poop, which is really what most people care about anyway. This is the answer the Lawyers for the County I worked in came up with and was the standard answer we gave out to residents complaining about dog walkers. We told them they really only had a leg to stand on if the dog was truly coming deep into their yard.
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