About 18% renters in America, or around 10 million people, were behind in their rent payments as of the beginning of the month. It is far more than the approximately 7 million homeowners who lost their properties to foreclosure during the subprime mortgage crisis and the ensuing Great Recession. And that happened over a five-year period. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/25/nearly-20percent-of-renters-in-america-are-behind-on-their-payments.html 想要买房的,可以再等等,不要火急火燎地去站岗。大量的违约断供和交不起房租,估计不用等多久就会出现。
It is far more than the approximately 7 million homeowners who lost their properties to foreclosure during the subprime mortgage crisis and the ensuing Great Recession. And that happened over a five-year period. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/25/nearly-20percent-of-renters-in-america-are-behind-on-their-payments.html
Nearly half of all Maine tenants cannot afford rent, new study says
A Harvard University report indicates that Maine's renters are struggling – something that those in the affordable housing arena know all too well.