MAKING A STATEMENT: Harvard alum Pete Hegseth plans to send his diploma back to the university and slams schools with far-left policies, saying they are 'poisoning' children's minds. — Fox News (@FoxNews) June 18, 2022
MAKING A STATEMENT: Harvard alum Pete Hegseth plans to send his diploma back to the university and slams schools with far-left policies, saying they are 'poisoning' children's minds. — Fox News (@FoxNews) June 18, 2022
Swilder 发表于 2022-06-18 12:40
send back有啥用?如果他处于要靠学历找工作的阶段,保证不在简历上写这个学历,同时要求Harvard撤销他的这个MPP(Master of Public Policy)学位,那么可以说,有勇气。 现在他这种基本上算功成名就的人,号称把学位证书送回去,有啥用?
send back有啥用?如果他处于要靠学历找工作的阶段,保证不在简历上写这个学历,同时要求Harvard撤销他的这个MPP(Master of Public Policy)学位,那么可以说,有勇气。 现在他这种基本上算功成名就的人,号称把学位证书送回去,有啥用? VMC 发表于 2022-06-18 13:36
send back有啥用?如果他处于要靠学历找工作的阶段,保证不在简历上写这个学历,同时要求Harvard撤销他的这个MPP(Master of Public Policy)学位,那么可以说,有勇气。 现在他这种基本上算功成名就的人,号称把学位证书送回去,有啥用? VMC 发表于 2022-06-18 13:36
回复 26楼Snowpig的帖子 对大妈来说, 没了房子和401k岂不是天塌了? 藤校毕业去伊拉克, 索马里, 阿富汗服役是不是有很多房子和401k? “Following graduation from Princeton in 2003, Hegseth joined Bear Stearns as an equity capital markets analyst and was also commissioned as a reserve infantry officer into the U.S. Army National Guard.[9] In 2004 his unit was called to Guantánamo Bay, where he served as an infantry platoon leader with the Minnesota National Guard. His unit was under the operational control of the 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment 101st Airborne Division. He was awarded the Army Commendation Medal. Shortly after returning from Cuba, Hegseth volunteered to serve in Baghdad and Samarra, where he held the position of infantry platoon leader and, later in Samarra, as civil–military operations officer. During his time in Iraq, he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, and a second Army Commendation Medal.[10] He returned to active duty in 2012 as a captain. He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul. Hegseth, a major, currently serves in the Individual Ready Reserve. He has been awarded two Bronze Stars for his service overseas.[11]”
按华人网的标准,这不是个妥妥的渣男应该被口水淹死吗,咋成英雄了。 第一个老婆要离婚是因为他有小三,这个小三不知道是不是第二个老婆, 也不知道是单数复数。 第二个老婆要离婚是因为他有新的小三。老婆和他生了三个孩子,同时他和小三又生了一个,小三当时也是有家庭的。 目前他有四个亲生的和三个继子女,一共七个孩子。 他出过一本书叫“In the Arena,” He said, and I quote “The focus on family policy should instead be on strengthening families and creating good citizens by preventing divorce of parents with kids, encouraging large productive families” 极右恐同的,推崇家庭价值的,反堕胎的,more often or not,偏偏是自己最讨厌的那个人。
按华人网的标准,这不是个妥妥的渣男应该被口水淹死吗,咋成英雄了。 第一个老婆要离婚是因为他有小三,这个小三不知道是不是第二个老婆, 也不知道是单数复数。 第二个老婆要离婚是因为他有新的小三。老婆和他生了三个孩子,同时他和小三又生了一个,小三当时也是有家庭的。 目前他有四个亲生的和三个继子女,一共七个孩子。 他出过一本书叫“In the Arena,” He said, and I quote “The focus on family policy should instead be on strengthening families and creating good citizens by preventing divorce of parents with kids, encouraging large productive families” 极右恐同的,推崇家庭价值的,反堕胎的,more often or not,偏偏是自己最讨厌的那个人。
send back有啥用?如果他处于要靠学历找工作的阶段,保证不在简历上写这个学历,同时要求Harvard撤销他的这个MPP(Master of Public Policy)学位,那么可以说,有勇气。
如果他能完全不用这个学历,以后就高中毕业 才值得佩服吧。证书平时又不用
藤校真算不上左,最多就是搞搞lgbtq,blm等。我见过最左的是uc berkley,估计有一半学生脑子都被洗坏了。
脑子有问题 老人中左派多了去了 拜登80了他是右派?
他要恰饭啊,毕业之后去Fox News上班,自己给自己找流量,再让公司报道自己的英勇事迹,赢麻了。
对大妈来说, 没了房子和401k岂不是天塌了?
藤校毕业去伊拉克, 索马里, 阿富汗服役是不是有很多房子和401k?
“Following graduation from Princeton in 2003, Hegseth joined Bear Stearns as an equity capital markets analyst and was also commissioned as a reserve infantry officer into the U.S. Army National Guard.[9] In 2004 his unit was called to Guantánamo Bay, where he served as an infantry platoon leader with the Minnesota National Guard. His unit was under the operational control of the 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment 101st Airborne Division. He was awarded the Army Commendation Medal. Shortly after returning from Cuba, Hegseth volunteered to serve in Baghdad and Samarra, where he held the position of infantry platoon leader and, later in Samarra, as civil–military operations officer. During his time in Iraq, he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, and a second Army Commendation Medal.[10] He returned to active duty in 2012 as a captain. He was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard and acted as a senior counterinsurgency instructor at the Counterinsurgency Training Center in Kabul. Hegseth, a major, currently serves in the Individual Ready Reserve. He has been awarded two Bronze Stars for his service overseas.[11]”
这种把学位证送回去的行为艺术,不痛不痒,完全的PR stunt。 2012竞选党内都没过,这是为再来一次打基础罢了。
第一个老婆要离婚是因为他有小三,这个小三不知道是不是第二个老婆, 也不知道是单数复数。
他出过一本书叫“In the Arena,” He said, and I quote “The focus on family policy should instead be on strengthening families and creating good citizens by preventing divorce of parents with kids, encouraging large productive families”
极右恐同的,推崇家庭价值的,反堕胎的,more often or not,偏偏是自己最讨厌的那个人。
想起我老公以前公司同事有八个同母异父的兄弟姐妹 八个哦!都妈妈和不同男友生的且他妈妈还在政府部门工作还是比较高级的雇员