Are you ready for the big party? There’s coloured paper maché decorating balconies, images with Saint Anthony, basel vases with poems… Wow! The city is even more beautiful!!! Now it’s time to honour our beloved Santo António. Usually in every Portuguese grandma’s house there’s a small Saint Anthony statue on top of the old TV, or if she’s a very religious person, sitting next to an image of Fátima, Jesus, the cross, a picture with the Pope (not the German pope…sorry!), the sacred family… Santo António is the patron saint of Lisbon as he was born by the Sé, and the only dispute we have with the Italians besides who plays better football (we of course!), is that we claim he’s our saint… period. In fact, he travelled to Italy and eventually died in Pádua… Ooops! He’s also a “matchmaker” – hopefully you’ll find someone willing to share (not your entire life I’m afraid. No miracles here!) the night with you and have fun. If you’ve heard about saints’ statues without heads, it’s because someone asked for a favour… but the saint was occupied and didn’t listen to their prayers. Well… Italians do it too. The festival usually includes a huge parade, concerts, cinema, mass weddings, sailing and other sports… and of course: Arraiais. The best definition of arraial is: Popular music playing loud while you’re dancing and grabbing some grilled sardines on top of bread in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other!
Lissabons Stadtfest Santo António: der romantische Antonius-Tag
Das romantischste Ereignis von Lissabon findet immer am 12. Juni statt, wenn sechzehn Brautpaare vor den Altar der Kathedrale Catedral Sé de Lisboa treten.
Festas Lisboa 2022 – Santo Antonio’s Feast
Are you ready for the big party? There’s coloured paper maché decorating balconies, images with Saint Anthony, basel vases with poems… Wow! The city is even more beautiful!!! Now it’s time to honour our beloved Santo António.
Usually in every Portuguese grandma’s house there’s a small Saint Anthony statue on top of the old TV, or if she’s a very religious person, sitting next to an image of Fátima, Jesus, the cross, a picture with the Pope (not the German pope…sorry!), the sacred family… Santo António is the patron saint of Lisbon as he was born by the Sé, and the only dispute we have with the Italians besides who plays better football (we of course!), is that we claim he’s our saint… period. In fact, he travelled to Italy and eventually died in Pádua… Ooops! He’s also a “matchmaker” – hopefully you’ll find someone willing to share (not your entire life I’m afraid. No miracles here!) the night with you and have fun. If you’ve heard about saints’ statues without heads, it’s because someone asked for a favour… but the saint was occupied and didn’t listen to their prayers. Well… Italians do it too.
The festival usually includes a huge parade, concerts, cinema, mass weddings, sailing and other sports… and of course: Arraiais. The best definition of arraial is: Popular music playing loud while you’re dancing and grabbing some grilled sardines on top of bread in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other!
🔥 最新回帖
我喜欢生活方式休闲的城市 ---- 慢悠悠的, 人们比较休闲。
我不喜欢那种生活节奏快速的城市, 比如广州,深圳,纽约,旧金山等等 , 完全的金钱社会, 一个个全是工作狂人, 没有一点点历史文化, 一个个人全是机械和工作狂人。 感觉这种工作狂的城市真是恐怖。
但是感觉 比美国人会享受生活和注意休息
幸福指数不一定正比于钱 基建 航母 和宏大叙事 内心的满足和淡定吧 葡萄牙🇵🇹好地方 就是不知道再过十几年我们退休去的时候还怎么样
🛋️ 沙发板凳
被某国人号称破破烂烂的穷国 葡萄牙,
怎么感觉人们的生活要 比 某些 宇宙第一强国,
旧金山的治安极差, 尤其是奥克兰简直如同南非的治安。 根本没人敢去。
而里斯本的半夜三更, 人山人海, 生活气息极其浓郁呢?
Lissabons Stadtfest Santo António: der romantische Antonius-Tag
Das romantischste Ereignis von Lissabon findet immer am 12. Juni statt, wenn sechzehn Brautpaare vor den Altar der Kathedrale Catedral Sé de Lisboa treten.
里斯本 是 这个世界上 气候最好, 风景最美丽, 最迷人的城市之一。
里斯本 的生活气息极其极其浓郁。
世界上很少有首都 这么接地气, 这么有生活气息。
里斯本 和 中国的 大城市完全不同。
中国的首都北京极其极其不适合正常人类生活, 过个马路 你能累的吐血, 买个东西出门更是累的吐血, 想找个小买铺, 小吃店能把你累到昏死。
里斯本到处都是小超市,小卖铺, 农贸市场就在中央火车站附近, 到处都是小餐厅, 小超市, 下楼就可以吃饭,购物。 大街小巷 到处都是行人。
中国和美国 的城市 是给 变态设计的, 不是给人设计的。 没有汽车, 出门寸步难行, 过个马路,你得过几公里的天桥, 直接累到昏死和吐血。
里斯本是给人设计的城市, 任何地方你步行就行。 吃饭,去个超市不超过 2分钟步行。 下楼就是。
真是感觉 中国和美国 这2个国家 反人类的城市规划 ---- 到处都是汽车, 高速公路, 高架桥, 出门能把人累死和昏死。 不是给人住的城市 。