贫困线上的华人大妈们 会不会千方百计阻挠, 如果自己的小孩的passion 是厨师。这个是LinkedIn上一个Amazon engineer department head的帖子 This is my 16 year old son. When he was young I was convinced he would follow my footsteps into tech. I bought Raspberry Pi’s and robot kits for him to build. I encouraged him to learn coding every chance I had. All my energy trying to make him into something I wanted for him, and he had no interest. Tech just wasn’t his thing. Admittedly, it broke my heart. I’m a nerd and I wanted him to be one too. But now I get it. The dude loves to cook. And he’s crushing it. Winning his schools Master Chef competition, having his French friends rate his Crème Brûlée as the “best ever”, countless killer dishes … and now, this - homemade French Toast with Brioche bread he made from scratch - the best I’ve ever had. I’m so glad he found his passion. And I’m so thankful my attempts to turn him into a software engineer failed. I can’t wait to eat at his restaurant one day - Chez J’s. My learning: expose them to as much as you can and let them find their own passion.
This is my 16 year old son. When he was young I was convinced he would follow my footsteps into tech. I bought Raspberry Pi’s and robot kits for him to build. I encouraged him to learn coding every chance I had. All my energy trying to make him into something I wanted for him, and he had no interest. Tech just wasn’t his thing. Admittedly, it broke my heart. I’m a nerd and I wanted him to be one too.
But now I get it. The dude loves to cook. And he’s crushing it. Winning his schools Master Chef competition, having his French friends rate his Crème Brûlée as the “best ever”, countless killer dishes … and now, this - homemade French Toast with Brioche bread he made from scratch - the best I’ve ever had.
I’m so glad he found his passion. And I’m so thankful my attempts to turn him into a software engineer failed. I can’t wait to eat at his restaurant one day - Chez J’s.
My learning: expose them to as much as you can and let them find their own passion.
现在厨师工资不低。当然好厨师都是自己开店的那更不得了了。 就算不开店老板也是会给红利留住,不然厨师跑了味就变了客人就跑了
对,对小孩的发展还是顺其自然比较好,为小孩的每一点进步而鼓掌,为他/她感到骄傲, 强扭的瓜不甜。
而且和国内一般的看法不太一样, 在这边厨师的社会地位一点也不低,不是国内那种受到贬低的“厨子”。 (连汪小菲家那么有钱,只不过是开餐馆起家的,就每次被称作厨子,认为他家出身差) 不少西餐名厨非常有钱,交往的也是各界名流。
太羡慕了。我家一个是完全对吃的没有兴趣,一个是吃什么都吃的多。我家学中文是从看日本漫画开始的 现在每天问我几个字,画风是这样的,“左边一个爱,右边一个牛是什么字呀”。我一看,是许。
也得看能不能做啊。。 但是我会带着娃做饭的,k的目标是教会娃烤饼干
Hahaa 莫名可爱
他回答,最喜欢和妈妈一起cooking。我妈妈会教我做smoothie,你知道吗,我现在还会做fried egg哦。(非常傲娇自豪)
他让我summer camp给他报一个cooking课。我查了下年龄不达标,明年吧。
我们公司搞活动请了一个有点名气的厨师来cook, 后来我一看账单,好样的,厨师出场费2万刀
是的,我表哥就是exactly这种流程走过来的。跟师傅、去别处做厨师、自己开店、开店失败,然后又换一家当主厨。 一开始跟师傅,挨骂是家常便饭,也很苦,但是好的师傅确实教很多。厨师这行有很高文化的不多,所以师傅基本也都是小时候怎么被自己师傅对待,长大了就怎么对待自己的徒弟。所以,当学徒确实是青春饭。不太可能像转码一样四十了再开始。 指望厨师回家做饭,跟指望码农回家继续给家人写app差不多性质,少数人也许愿意,大部分人基本不可能。