现代摩门教跟你了解的根本不是一回事,你了解的是冰山一角。。。你可以稍微多了解一点: 大家说的摩门教是FLDS,实行一夫多妻,绝大部分摩门教都是LDS,是一夫一妻制。。。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_state_of_polygamy_in_the_Latter_Day_Saint_movement The members of the largest faction, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), do not continue to teach and practice polygamy today. The second-largest Latter Day Saint church, the Community of Christ (formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or RLDS Church), has a history of opposing the LDS Church''s practice of polygamy. Other smaller Latter Day Saint churches were also formed as a means of opposing the LDS Church''s polygamy. The formal shift in doctrine by the LDS Church later in the early-20th century gave rise to the Mormon fundamentalism movement, which has since fragmented into a number of separate churches, the most well-known being the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church). The FLDS Church and other Mormon fundamentalists believe the practice of polygamy should continue and that it was wrongfully abandoned by the LDS Church. Over time, many who rejected the LDS Church''s discontinuation of plural marriage formed small, close-knit communities in areas of the Rocky Mountains. These groups continue to practice what they refer to as "the principle", despite its illegality, and consider polygamy a requirement for entry into the highest heaven. Commonly called Mormon fundamentalists, they may practice as individuals, as families, or within organized denominations.
现代摩门教跟你了解的根本不是一回事,你了解的是冰山一角。。。你可以稍微多了解一点: 大家说的摩门教是FLDS,实行一夫多妻,绝大部分摩门教都是LDS,是一夫一妻制。。。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_state_of_polygamy_in_the_Latter_Day_Saint_movement The members of the largest faction, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), do not continue to teach and practice polygamy today. The second-largest Latter Day Saint church, the Community of Christ (formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or RLDS Church), has a history of opposing the LDS Church''s practice of polygamy. Other smaller Latter Day Saint churches were also formed as a means of opposing the LDS Church''s polygamy. The formal shift in doctrine by the LDS Church later in the early-20th century gave rise to the Mormon fundamentalism movement, which has since fragmented into a number of separate churches, the most well-known being the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church). The FLDS Church and other Mormon fundamentalists believe the practice of polygamy should continue and that it was wrongfully abandoned by the LDS Church. Over time, many who rejected the LDS Church''s discontinuation of plural marriage formed small, close-knit communities in areas of the Rocky Mountains. These groups continue to practice what they refer to as "the principle", despite its illegality, and consider polygamy a requirement for entry into the highest heaven. Commonly called Mormon fundamentalists, they may practice as individuals, as families, or within organized denominations. hijklmn 发表于 2022-06-10 13:48
Google了一下,原来就是那个Warren Jeffs 的故事,很多年前看报导,还记得说他让所有的wife claim as single mother, 每个妻子孩子都能从政府领取一大笔钱,反正政府不承认一夫多妻,这样合理合法的从政府拿钱,所以这个教会头子还非常有钱,看完了确实非常震惊。 那个时候还看了一部电影叫 the nighteenth wife, 其中讲了bringham young 第十九个老婆Eliza Young离婚的故事。
现代摩门教跟你了解的根本不是一回事,你了解的是冰山一角。。。你可以稍微多了解一点: 大家说的摩门教是FLDS,实行一夫多妻,绝大部分摩门教都是LDS,是一夫一妻制。。。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_state_of_polygamy_in_the_Latter_Day_Saint_movement The members of the largest faction, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), do not continue to teach and practice polygamy today. The second-largest Latter Day Saint church, the Community of Christ (formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or RLDS Church), has a history of opposing the LDS Church''s practice of polygamy. Other smaller Latter Day Saint churches were also formed as a means of opposing the LDS Church''s polygamy. The formal shift in doctrine by the LDS Church later in the early-20th century gave rise to the Mormon fundamentalism movement, which has since fragmented into a number of separate churches, the most well-known being the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church). The FLDS Church and other Mormon fundamentalists believe the practice of polygamy should continue and that it was wrongfully abandoned by the LDS Church. Over time, many who rejected the LDS Church''s discontinuation of plural marriage formed small, close-knit communities in areas of the Rocky Mountains. These groups continue to practice what they refer to as "the principle", despite its illegality, and consider polygamy a requirement for entry into the highest heaven. Commonly called Mormon fundamentalists, they may practice as individuals, as families, or within organized denominations. hijklmn 发表于 2022-06-10 13:48
最近hulu上有一部叫under the banner of heaven的剧,andrew garfield主演,说的是一个摩门教家族,有两个魔怔的兄弟为了一夫多妻,残杀自己家族里的媳妇的和儿童的,特别暗黑。就是一帮自私脑残的男人以宗教为幌子来害人 sugeeamimi15 发表于 2022-06-10 17:49
Google了一下,原来就是那个Warren Jeffs 的故事,很多年前看报导,还记得说他让所有的wife claim as single mother, 每个妻子孩子都能从政府领取一大笔钱,反正政府不承认一夫多妻,这样合理合法的从政府拿钱,所以这个教会头子还非常有钱,看完了确实非常震惊。 那个时候还看了一部电影叫 the nighteenth wife, 其中讲了bringham young 第十九个老婆Eliza Young离婚的故事。 informatica 发表于 2022-06-10 18:09
里面说的是FDLS. 原教旨摩门教。一般是这样的,和大部分的穿常服的人不一样
keep sweet, prey and obey Keep sweet 是八十多岁前教主的口头禅。 教主本人六十多个妻子,每天晚上这些妻子排队给他说晚安,其中一个妻子说队特别长,每天晚上等到绝望。
是 crime drama的快节奏,非常引人入胜。 看的时候觉得美国对各种邪教真的包容。
看到第二集一个13,14岁的女孩子嫁给87岁老头成为60多个妻子其中之一那一段的时候让人觉得有点梦回大清后宫。 很难想象是真实发生的。也就是2000年的事情。
还有一个女生也是14岁,才14岁啊,被指婚给了一个大她十几岁的人,但是她已经有了自己喜欢的同龄男生。 结婚后她实在受不了,就趁着周日放手松懈的时候逃出去(她有逃出去的哥哥可以接应)然后又被抓了回去。还是被她喜欢的那个男生奉命抓了回去。 教主骗他们说回去就让青梅竹马的他们俩结婚。当然回去之后就翻脸了。男的被放逐, 女生在后来的十几年中被迫和自己不爱的人生了六个孩子。镜头里面真的满脸沧桑。
keep sweet 啥的
keep sweet, prey and obey Keep sweet 是八十多岁前教主的口头禅。 整个教区6000多人不上学,不和外界接触。2000年之后老教主死了。上来一个更极端的教主。大部分女孩子14岁左右被指派嫁人,生5到8个孩子或者更多。不听话的男孩子被流放。(一夫多妻,男性多出很多)
那些说摩门教是邪教的无知大妈们,稍微长点脑子好吗???你们是忘了Mitt Romney曾经是总统候选人了?他就是摩门教徒。。。要是摩门教是邪教,他能走那么远吗?无知就算了,还把自己的无知当成是正义就让人恶心了!
我对摩门教也了解一丢丢,知道他们的第二任教主Brigham Young 正式结婚的老婆有56位。BYU大学就是以他的名字命名的。
我对魔门教也有一丢丢研究,前两年犹他州立法多妻去罪化,就是变相的多妻合法化。 美国这类邪教很多的,没停过,常常都涉及大量未成年少女。
魔门教名声臭掉, 跟福尔摩斯 关系很大。
现代摩门教跟你了解的根本不是一回事,你了解的是冰山一角。。。你可以稍微多了解一点: 大家说的摩门教是FLDS,实行一夫多妻,绝大部分摩门教都是LDS,是一夫一妻制。。。
The members of the largest faction, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), do not continue to teach and practice polygamy today.
The second-largest Latter Day Saint church, the Community of Christ (formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or RLDS Church), has a history of opposing the LDS Church''s practice of polygamy. Other smaller Latter Day Saint churches were also formed as a means of opposing the LDS Church''s polygamy. The formal shift in doctrine by the LDS Church later in the early-20th century gave rise to the Mormon fundamentalism movement, which has since fragmented into a number of separate churches, the most well-known being the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church). The FLDS Church and other Mormon fundamentalists believe the practice of polygamy should continue and that it was wrongfully abandoned by the LDS Church.
Over time, many who rejected the LDS Church''s discontinuation of plural marriage formed small, close-knit communities in areas of the Rocky Mountains. These groups continue to practice what they refer to as "the principle", despite its illegality, and consider polygamy a requirement for entry into the highest heaven. Commonly called Mormon fundamentalists, they may practice as individuals, as families, or within organized denominations.
那个时候还看了一部电影叫 the nighteenth wife, 其中讲了bringham young 第十九个老婆Eliza Young离婚的故事。
这个是对的,还有前面说有中国信徒说是在中国传教困难的,据我记得他们还蛮奉公守法的,中国私下传教非法,他们就真没有地下教会,另外说到摩门就想起他们的神内衣,他们要穿一种特殊的内衣, 所以女生几乎都是裙子,绝对没办法穿热裤🤣
啊呸 所以别人家的女儿来给你家儿子当生育工具你就没意见?
Brigham Young好像人品还行,虽然老婆多,但其实大多是收留寡妇和她们的孩子。
啊 我还挺喜欢这个乐队
然后 华人大妈开始骂铁链女
在美国 再邪恶的东西有些人都会觉得香甜
特殊内衣这个绝对没有 你说的可能是受洗的时候穿的衣服,摩门教徒会替没有受洗的去世的人受洗,
对了还不能喝咖啡 茶 热水。可乐我不记得能不能喝了。
原教旨伊斯兰搞人肉炸弹。 原教旨基督教禁止堕胎。 原教旨基督教一夫多妻。 原教旨阿米什近亲结婚不避孕不唐筛。
摩门教 大约90% 是LDS 早就reject polygamy了 大约10% 是 the community of Christ 很早可能有Polygamy 但是后面都禁止了 普通人都会有原罪 都会有缺点 每个宗教或多或少都有些糟粕 最重要的是能够自我反省 忏悔罪过 如果不能自我忏悔 连自己是个罪人都不知道 就没法去批评别人了 每个人如果能彻底的静下来 反观自己 就会发现 自己是多么的自私
摩门教现在主流流行的是eternal marriage,就是一辈子只能结一次婚,不许离婚。
这是偏到哪里去了,为喷而喷? 那个层主只是欣赏摩门教的自律。 并不是所有的摩门教徒都生得多的。一对在台湾做网红的摩门教徒,父母都是医生。男方父母住在东部,生了10个;女方父母住犹他,只有三个孩子。 其实说的多生,谁都比不过戴毛帽/黑帽的犹他人,几乎都是10个,12个..LOL
Tick tick boom让我第一次领略到了加菲的演技,石头姐好眼光
一群无知的人,就想站在道德制高点批评自己不懂的人和事,你们才是垃圾。。。这么说吧,如果摩门教是邪教,mitt Romney出来竞选总统的时候,有可能走那么远吗???有点脑子,好吗!!!
我好像知道你说的这一对,看过几期他们的视频,他们汉语说挺好的。 我记得女的来自CO男的来自MD,俩人就住在犹他州
是的。只有抓住underage raping 这点才能拿捏住。因为有证人
难得找到一个喜欢 shameless 的粉丝。我当时看这一段印象也很深刻。 那个小女孩长得真的很漂亮.