BAYONNE — The brothers who drowned Wednesday night may have been swimming in a closed diving pool while lifeguards were paying attention to the main lap pool. The president of the Bayonne Board of Education told NBC 4 New York that the two brothers who drowned Wednesday night were in a smaller diving pool at the Lincoln Community School. Diving pools are much deeper than regular pools. It was not being watched by lifeguards because it was closed, the report said. It is next to the larger pool that was open to residents.
Read More: How did brothers drown in Bayonne, NJ school's indoor pool? |
BAYONNE — The brothers who drowned Wednesday night may have been swimming in a closed diving pool while lifeguards were paying attention to the main lap pool. The president of the Bayonne Board of Education told NBC 4 New York that the two brothers who drowned Wednesday night were in a smaller diving pool at the Lincoln Community School. Diving pools are much deeper than regular pools. It was not being watched by lifeguards because it was closed, the report said. It is next to the larger pool that was open to residents.
Read More: How did brothers drown in Bayonne, NJ school's indoor pool? | danna 发表于 2022-06-10 12:59
BAYONNE — The brothers who drowned Wednesday night may have been swimming in a closed diving pool while lifeguards were paying attention to the main lap pool. The president of the Bayonne Board of Education told NBC 4 New York that the two brothers who drowned Wednesday night were in a smaller diving pool at the Lincoln Community School. Diving pools are much deeper than regular pools. It was not being watched by lifeguards because it was closed, the report said. It is next to the larger pool that was open to residents.
Read More: How did brothers drown in Bayonne, NJ school's indoor pool? | danna 发表于 2022-06-10 12:59
Jack Jiang, a 16-year-old junior at Bayonne High School, and 19-year-old Chu Ming Zheng, a recent graduate, were swimming in the deep end of the pool at the Lincoln Community School when they somehow ended up in distress. 这俩兄弟姓名差很多啊:一个姓江/蒋, 一个姓郑,一个用英文名,一个用中文名。光看名字根本看不出是一家人。
🔥 最新回帖
溺水的人挥舞胳膊的动作非常舒缓,身体在水下的部分像是在慢慢地往上爬一个 never ending 的垂直旋梯,没受过训练的人很难想到眼前的人这样做已经是溺水了,很可能以为他在玩,因为没有任何 panic 的样子
另外不一定非要是头在水面以下才会溺水,有时候如果已经呛了几口,尽管口鼻都在水面上,照样溺水,这时候要观察他的眼睛,是否 glassy, 失焦,毫无“目的”地看着前面,手脚是不是像是在爬梯子,普通人意识不到这也是溺水
Lap pool 和diving pool 是分开的。这是说diving pool关着,只有lap pool有救生员
🛋️ 沙发板凳
我看新闻细节是有一个救生员看到他们in distress就去查看了,去到深水区发现他们头潜到水里没有浮出来,就和其他两个救生员一起下水把两兄弟拉了出来做了CPR,但没能救回来。 这个事故确实很诡异,两兄弟不是小孩子,应该是会游泳才去深水区的,遇险也没有呼救,不知道能不能找到监控看到底遇上了什么状况。
救生员还是有用的,国内好多游泳馆连救生员都没有. 但即使救生员99%的情况都救回来了,遇到那1%也是承受不起的
可能是一个出了问题(心脏?抽筋?),另一个去施救,结果被拽下去了? 这么大的孩子,还是深水区,应该都是会游泳的
太可怕了! 不会是兄弟俩比憋气双双憋死了吧?
说了有miscommunication 借口都找好了
对 溺水特点就是不会大声呼叫,好像很平静
赞你。 救人一命。
Read More: How did brothers drown in Bayonne, NJ school's indoor pool? |
有一年我们家族夏天开 pool party,一大堆小孩子在游泳池里打闹,岸上的大人们也开始打闹起来,小姑被推下了泳池,不深但是她可能panic了,在水里扑腾,也是无声无息的,根本没有人注意到或者没有人想到她其实是在溺水。刚好我老公走过来看到,才把她救了上来。
这个不敢撒谎吧。 如果不是关着的,死了人说是关的,不怕被告死吗。