回复 36楼evian2008的帖子 https://www.canada.ca/en/department-justice/news/2021/12/mandatory-minimum-penalties-to-be-repealed.html The reforms to MMPs would only apply to certain offences, and would not limit the ability of a judge to impose a sentence of imprisonment, particularly where doing so is necessary to protect the safety of the public. To address the overincarceration rate of Indigenous peoples, as well as Black and marginalized Canadians, MMPs for the following offences would be repealed: [REPEALED] Using a firearm or imitation firearm in commission of offence (two separate offences) Paragraphs 85(3)(a) and (b): MMPs of 1 year (first offence) and 3 years (second and subsequent offence) Possession of firearm or weapon knowing its possession is unauthorized (two separate offences) Paragraphs 92(3)(b) and (c): MMP of 1 year (second offence) and 2 years less a day (third and subsequent offence) Possession of prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition Paragraphs 95(2)(i) and (ii): MMPs of 3 years (first offence) and 5 years (second and subsequent offence) Possession of weapon obtained by commission of offence Paragraph 96(2)(a): MMP of 1 year Weapons trafficking (excluding firearms and ammunition) Subsection 99(3): MMP of 1 year Possession for purpose of weapons trafficking (excluding firearms and ammunition) Subsection 100(3): MMP of 1 year Importing or exporting knowing it is unauthorized Subsection 103(2.1): MMP of 1 year Discharging firearm with intent Paragraph 244(2)(b): MMP of 4 years Discharging firearm — recklessness Paragraph 244.2(3)(b): MMP of 4 years Robbery with a firearm Paragraph 344(1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years Extortion with a firearm Paragraph 346(1.1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years Selling, etc., of tobacco products and raw leaf tobacco Subparagraphs 121.1 (4)(a)(i),(ii) and (iii): MMPs of 90 days (second offence), MMP of 180 days (third offence) and MMP of 2 years less a day (fourth and subsequent offence) [MAINTAINED] Consistent with the Government’s related commitment to address the trafficking and smuggling of firearms in Canada and gang-related violence, MMPs would be maintained in the Criminal Code for the following offences:Weapons trafficking Subsection 99(2): MMP of 3 years (first offence) or 5 years (subsequent offences) Possession for the purpose of weapons trafficking Subsection 100(2): MMP of 3 years (first offence) or 5 years (subsequent offences) Making automatic firearm Subsection 102(2): MMP of 1 year Importing or exporting knowing it is unauthorized Subsection 103(2): MMP of 3 years (first offence) or 5 years (subsequent offences) Causing death by criminal negligence, use of firearm Subsection 220(a): MMP of 4 years Manslaughter, use of a firearm Subsection 236(a): MMP of 4 years Attempted murder, use of a firearm Paragraph 239(1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 239(1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Discharging firearm with intent Paragraph 244(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 year (subsequent offences) where firearm is restricted or prohibited or where the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Discharging firearm—recklessness Paragraph 244.2(3)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 year (subsequent offences) where firearm is restricted or prohibited or where the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Sexual assault, use of firearm Paragraph 272(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 272(2)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Aggravated sexual assault, use of a firearm Paragraph 273(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 273(2)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Kidnapping, use of a firearm Paragraph 279(1.1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 279(1.1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Hostage taking, use of a firearm Paragraph 279.1(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 279.1(2)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Robbery with firearm Paragraph 344(1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Extortion with a firearm Paragraph 346(1.1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization
上周,特鲁多提出C-21 法案,全国冻结手枪销售,誓言要减少加拿大国内的手枪数量。
但是,与此同时,特鲁多政府还正在推动通过 C-5 法案,该法案取消了对几起严重枪支犯罪的强制性最低刑期。
坏人从美国走私黑枪, 不是问题
“天真且愚蠢”?天真且愚蠢的人怎么可能爬上台? 他就是坏,大奸大恶且有手段,so far very successful
他最天真且愚蠢的是, 旁边是一个民间有几亿枝枪基本自由买卖的邻居, 边境又及其漫长,还有一堆两不管的印第安保留区, 他有本事禁止走私 ?
他禁止枪枝买卖,只能不让良民武装自卫, 对坏人有个屁用。
同感, 他十分明白自己在干嘛, 目的是什么, 是说他糊涂的人真糊涂。
关键词, toronto sun, columnist,
Police state.
这是要哄抬枪价! 不过加拿大继续作死,有个先例给美国民众看看也好
印第安人从美国走私不少枪支,通过他们领地,然后转卖获利 哈伯时期把走私枪支和持枪抢劫视为一样严重犯罪严厉处理。
现在自由党说不干涉法官具体判案,但是取消强制走私武器就必须是三年。 也就是给印第安人网开一面,他们少量走私武器获利时,不会马上全部抓入监狱关三年,就像给他们卖烟草特权一样,法官自己确定刑期。
跟主席台上的共产党一样, 满嘴为社会主义奋斗,为人民服务, 私下里 男盗女娼 外国护照老婆二奶孩子私生子在美国加拿大澳大利亚新西兰。。。。
太阳报是保守党小报。 反对任何枪支控制,对任何滥杀都反对控枪, 现在突然跳出来谈社会安全,有点贼喊捉贼感觉 保守华人大妈如获至宝。
The reforms to MMPs would only apply to certain offences, and would not limit the ability of a judge to impose a sentence of imprisonment, particularly where doing so is necessary to protect the safety of the public. To address the overincarceration rate of Indigenous peoples, as well as Black and marginalized Canadians, MMPs for the following offences would be repealed:
[REPEALED] Using a firearm or imitation firearm in commission of offence (two separate offences) Paragraphs 85(3)(a) and (b): MMPs of 1 year (first offence) and 3 years (second and subsequent offence) Possession of firearm or weapon knowing its possession is unauthorized (two separate offences) Paragraphs 92(3)(b) and (c): MMP of 1 year (second offence) and 2 years less a day (third and subsequent offence) Possession of prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition Paragraphs 95(2)(i) and (ii): MMPs of 3 years (first offence) and 5 years (second and subsequent offence) Possession of weapon obtained by commission of offence Paragraph 96(2)(a): MMP of 1 year Weapons trafficking (excluding firearms and ammunition) Subsection 99(3): MMP of 1 year Possession for purpose of weapons trafficking (excluding firearms and ammunition) Subsection 100(3): MMP of 1 year Importing or exporting knowing it is unauthorized Subsection 103(2.1): MMP of 1 year Discharging firearm with intent Paragraph 244(2)(b): MMP of 4 years Discharging firearm — recklessness Paragraph 244.2(3)(b): MMP of 4 years Robbery with a firearm Paragraph 344(1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years Extortion with a firearm Paragraph 346(1.1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years Selling, etc., of tobacco products and raw leaf tobacco Subparagraphs 121.1 (4)(a)(i),(ii) and (iii): MMPs of 90 days (second offence), MMP of 180 days (third offence) and MMP of 2 years less a day (fourth and subsequent offence)
[MAINTAINED] Consistent with the Government’s related commitment to address the trafficking and smuggling of firearms in Canada and gang-related violence, MMPs would be maintained in the Criminal Code for the following
offences:Weapons trafficking Subsection 99(2): MMP of 3 years (first offence) or 5 years (subsequent offences) Possession for the purpose of weapons trafficking Subsection 100(2): MMP of 3 years (first offence) or 5 years (subsequent offences) Making automatic firearm Subsection 102(2): MMP of 1 year Importing or exporting knowing it is unauthorized Subsection 103(2): MMP of 3 years (first offence) or 5 years (subsequent offences) Causing death by criminal negligence, use of firearm Subsection 220(a): MMP of 4 years Manslaughter, use of a firearm Subsection 236(a): MMP of 4 years Attempted murder, use of a firearm Paragraph 239(1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 239(1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Discharging firearm with intent Paragraph 244(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 year (subsequent offences) where firearm is restricted or prohibited or where the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Discharging firearm—recklessness Paragraph 244.2(3)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 year (subsequent offences) where firearm is restricted or prohibited or where the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Sexual assault, use of firearm Paragraph 272(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 272(2)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Aggravated sexual assault, use of a firearm Paragraph 273(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 273(2)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Kidnapping, use of a firearm Paragraph 279(1.1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 279(1.1)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Hostage taking, use of a firearm Paragraph 279.1(2)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Paragraph 279.1(2)(a.1): MMP of 4 years in any other case (involving non-restricted firearms) Robbery with firearm Paragraph 344(1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization Extortion with a firearm Paragraph 346(1.1)(a): MMP of 5 years (first offence) and 7 years (subsequent offences) - where firearm is restricted or prohibited or if any firearm is used and the offence is committed in connection with a criminal organization
所以枪击案发生就有人喊选猪党,问题是非法移民他们放进来的,罪犯他们减低保释金放回街道的,黑名贵零元购他们鼓励的,defund police也是他们喊的,选不下手啊
把这些话送你们黄右 外加造谣随口就来
共匪意识形态是右派 显然你这个蠢且坏的黄右对共匪是左是右分不清
这只黄右出了造谣没别的吗 get a life