不紧紧围绕在”党”的中心思想(拥枪),就让你政治生涯结束!!! 也许有些GOP 政客在mass shooting 上是有良知的,只是他们打不过一个政党机器而已。 这挺warning sign 的。(感觉现在美国Major parities behave more and more like the CROWD''S 里说的”烏合之眾”喔。) Source (特別選了fox 的角度) Fox News: GOP Rep. Chris Jacobs announces retirement amid backlash over gun control support. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gop-rep-chris-jacobs-announces-retirement-gun-control?cmpid=prn_newsstand
My 2 cents: Perhaps the very first step would be to ban all existing handguns owned by persons by buying back by local/federal governments. 1. People should be able to replace handgun by other personal protection devices. 2. Cheaper to buy back only one single type of firearms. 3. Easy to measure the justification of impact/effect generated before considering other types of firearms.
也许有些GOP 政客在mass shooting 上是有良知的,只是他们打不过一个政党机器而已。
这挺warning sign 的。(感觉现在美国Major parities behave more and more like the CROWD''S 里说的”烏合之眾”喔。)
Source (特別選了fox 的角度) Fox News: GOP Rep. Chris Jacobs announces retirement amid backlash over gun control support. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gop-rep-chris-jacobs-announces-retirement-gun-control?cmpid=prn_newsstand
美国制定法律要比 加拿大 欧洲国家 难很多很多
欧洲 就是多党制 + 议会
几个党联合 议会占多数。很容易通过法律
美国这种 参议院 的政治设计 在欧美独树一帜
等到几个大的红州翻蓝 就好了
感觉这个问题越来越难达成bipartisan不单单是因为体制问题。而是两党越来越像crowd. 一个政党机器,而不是一个不同个体组成的多样化团体。
Perhaps the very first step would be to ban all existing handguns owned by persons by buying back by local/federal governments.
1. People should be able to replace handgun by other personal protection devices. 2. Cheaper to buy back only one single type of firearms. 3. Easy to measure the justification of impact/effect generated before considering other types of firearms.