不管怎么说不该抹杀苏联在二战时的贡献,包括最后攻陷柏林。死了两千多万人当时苏联人口也不到两亿。普京在五月九号的演讲还提到了盟军的贡献,第一位就是美军。"We know that American veterans who wanted to attend the parade in Moscow were practically barred from doing so. But I want them to know: we are proud of your exploits, your contribution to the common victory." "We honour all the soldiers of the allied armies – the Americans, the British, the French, the participants in the Resistance and the partisans of China – all those who defeated Nazism and militarism."
没有美国,谁也没戏。支援英国的就不说了。看看美国支援了苏联什么:In the final tally, America sent its Russian ally the following military equipment: 400,000 jeeps and trucks 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks And these supplies: More than 1.5 million blankets 15 million pairs of army boots 107,000 tons of cotton 2.7 million tons of petroleum products (to fuel airplanes, trucks, and tanks) 4.5 million tons of food Americans also sent guns, ammunition, explosives, copper, steel, aluminum, medicine, field radios, radar tools, books and other items. The U.S. even transported an entire Ford Company tire factory, which made tires for military vehicles, to the Soviet Union. From 1941 through 1945, the U.S. sent $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in 2016 dollars, in goods and services to the Soviets.
没有美国,谁也没戏。支援英国的就不说了。看看美国支援了苏联什么:In the final tally, America sent its Russian ally the following military equipment: 400,000 jeeps and trucks 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks And these supplies: More than 1.5 million blankets 15 million pairs of army boots 107,000 tons of cotton 2.7 million tons of petroleum products (to fuel airplanes, trucks, and tanks) 4.5 million tons of food Americans also sent guns, ammunition, explosives, copper, steel, aluminum, medicine, field radios, radar tools, books and other items. The U.S. even transported an entire Ford Company tire factory, which made tires for military vehicles, to the Soviet Union. From 1941 through 1945, the U.S. sent $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in 2016 dollars, in goods and services to the Soviets. puma4843 发表于 2022-06-02 15:52
日本人也这样认为的 哈哈哈 流氓强奸美女怪人家女的长得漂亮
英格兰之战最危险的时候, 一半的皇家空军飞机停在北苏格兰, 德国人到不了的机场作预备队, 戈林的力量再强一倍也没用。 皇家海军的绝对治海权就不提了。 所以英格兰哪有被入侵的可能。
英国的后方加拿大, 整个二战主食面粉土豆就没有配给过。 甚至强制兵役也是到了44年才开始执行。 加拿大参战的最前方堡垒哈利法克斯, 连一颗德军子弹都没挨过。 英帝国的潜力没挖到底, 战争就结束了。
德国纳粹再坏,也就作恶十二年。 苏共作恶了七十多年,二战后早就从屠龙者变成恶龙了,本来打倒纳粹国际地位上升了很多,结果就开始关门清算了二战时期支持德国的人,又把东欧搞的全面贫穷,现在俄罗斯还时不时把苏德战争那些老皇历拿出来还想要大家来歌功颂德。 就和中共时不时把国共内战那几年的历史来回说一样
航母出海训练没有带护卫舰, 很是令人不解。 在珍珠港被偷袭的前几天,美国向日本政府递交的赫尔备忘录, 要求日本全部撤出中国和印度支那。既然下了最后通牒, 却没有调高警戒。 珍珠港后美国向日本宣战, 日本回应向美宣战, 同时德国向美宣战后美国回应。罗斯福政府不再为国会的中立法案而苦恼, 军援助源源不断抵达英国港口。