Georgia Tech这个omscs就要啊! We are now accepting applications year-round (no Summer admission). The deadline for submitting ALL application materials including: unofficial transcripts from ALL academic institutions attended (even if you didn''t earn a degree), THREE letters of recommendation, TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable), answers to the OMSCS Supplemental Questions, Statement of Purpose, and any supporting materials (e.g., post-bacc CS-related FINAL GRADED, accredited academic coursework).
Georgia Tech这个omscs就要啊! We are now accepting applications year-round (no Summer admission). The deadline for submitting ALL application materials including: unofficial transcripts from ALL academic institutions attended (even if you didn''t earn a degree), THREE letters of recommendation, TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable), answers to the OMSCS Supplemental Questions, Statement of Purpose, and any supporting materials (e.g., post-bacc CS-related FINAL GRADED, accredited academic coursework).
我查了一下对analytics(应该是data science方向?)或者computer science方向感兴趣。如果真要读了转行的话,大家推荐哪个方向? 我个人比较倾向于读analytics,将来还留在医药行业做数据方面的工作,和我现在的工作比较接近。 家人觉得既然要转行,不如就读更热门的computer science。
谢谢! 刚下了个edx。 我看了下课程,是觉得内容挺好的,不像是混个学位。
我查了下这个方向经常需要相关的degree,不是普遍的science degree就可以啊?
看职业领域,好多DS是物理生物专业出身 我觉得读online master比较适合完全没有相关背景的,有基础可以自学 你找工作的时候肯定也不想找entry level的,所以和现在的工作结合往上靠比较有用
我确实有自学一些DS的东西。 抓着mm问问,那这种准备面试有什么硬性的要求吗
CS, 我没有统计或者数据类的学位, 是完全不相关的工科转行。我如果要读肯定是CS, 路比较宽, 一步到位。但是你已经在数据岗位有经验了, 根据你自己喜欢的来。
我的数据处理经验主要来自于个人兴趣。工作中用到的比较专业的就有专门的statistician来处理。 所以也可以算完全不相关的理科专业背景。
我打算尽快准备材料申请了再说。 请问可以分享一下你申请的经验吗?私信也可以。非常感谢。
没看到要推荐信的, 也许你想读的program特别好吧。
Georgia Tech这个omscs就要啊! We are now accepting applications year-round (no Summer admission). The deadline for submitting ALL application materials including: unofficial transcripts from ALL academic institutions attended (even if you didn''t earn a degree), THREE letters of recommendation, TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable), answers to the OMSCS Supplemental Questions, Statement of Purpose, and any supporting materials (e.g., post-bacc CS-related FINAL GRADED, accredited academic coursework).
UIUC, ASU online cs 不用推荐信
Cs. 申请难度不好说,估计要看你background。
uiuc学费是gatech的三倍,21k vs 7k。。。能上gatech的话还是好些吧。
请问这个program会有很多group project吗?还是主要是自己上课考试?
最近降價了, 把每學期的雜費免了。 每個學期能省150刀左右, 10個學期就是1500刀