The true cost of an Ivy League education

楼主 (北美华人网)
The true cost of an Ivy League education. In 2017, seven Columbia University students had died by suicide by the second semester of the school year. At Harvard, rates of suicide attempts are twice as high as among the general population.Mar 30, 2021
The true cost of an Ivy League education. In 2017, seven Columbia University students had died by suicide by the second semester of the school year. At Harvard, rates of suicide attempts are twice as high as among the general population.Mar 30, 2021
Nilaozi 发表于 2022-05-30 09:56

Shouldn't oranges be compared with oranges, i.e. Ivy League vs non Ivy League schools instead of comparing with general population?
LZ 在IVY 受了啥刺激了? LOL