18岁生日到了就去买的枪,说是非法移民的那怎么买的枪? He killed his grandmother before heading to the school with two military-style rifles he had purchased on his birthday, Gutierrez said. “That was the first thing he did on his 18th birthday,” he said. https://apnews.com/article/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-b4e4648ed0ae454897d540e787d092b2
据foxNews报导这家学校现有措施已经不少,全国大部分学校应该都比不上 Those proponents include four officers, including a chief, a detective and two officers within the school district; partnerships with local law enforcement agencies; security staff that patrols door entrances and parking lots at secondary campuses; case managers and social workers on UCISD campuses; licensed counselors; threat assessment teams; social media threat monitoring; a visitor management security system; canine detection services; motion detectors and alarm systems; perimeter fencing at Robb and other schools; security vestibules and outside buzz-in systems; security cameras; a locked classroom door policy; staff and student training; and a threat reporting system.
据foxNews报导这家学校现有措施已经不少,全国大部分学校应该都比不上 Those proponents include four officers, including a chief, a detective and two officers within the school district; partnerships with local law enforcement agencies; security staff that patrols door entrances and parking lots at secondary campuses; case managers and social workers on UCISD campuses; licensed counselors; threat assessment teams; social media threat monitoring; a visitor management security system; canine detection services; motion detectors and alarm systems; perimeter fencing at Robb and other schools; security vestibules and outside buzz-in systems; security cameras; a locked classroom door policy; staff and student training; and a threat reporting system. chikorita 发表于 2022-05-24 21:41
18岁生日到了就去买的枪,说是非法移民的那怎么买的枪? He killed his grandmother before heading to the school with two military-style rifles he had purchased on his birthday, Gutierrez said. “That was the first thing he did on his 18th birthday,” he said. https://apnews.com/article/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-b4e4648ed0ae454897d540e787d092b2 unsigned 发表于 2022-05-24 21:29
这篇报道里有美国立法机关试图在一定程度上控枪的历史,看看是哪个党在阻挠吧: In the years since Sandy Hook, the gun control debate in Congress has waxed and waned. Efforts by lawmakers to change U.S. gun policies in any significant way have consistently faced roadblocks from Republicans and the influence of outside groups such as the NRA. A year after Sandy Hook, Sens. Joe Manchin a West Virginia Democrat, and Patrick J. Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican, negotiated a bipartisan proposal to expand the nation’s background check system. But as the measure was close to being brought to the Senate floor for a vote, it became clear it would not get enough votes to clear a 60-vote filibuster hurdle. Then-President Barack Obama, who had made gun control central to his administration’s goals after the Newtown shooting, called Congress’ failure to act “a pretty shameful day for Washington.” Last year, the House passed two bills to expand background checks on firearms purchases. One bill would have closed a loophole for private and online sales. The other would have extended the background check review period. Both languished in the 50-50 Senate, where Democrats need at least 10 Republican votes to overcome objections from a filibuster.
这篇报道里有美国立法机关试图在一定程度上控枪的历史,看看是哪个党在阻挠吧: In the years since Sandy Hook, the gun control debate in Congress has waxed and waned. Efforts by lawmakers to change U.S. gun policies in any significant way have consistently faced roadblocks from Republicans and the influence of outside groups such as the NRA. A year after Sandy Hook, Sens. Joe Manchin a West Virginia Democrat, and Patrick J. Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican, negotiated a bipartisan proposal to expand the nation’s background check system. But as the measure was close to being brought to the Senate floor for a vote, it became clear it would not get enough votes to clear a 60-vote filibuster hurdle. Then-President Barack Obama, who had made gun control central to his administration’s goals after the Newtown shooting, called Congress’ failure to act “a pretty shameful day for Washington.” Last year, the House passed two bills to expand background checks on firearms purchases. One bill would have closed a loophole for private and online sales. The other would have extended the background check review period. Both languished in the 50-50 Senate, where Democrats need at least 10 Republican votes to overcome objections from a filibuster. westlake 发表于 2022-05-24 21:49
现在AZ参议员的妻子,当年是众议员 Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Astronaut's Wife, Shot in Arizona https://www.space.com/10576-congresswoman-gabrielle-giffords-astronaut-wife-shot-arizona.html Giffords (D - Ariz.) was holding a constituent meeting at the store when she was shot in the head shortly after 10 a.m. MST (12 p.m. EST). The suspect in the shooting is reportedly in custody, according to a statement issued by the U.S. Capitol Police.
Me too.
He killed his grandmother before heading to the school with two military-style rifles he had purchased on his birthday, Gutierrez said. “That was the first thing he did on his 18th birthday,” he said.
又来宣传拥枪了。你怎么不去号召婴儿配枪呢?是不是都安全了 点赞的那九个,你们都是傻逼
禁枪天方夜谭 且不说违宪本身 执行面 你让谁去挨家挨户搜枪上缴?早被打成马蜂窝了 近期就是增强校园安保是保护小学校园最可行的办法 也是最容易两党选民最大公约数 就是钱的问题而已 多雇保安 其他要能早就做了 不会拖这么久 中期就是部分控制半自动步枪的审核 尤其对持枪人精神状态的评估 这执行起来阻力也相当大
是啊,买枪门槛太低了,网上买枪更方便。买枪background check 更严格,建立全国数据库,不难吧。
案发的是一个3分的小学…… 远离烂区,烂区遇到烂人概率高
何不食肉糜 谁不想去好区,你让你一个十几块一小时薪水的人怎么去
小学生怎么持枪? 这个问题不改宪法,无解 悲剧会一直上演
这是主要看门和窗的结实程度,好难。一般步枪能轰开门锁,门开后就是灾难。 校园封闭也有个不好,进了枪手就很难逃。能逃就逃,尽量逃出事发地。
这是什么P话 生活在你眼里烂区的孩子 就活该死吗 不是人人都有钱可以生活在好区
据foxNews报导这家学校现有措施已经不少,全国大部分学校应该都比不上 Those proponents include four officers, including a chief, a detective and two officers within the school district; partnerships with local law enforcement agencies; security staff that patrols door entrances and parking lots at secondary campuses; case managers and social workers on UCISD campuses; licensed counselors; threat assessment teams; social media threat monitoring; a visitor management security system; canine detection services; motion detectors and alarm systems; perimeter fencing at Robb and other schools; security vestibules and outside buzz-in systems; security cameras; a locked classroom door policy; staff and student training; and a threat reporting system.
没P用的,碰到拿着AR-15的枪手,这些措施都是装模做样,半点用都没有 只要不禁枪,这种悲剧会不断,不断,不断上演!!!
真的假的?听说Meta facebook 把此人帐号下线了,不知道是不是有先兆。
ECONOMY Sandy Hook, Connecticut United States Family Median Income $150,484 $70,850
这篇报道里有美国立法机关试图在一定程度上控枪的历史,看看是哪个党在阻挠吧: In the years since Sandy Hook, the gun control debate in Congress has waxed and waned. Efforts by lawmakers to change U.S. gun policies in any significant way have consistently faced roadblocks from Republicans and the influence of outside groups such as the NRA. A year after Sandy Hook, Sens. Joe Manchin a West Virginia Democrat, and Patrick J. Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican, negotiated a bipartisan proposal to expand the nation’s background check system. But as the measure was close to being brought to the Senate floor for a vote, it became clear it would not get enough votes to clear a 60-vote filibuster hurdle. Then-President Barack Obama, who had made gun control central to his administration’s goals after the Newtown shooting, called Congress’ failure to act “a pretty shameful day for Washington.” Last year, the House passed two bills to expand background checks on firearms purchases. One bill would have closed a loophole for private and online sales. The other would have extended the background check review period. Both languished in the 50-50 Senate, where Democrats need at least 10 Republican votes to overcome objections from a filibuster.
最新报道说就是military-style AR-15
说明公校发生校园枪击案的比例还是比私立高不少, 4-5倍的样子。
看上去 没那么暴力啊
一样,私校也有mass shooting,概率问题.
有3分的私校吗?比较这个就像在比较是底层还是富豪mass shooting比例高,毫无意义
那他这个肯定是非法购买的,禁售军用步枪是Federal law,既然这样禁普通人的合法枪支没有道理吧,坏人想杀人还不是能在黑市买到枪,坏人也不可能听你政府什么禁枪令把自己的枪主动上交吧,普通人被禁了枪不是连自保的机会都没有了?
我看新闻说是BORDER PATROL的一个officer赶到现场,没有等增援就击毙了枪手。自己受伤了,但是还能走出学校。应该受伤不重。
因为枪手生活在底层 可能就路过不了私立学校
现在AZ参议员的妻子,当年是众议员 Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Astronaut's Wife, Shot in Arizona https://www.space.com/10576-congresswoman-gabrielle-giffords-astronaut-wife-shot-arizona.html Giffords (D - Ariz.) was holding a constituent meeting at the store when she was shot in the head shortly after 10 a.m. MST (12 p.m. EST). The suspect in the shooting is reportedly in custody, according to a statement issued by the U.S. Capitol Police.
新闻里说这个小学有很多娃家里是border control officer
目前好像还没有过因为仇富去mass shooting的。
这也能傲娇学区? 都什么人呐?
好区自带防弹光环的吗? 尼玛
所以还是要增强警力 不能defund police. 我不信安保增加到总统级别 或者一半的级别 学校还这么容易被击穿 玻璃都换防弹的 门也是 总统卡迪拉克车那种材料的 每10个小学生平均一个持枪警察巡逻周围环境
gop 是pro birth, pro gun, anti life
Shooter bought the two assault rifles from a FFL on his recent 18th birthday.