
楼主 (北美华人网)
担心自己有点儿缺钙,不想吃钙片,想请问下除了奶制品,吃什么比较好? 那种添加钙的果汁算健康吗?谢谢
添加钙的果汁的added sugar不低啊。晒太阳是补充维生素D,而且对日照的波长和时间都有要求,而且不能抹防晒,也不太划算。
从营养课本上抄一段给你:Dairy products, such as milk and cheese, provide a rich supply of bioavailable calcium and make up nearly half of the calcium in U.S. diets. Yeast breads, rolls, crackers, and other foods made with dairy products are other contributors. Kale, collards, turnip greens, broccoli, almonds, and calcium-fortified fruit juice, soy milk, rice milk, and breakfast cereals supply this mineral. The tiny, soft bones present in canned fish, such as salmon and sardines, provide calcium, too. Tofu, when made by adding calcium carbonate to coagulate the soy protein, also provides calcium. The amount varies from brand to brand, so check Nutrition Facts labels for calcium content. 
When selecting foods as sources of calcium, both the amount of calcium per serving and the bioavailability of the calcium must be considered. Recall that, in some plant foods, such as leafy greens, much of the calcium is bound to oxalic acid and is poorly absorbed. For example, as little as 5% of the 250 mg of calcium in a cup of spinach is bioavailable—about 13 mg. In contrast, a third of the 300 mg of calcium in a cup of milk is absorbable, yielding nearly 100 mg for absorption. Calcium bioavailability is especially important for vegans and non-dairy users to consider.