
楼主 (北美华人网)
马上9年级的女生,自己还不知道自己喜欢什么,也没有什么academic或者文体强项,自己满足于每科得A。我们家长也不知道目标在哪里。大概想的就是UC系列。她自己对CS, ROBOTIC都不感兴趣,说几个朋友都说想学医,那她自己也可以学医方面把。我就想如果她真想学医,那就不用请升学顾问了,反正都是需要大学成绩的,我们也管不到大学了。但是她自己也不决定不知道。我说那就请个升学顾问吧,看看她这个情况到底能干嘛或者指导一下,但是LG对升学顾问非常反感,觉得升学顾问没用,尤其是不爬藤。我说我父母出钱为孙女请,他还是反对。所以,请问,请过的觉得升学顾问有用吗


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这么好的贴 赶紧mark!
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回复 1楼bernard123的帖子
你看看孩子的同学和周围的同龄人 如果大多数都请了升学顾问 大体上你们也会请 不然别人有各种包装 最后上了一个比较好的学校 自己孩子上的学校普通 到时候孩子和家长都会跺脚。 这种peer pressure 在升学的时候 会格外的明显吧。如果不在乎大学排名 就是想读个大学 读个喜欢的专业 根本不需要找这些顾问!


🛋️ 沙发板凳

回复 1楼bernard123的帖子
我们倒是英文没问题,但是没真正在这边读过书,LG直接就是博士后,我申请也进了康奈尔master program, 但是没读完找到工作就quit了
如果这两个问题的回答都是肯定的话,不妨请一个。现在UC越来越难进,如果没有什么课外活动的话,写文书的时候可能会难以找到主题。有的升学顾问是可以在课外活动方面提供帮助的。另外,如果要申请医学院的,最好是避免去大公校,因为竞争太激烈,不太容易拿到好的GPA。去liberal arts college是个不错的选择。
我没请, 但朋友圈里基本都请了,看去年和今年的录取情况, 请没请没大差别,牛娃恒牛, 请不请都爬藤, 一般的娃,请不请结果都是或者省钱去top uc, 或者花钱去东岸私校,女孩录取情况明显好于男孩。有的娃听话, 升学顾问建议的活动基本都参加了, 也有娃难管,只是改改essay而已,最后录取的学校几乎一摸一样, 也是让我大吃一惊, 好像ao能洞穿这些升学顾问的把戏似的。
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
我家邻居请了 最后去了uc 如果不请 估计也是uc
请了也许会起反作用。比如包装出来的简历大同小异,没有特色,招办一看就能看出是升学顾问包装的。或者他们看了你的essay觉得idea不错,拿去给一个别的客户借鉴了一下。总之被别人摸清楚自己的底细和申请材料没啥好处,万一他们的策略是取各家之长,你白白给人提供了子弹。他们推荐的活动,参加人多了,招办一看就能看出来是为了升学而参加的,还不如你自己去发掘小众的活动。 还有比如说,万一他们觉得你孩子简历不行,申不了藤校,劝你别申。你要是听了他们的,可如果偏偏赶上那一年藤校招生策略有变化,就偏好你娃这样的,或者那一年竞争就没那么激烈呢?不试试怎么知道会不会撞大运。我当年从国内申请出国的时候,我们系学长学姐写的出国攻略是绩点至少要达到3.5,没有3.5想都别想。我绩点比3.5差远了,要是信了他们的我现在肯定不在美国了。事实证明我就是撞了大运,拿的offer比那些绩点3.8,3.9的人拿的offer还要好很多。就算你不听他们的自己申藤校,也会被他们打击士气。
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

九年级如果不是非常有目标的小孩,本来就不知道自己以后要干嘛,现在说喜欢医学院,真的有去看医学院要学啥东西,所以有兴趣吗? 小孩不知道要学啥,家长可以自行观察。 而且顾问有能力这么大,可以給小孩指路选那个科系吗? 我是自己做研究了,觉得没必要请顾问。
公用马甲29 发表于 2022-05-14 04:41

Mark mark
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

对没计划的人很有用,我知道一个感觉社区大学水平的人请了指导,去了排名不错的类似普渡 那种级别的学校
你娃没课外活动吗?先花钱去做一些,比如打网球,参加各种summer camp,大学的research program,然后你就知道孩子应该往那些方向发展了。孩子自己也会发展出一些兴趣。 娃的兴趣应该是娃和你们家长应该去发掘的,而不是升学顾问。
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

bye2020 发表于 2022-05-14 08:44

不会连member of a club with no distinctions earned也没有吧?学校里club多得是,一个也不参加吗?再说美国大学多了去了,不能去前五十的学校和去社区大学之间有上百个大学可以选呢。
Mark mark mark mark
不是没参加过,游泳,水球,网球,排球,track and field 都试过了,不喜欢,本身体能也不是那么好,音乐放弃,叫她试试合唱队她不愿意。她喜欢volunteer,暑假在city summer camp做volunteer.这是她唯一喜欢and be pround of herself. Volunteer面试的时候,她说其他人都是15,16岁,她报年龄13岁补了一句我暑假就14了,自己觉得很骄傲。她自己的打算是明年暑假15了她要申请camp leader的工作。我知道serve the community只能是package的一项。而且现在那么多包装出来的community service所以担心她做了很多也没什么recognization.
我娃大学时给顾问公司打工, 就是帮看assay. 顾问公司就是忽悠来客户, 找学生看看吧
关键是LG很反对升学指导甚至我为小孩制定计划项目,理由和前面反对升学指导的一样,不想为孩子规划一切,希望自然而然的让孩子成长,大学后反正也管不住,最好现在就开始,他还总说再怎么也能CSU吧,实在不行community college再转UC,还有这么多不需要大学文凭的好工作(护士,imaging tech之类)。但是我的想法就是和大家一样,觉得有时候和她交流有困难,她不愿意听,升学指导的话也许她会听,毕竟他们接触的孩子多,也许请不请最后结果都一样,但是不请觉得心虚。
不会连member of a club with no distinctions earned也没有吧?学校里club多得是,一个也不参加吗?再说美国大学多了去了,不能去前五十的学校和去社区大学之间有上百个大学可以选呢。
Purplecantina 发表于 2022-05-14 09:23

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

谢谢分享 点赞收藏
国内的都请,以至于把我们local 顾问的价格都哄抬高了。
回复 8楼kitty2的帖子
mark mark
Mark mark
bye2020 发表于 2022-05-14 09:58

我家老大没请升学顾问,上了个UC,顺顺当当。在大学里欢欢喜喜,功课没啥压力。反正他从小到大我觉的他都是轻松的。实习也轻松找到有了工作了。 反倒老二,是个自推娃也不肯跟父母多交流,什么都自己扛。快到申请大学季了,问她要不要升学顾问,她说找个改essay的吧。周边问了一圈,死贵死贵。Essay我们也帮不上,打算给找个改essay的。有没有推荐靠谱改essay的? 本来指望老大给老二把把门,可惜老二也不跟老大交流,无解了。花点钱改essay吧。 私心也希望老二上UC,省钱。
cheekymaomao 发表于 2022-05-14 05:26

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

我没请, 但朋友圈里基本都请了,看去年和今年的录取情况, 请没请没大差别,牛娃恒牛, 请不请都爬藤, 一般的娃,请不请结果都是或者省钱去top uc, 或者花钱去东岸私校,女孩录取情况明显好于男孩。有的娃听话, 升学顾问建议的活动基本都参加了, 也有娃难管,只是改改essay而已,最后录取的学校几乎一摸一样, 也是让我大吃一惊, 好像ao能洞穿这些升学顾问的把戏似的。
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:26

玫瑰的故事 发表于 2022-05-14 08:29

Mark 。看得亚历山大,家里娃也要9年纪了,感觉啥也不知道。
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

Mark !
回复 8楼kitty2的帖子
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

回复 1楼bernard123的帖子
mark. mark.
Mark mark
回复 1楼bernard123的帖子
Mark mark


大部分升学顾问 ,不过是因为焦虑想买个心安而已。

回复 75楼uglyduck的帖子


网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

我只听说过 D1……
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

Thanks for sharing!
回复 8楼kitty2的帖子
如果只是想找出来专业方向,可以问问学校的counselor能不能帮忙做个career direction兴趣评估,基本就是按你的个性来找出可能适合你的职业。美剧friends里面有集Chandler就专门去做了个评估看自己最适合什么工作,就是和那种类似的评估。找出来大致方向后,再去看看工作的typical day和career path,我记得这些都是有专门的机构收集信息然后卖个高校的,我以前在graduate school用学校的database查过这些信息
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35

Mark 升学秘籍!!
uglyduck 发表于 2022-05-14 16:44

不用请。 大部分是骗钱,屁用没有,就是填个表。 要价老贵,4万美金起步。
xxhz0909 发表于 2022-05-14 04:21

顾问就是用这些偏门专业,申请了名校了,然后不说专业,什么哲学,艺术了,除非家里有钱,普通家庭还是算了。 没看到啥改变命运,除了爸妈钱掏空。
顾问就是用这些偏门专业,申请了名校了,然后不说专业,什么哲学,艺术了,除非家里有钱,普通家庭还是算了。 没看到啥改变命运,除了爸妈钱掏空。
glmf 发表于 2022-05-14 18:25

是啊 更重要的是,偏门的,不是自己喜欢的,去了又有什么用处?偏门但是自己喜欢的,也不会等别人帮着发掘出来吧。
网上流传甚广的升学秘籍, 比一般的顾问管用 10: Congrats D1 athlete IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO/IOI/IOAA/IOL gold/silver medals Regeneron STS Top 10; ISEF Top 3 Grand Prize; History Day National Winner Single/First Author in High Impact Factor Journal Special performance/Solo at Carnegie Hall International Competitor in a Sport Boys Nation President RSI (Research Science Institute)
9: Almost a ticket to a prestigious school Regeneron STS Finalist; ISEF Best of Category MOP NSDA Nationals winner Tournament of Champions Winner NCFL Nationals Winner Published in a relatively prestigious journal TASP National Student Poet Jimmy Awards (musical theatre)
8: Amazing accomplishment; Large boost USAMO qualification; AMC 12 Perfect Score; USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/USACO National Finalist Intel ISEF 1st-4th place category; Regeneron STS semifinalist; Davidson 10 Fellow; Presidential Scholar; MIT 14 PRIMES; MITES Concord Review Publication FIRST Dean’s List winner; top 5 at FIRST World Championships Google Code Jam Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) Facebook Hacker Cup Round 2, 3 Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) International Public Policy Forum Top 32 team Writing Portfolio Gold Award; Presidential Scholar of the Arts; Scholastic Art; All National Band or Orchestra performer Boys Nation Participant SIMR Clark Scholars
7: ARML Tiebreaker Round; USAMTS Gold Medal; HMMT top 50 CMU SAMS; NIH Research; Iowa Writer’s Workshop; SUMAC; ROSS; SSP; Simons; PROMYS; Mathcamp; Garcia State governors schools with acceptance rate <15% (PGSS, NJGSS, most other science governor’s schools) USACO Platinum Division ISEF Finalist Top Team, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) History Day National Level Scholastic Art & Writing National Gold Medal. NFL Nationals (speech and debate) “breakers” (elimination rounds), Tournament of Champions (debate) “breakers,” Congressional Award Gold Medalist International Public Policy Forum Top 64 team Foyle Young Poet US Senate Page
6: (6.5) Google Code Jam Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) (6.5) Facebook Hacker Cup Qualifier (Vast majority of Competitors are College students and professionals) USACO Gold Division AMC 10 Perfect Score Less competitive governor’s schools (Acceptance rate between 15% and 25%), any other scholarship summer programs not aforementioned Congressional Award Silver Medalist; NFL Nationals; Tournament of Champions Qualifier Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners; Technology Student Association Nationals FIRST Dean’s List finalist; Top 5 FIRST Super Regionals (FTC) Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver Medal State Science Fair Winner/Top Award (Depends on state) Academic Decathlon State (CA) Honors Top 3 University-run poetry contests (Patricia Grodd Prize, Lewis Center at Princeton Prize, etc) Very selective summer programs (acceptance rate 10-15%: TASS, UC Davis 5 YSP, IOWA SSTP, BU RISE, UCSB 3 RMP, HCSSiM, BOA Student Leaders, HSMC, Rockefeller SSRP, EFL, M&TSI…)
5: Pretty good; will complement an already strong record FBLA Nationals USAPhO/USNCO/USABO/NAO semifinals AIME qualification National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, State History Day top 3 place Top 5 FIRST State Championship (or Regionals for FRC), JETS TEAMS National Finalist, Skills USA Nationals Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI), Nationals Top 3 Honors & California Event Golds Selective summer academic programs (acceptance rate 15-25%: UC COSMOS, UF SSTP, Wharton LBW, MIT 14 Launch…)
4: Fairly difficult USACO Silver Division Science Fair Regional winner Science Bowl national qualification Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin/Spanish/French Exam State awards (all-state music, etc) Academic Decathlon State (AZ/TX/MA/WI) Event Golds National Merit Finalist MUN Gavel AMC 10/12 school winner (depends on your school) Art and Writing Regional Gold award Top 5 FIRST Regional (FTC) Position in Local Government National AP Scholar at Junior Year
3: Some effort involved, but not uncommon Student Body Winning at local/regional science fairs All-County music Eagle Scout Gold Award (with prior Silver and Bronze Awards) Head of a competitive club that you did not found (ex: Mock Trial, Model UN, Science Olympiad) Editor in chief of award-winning school newspaper Head of a club with large membership and substantial activities (Interact Club)
2: Your average go-getter Bank of America Awards Presidential Service Award Volunteering Gold Local awards/trophies Essay Contests Regional History Day
1: Common activities National Honor Society Beta Club School Departmental Awards School Honor Roll Key Club; CSF; Interact Club National Merit Commended Member of a club with no distinctions earned
0: A dime in a dozen; meaningless Who’s Who; National Honor Roll; National Society of High School Scholar
kitty2 发表于 2022-05-14 03:35
