An exciting day in the life of a femcel

楼主 (北美华人网)
An exciting day in the life of a femcel.
Today I drove from Sibiu to the Corvin Castle. When I left my airbnb, it was sunshine to the Nth power. A consequence of living in the PNW of USA for too long, is that your skin cannot take too much sunshine. I lather sunscreen on myself twice over, Elta MD SDF 44 and Peter Thomas Roth 45 SPF twice over. I bring the sunscreen with me in the car, and lather on my face during the drive.. Still my skin gets red all over and peels a little overnight..
But I digress.
I got to Corvin Castle and parked my car. There was a garage across the street from the castle, and they were asking 10 Lei cash only.. I don't have any cash so I drove to a side street and parked there.
Once I got out the car, it just started raining cats and dogs. Thunderstorms! I ran and stopped at the first coffee stop, and bought a latte and trying to wait the rain out... The clouds were dark and the rain mixed with thunders.. The wind whipped the rain and beat on my leg.
I waited for like 30 minutes and the rain stopped for like 3 seconds. You can still see the dark clouds and the distance thunders. So I ran towards the entrance of the castle.
By the time I got to the ticketing booth, it was raining pretty good again. I said to the woman inside the booth, one ticket. And the woman was like, "closed 5 minutes"... I am like closed FOR 5 minutes? or you closed IN 5 minutes...
Then a guy who seem to work there also, but outside the booth, told me just wait for 5 minutes.. because the woman inside the booth has to count the money? refill the money? I forgot exactly what, but something to do with money.
By that time, it was raining cats and dogs again. There's a torture exhibition across from the ticketing booth, so I ran there to wait for the tickets and wait out the rain.
The distance between the ticketing booth and the torture exhibition was only about 5 steps. About 3 steps in, I looked up and saw several people waiting there already.
I got a glimpse of one guy, and thought, "I wouldn't mind fucking him". Chris Rock had a skit, in which he said "woman knows if she wants to fuck you or not on first sight. She shakes your hand, says, hi, I will fuck you"... Something like that...
It kinda applies to me. When I see some guy, if he's my type and I want to fuck him, the thought would pop into my mind. Just like Chris Rock says. But most of time, the thought would not pop into my mind since I have no interest.
At the entrance to the exhibition, it was like this little space, like 25 sq feet about. There were a family of 3 waiting, and 3 workers at the castle. One worker was the guy that I don't mind fucking. I glanced at him, I could feel that he glanced at me as well. The rain was raining even harder, the wind really whipped it up..
I was wearing this boat neck tight black shirt. I am like a 2. But my collar bone is like the one of two nice body features that I have.. So I have like a lot of boat neck clothes.. where my collar bones and shoulders are shown (not full shoulders, half shoulders more like). With my collar bone shown, I change from a 2 to a 2.5...
5 minutes in, the guy I would like to fuck went down, I thought he left to go to his station. But he quickly came up, and trying to put this dark green jacket on me.. At the same time, he was saying, you cold?
I was like, no, no, thank you very much... I didn't take the jacket. I would never stand next to the guy I want to fuck as a 2 when I can have my collar bone in the air and stand next to him as a 2.5!
What man would fuck a 2 when he can fuck a 2.5?
The rain just dragged on.. I've waited now for like an hour for this thunderstorm. I see there's this umbrella on the ground leaned against the wall at the entrance where we were all waiting. At that time, the guy I want to fuck stepped away, so I asked another person if I can borrow the umbrella just to go like 5 steps to buy the ticket. The guy that I asked said the umbrella is from colleague of his, but he handed the umbrella to me anyway. So I took the umbrella and braved the rain to buy the ticket.
As I was finishing buying the ticket, I saw the tip of umbrella was caught in the crack of the booth. I reached out my hand trying to pull the tip out of the crack.. Then a guy suddenly appeared behind me and helped me pull the umbrella out. Yes, it was the guy that I wanted to fuck.
I was gonna return back the exhibition entrance to return the umbrella and wait out the rain a bit more. But the guy that I want to fuck just put his hand on my back and guided me to scan the ticket at the entrance to the castle and then I just ran towards the inside of the castle with the umbrella.. (I had to run because with all the wind, the umbrella was barely keeping the rain out).
During my tour of the castle, I thought about if I should give the guy some money for the use of the umbrella, but I don't have any cash, and my ATM card expired and can't take out any cash from any ATM.. And more importantly, I felt a bit moist thinking about him.
After I finished touring the castle, it kinda stopped raining, it was raining a little. As I was walking on the bridge from the entrance of the castle to the ticketing booth, I see the guy that I want to fuck was waiting there.. I gave him the umbrella, I said "thank you, thank you very much". I squeezed out a slight smile..
All he said was "Bye"...
I am sure if I had a facelift, and lifted my sagging face muscles, he would've said more.. So is the life of a femcel who's a 2...
Ah, you may ask how's the Corvin Castle... Well, you know there's a saying "show me a beautiful woman, I am gonna show you a guy who's tired of fucking her"... At this stage, I am just not wowed by anything anymore... Everything is just a blah, meh.. The castle itself is really nothing to see
Am I reading this right?
Biden and the democracts are sending 40 BILLION dollars to Ukraine????!!!!
what?! Inflation is NOT enough??!!!
Basically now US and Russia are in a war, the war is just taking place in Ukraine.. The food shortage is coming in the second half of the year, no wheat, no fertalizer..
And stupid chinese women here are still in support of democrats!
To be honest, honey, it’s much much better to pay double, triple, quadruple the price for the gas and food than to become the rape victim of Russian invaders. Since you are talking about perspective of women
To be honest, honey, it’s much much better to pay double, triple, quadruple the price for the gas and food than to become the rape victim of Russian invaders. Since you are talking about perspective of women
qgp 发表于 2022-05-10 18:49

maybe you should have cared about raping of women when Ukrain Azov went into Mariupol in 2014...
They are even doing it today...
oh, if you are so confident that people are willing to pay quadruple the gas for ukraine, maybe you should ask for a nationwide vote on this issue?
maybe you should have cared about raping of women when Ukrain Azov went into Mariupol in 2014...
They are even doing it today...
oh, if you are so confident that people are willing to pay quadruple the gas for ukraine, maybe you should ask for a nationwide vote on this issue?
tastybeef2 发表于 2022-05-10 18:58

Honey, it doesn’t matter whether I am confident. You are the one who is trying to change the votes of “stupid Chinese women”. If you think people would prefer Russia invasion than higher gas price, why bother trying to convince them not o vote for democrats lol.
Honey, it doesn’t matter whether I am confident. You are the one who is trying to change the votes of “stupid Chinese women”. If you think people would prefer Russia invasion than higher gas price, why bother trying to convince them not o vote for democrats lol.
qgp 发表于 2022-05-10 19:08

who says I am trying to change the votes of stupid chinese women.. Stupid chinese women get what they vote for.. They vote for democrats in local elections, which gives them democrat DAs, then those DAs never prosecute criminals, and let rapists out early with light to no prison sentence.. They deserve to get robbed and raped.