" 前美国防部员工: 厌中群体迷思 给美带来致命风险"

楼主 (北美华人网)
Q 盖尔认为,美国决策者不太可能花时间坦率地了解事实,尤其是从历史背景的角度深入研究台湾问题。在此过程中,国安机构和国会监督者都接受了一种“厌恶中国的群体思维”。用这种肆无忌惮的做法管控当前的美中关系,可以说充满了致命的风险。
https://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2022/05/06/11541335.html UQ
Perhaps, a possibility to improve mindfully the long-lasting peace, citizen livelihoods, and prosperous economic conditions in the world is:
Only the leaders of a country that has a debt to GDP ratio below (say) 100% (or 90%) in the last year should be allowed to offer publicly their advice externally to other countries.
Maybe, by this way we can hope that our world would become a better world tomorrow!
My 2 cents!
Q Name National Debt to GDP Ratio Population Japan 237.54% 125,584,838 Venezuela 214.45% 29,266,991 China 55.36% 1,448,471,400 https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/countries-by-national-debt UQ