The Beijing Olympics Has Its First Big Covid-19 Challenge: t

楼主 (北美华人网)

The Beijing Olympics Has Its First Big Covid-19 Challenge: the Russian Olympic Committee With the Beijing Olympics barely a week away, one team is on the leading edge of demonstrating the pandemic-related complications that may lie ahead: the Russian Olympic Committee.  Positive Covid-19 tests are mounting among Russian athletes, threatening the participation of stars across figure skating, hockey and sliding sports in a country whose sports programs have barely acknowledged the virus—until now. At least five positive results have been reported as of Wednesday. 。。。
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The Beijing Olympics Has Its First Big Covid-19 Challenge: the Russian Olympic Committee With the Beijing Olympics barely a week away, one team is on the leading edge of demonstrating the pandemic-related complications that may lie ahead: the Russian Olympic Committee.  Positive Covid-19 tests are mounting among Russian athletes, threatening the participation of stars across figure skating, hockey and sliding sports in a country whose sports programs have barely acknowledged the virus—until now. At least five positive results have been reported as of Wednesday. 。。。
