Rapid test 的假阴性问题

楼主 (北美华人网)
看起来假阴性问题严重。这小孩测了六次阴性,PCR 阳性了。 rapid test 对 Omicron 不敏感,只有病毒载量很高的感染者才能测出阳性。 一般人测一次阴性就停止测的话,出门估计已经一半以上人是阳性了。 新冠真是对老年人的精确打击。

They relied on rapid coronavirus tests to gather safely. Some wish they hadn’t.
With her son returning from study in Dublin, MacInnes hoped serial at-home coronavirus tests would catch a coronavirus infection he might bring home. The college junior would take six rapid tests before the holiday, all of which returned negative results. But it would become clear only later — after he had spent time with his grandmother — that he had been infected the whole time. Several days after gathering for Christmas, he got a positive result back from the first available lab-based PCR test he was able to book. The result floored and frightened MacInnes, creating fresh worries about her 80-year-old mother.