thank you so much, 珂珂妈妈, but I have some questions, 1. what is the difference between Nioxin system 1 & 2 & 3 & 4? 2. do I need to buy both the cleanser and Scalp Therapy? could I use my current shampoo? 3. 不老林 can only be bought from 淘宝? 4. how do you feel about Nioxin system and 不老林? which one do you prefer?
Sorry I have to keep an eye on other things, so write in E .
以下是引用joycathy在2007-1-18 18:52:00的发言: thank you so much, 珂珂妈妈, but I have some questions, 1. what is the difference between Nioxin system 1 & 2 & 3 & 4? ----我想system number跟发质有关系,mm上任何一个卖nioxin的网站上都有详细介绍的。 2. do I need to buy both the cleanser and Scalp Therapy? could I use my current shampoo? the cleanser and Scalp Therapy? could I use my current shampoo? ---我觉得只要是温和型的洗发水,应该可以的。 3. 不老林 can only be bought from 淘宝? 不老林 can only be bought from 淘宝? ----我托家人到我们那的大商场和药店都去问了,都没找到,所以我只好在淘宝上买了。 4. how do you feel about Nioxin system and 不老林? which one do you prefer? Nioxin system and 不老林? which one do you prefer? ----我觉得nioxin只是帮助减轻脱发症状,我用了有些用,不过效果不明显。不老林是帮助长新发的,效果对我很好。
Sorry I have to keep an eye on other things, so write in E .
以下是引用beautymm在2007-1-18 21:41:00的发言: I used this product for a while already. normally, I use a regular shampoo, and then Nioxin shampoo, then Nioxin conditioner. after washing my hair, I will apply body shop hair spray (very healthy, good for hair) when I dry them. sometimes , I use body shop hair conditioner for 2 hours before washing the hair. Nioxin is very good since I lost 50-90 pieces of hair a day regularly before. But now my hair imporves a lot. they looks very good also. My male friend asks me how I take care of my hair and he bought the same styling product as I do from body shop and neutrogena. hope it helps. neutrogena的什么用品啊? body shop的spray,就是一种吗?有没有链接?
1. what is the difference between Nioxin system 1 & 2 & 3 & 4?
2. do I need to buy both the cleanser and Scalp Therapy? could I use my current shampoo?
3. 不老林 can only be bought from 淘宝?
4. how do you feel about Nioxin system and 不老林? which one do you prefer?
Sorry I have to keep an eye on other things, so write in E .
3x again.
thank you so much, 珂珂妈妈, but I have some questions,
1. what is the difference between Nioxin system 1 & 2 & 3 & 4? ----我想system number跟发质有关系,mm上任何一个卖nioxin的网站上都有详细介绍的。
2. do I need to buy both the cleanser and Scalp Therapy? could I use my current shampoo? the cleanser and Scalp Therapy? could I use my current shampoo? ---我觉得只要是温和型的洗发水,应该可以的。
3. 不老林 can only be bought from 淘宝? 不老林 can only be bought from 淘宝? ----我托家人到我们那的大商场和药店都去问了,都没找到,所以我只好在淘宝上买了。
4. how do you feel about Nioxin system and 不老林? which one do you prefer? Nioxin system and 不老林? which one do you prefer? ----我觉得nioxin只是帮助减轻脱发症状,我用了有些用,不过效果不明显。不老林是帮助长新发的,效果对我很好。
Sorry I have to keep an eye on other things, so write in E .
3x again.
3x again. ---希望能帮到你
觉得珂珂的头发发质好, 又浓又飘逸, 肯定是来自你的遗传啦,
以后多多奔些珂珂, 和你的漂漂亲子图!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-12 6:24:55编辑过]
I will give a shot, and wish they are working for my hair,
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-18 23:39:45编辑过]
I used this product for a while already. normally, I use a regular shampoo, and then Nioxin shampoo, then Nioxin conditioner. after washing my hair, I will apply body shop hair spray (very healthy, good for hair) when I dry them. sometimes , I use body shop hair conditioner for 2 hours before washing the hair. Nioxin is very good since I lost 50-90 pieces of hair a day regularly before. But now my hair imporves a lot. they looks very good also. My male friend asks me how I take care of my hair and he bought the same styling product as I do from body shop and neutrogena. hope it helps. neutrogena的什么用品啊? body shop的spray,就是一种吗?有没有链接?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/20 3:04:07编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-12 6:24:16编辑过]
OK.从头说吧. Nioxon对掉发很有用.但是如果你烫过头发的话,他有一款专门给烫发的用的.(但是我推荐我的朋友用,他过去烫过头发,所以发质不好.结果买了专门给烫发的那一款,效果一点都不好,头发更糟糕了,所以我个人觉得如果你只是过去烫的头发,就用REGULAR的这一款就可以拉).我刚说的那几个产品可以让那中干干发质很差的头发变的SHINE, 看起来虽然没有广告里的好,但是差不了多远.尤其是刚洗完头的两天内,很漂亮. 所以我不得以,就两天洗一次头发..... 说到头,NIOXON是保护头发 其他是当然就是臭美了 啊,这样子。我现在是黄脸婆一个,没有烫头发,也没有染发,就是这几天开始,脱发得厉害。我去nioxin网站,assess了一下,好像需要system 2的产品,属于fine, natural, noticeably thinning hair.