找过敏源 我的宝宝是全formular喂养,换过soy based,湿疹更严重。试过给过敏孩子吃的hydraXXX(名字记不全了,就是巨贵的那种),也不见有改善,所以最终还是回到了enfamil milk-based. 在添副食的时候,我比较slow, 一样一样试。目前只是发现对豆类过敏。 如果是母乳,母亲吃的食物也可以让宝宝过敏,比如海鲜,鸡蛋。所以母亲也需要一样一样试,每种食物持续4,5天,看看宝宝的反应。 过敏专科可以做过敏源测试,我自己做过,说实话那个过程很痛苦,我实在不忍心让宝宝受罪。而且听说一岁以下的孩子测试的结果也不是很准,我们就没做。长大些再说。 一般来说,孩子的湿疹到了2,3岁就算不能痊愈,也会好很多很多。我的宝宝快一岁,也许是我们找到了方法,也许根本就是孩子自己grow out of it. 所以妈妈不要灰心,前途是光明的。 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-18 13:51:56编辑过]
My son is 3 year old now, 3 years' of eczema. Last night, he scratched for 2 hours (2am~4am) because of itching. Strangely, the only person who has allergy problem in both extended family is my son's great grandfather. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-18 11:58:34编辑过]
September MM, I also thought it's not so good to bath the baby frequently, given her conditions. But the pediatric dermatoligist told us yesterday that we have to give her a bath each day, and put cream on her from head to toe. I forgot to ask her why....
以下是引用冰糖葫芦在2007-1-18 11:58:00的发言: My son is 3 year old now, 3 years' of eczema. Last night, he scratched for 2 hours (2am~4am) because of itching. Strangely, the only person who has allergy problem in both extended family is my son's great grandfather. 三年啊,真是可怜.只有湿疹宝宝的父母才知道这种痛苦了.你儿子是有什么过敏吗?
以下是引用huan45在2007-1-18 14:45:00的发言: same here 我好像扎了50针。 我好像扎了70针,我当时的感觉就跟坐老虎凳一样。 而且如果是食物过敏还好办,不吃就是了。可如果是尘螨,花粉,草籽过敏,我们总不能生活在真空里吧。 过敏我觉得到底还是体质的原因。我同事的孩子从小湿疹,后来又哮喘,她爸让她踢足球,现在小学快毕业了,结实得不得了,哮喘说是也很少发了。
以下是引用september在2007-1-18 11:30:00的发言: 先说用药。 如果孩子在发病期,比如已经破水或是连成一片了,一定要用药,因为这个时候所有的lotion都不管用的。而且因为痒,宝宝会很难受,很fussy. 破水了也容易引起感染。 用药要坚持用到皮肤完全光滑为止,不然两天后湿疹又卷土重来。而且以后对药的抗拒性越强,用药的强度越来越高,反而不好。 妈妈也许会担心激素的副作用,但短时间的使用是不会有影响的。而且皮肤吸收的少,比起口服药危害小的多了。据这里的一位妈妈(littleme)告诉我,她曾经有过很频繁的用药,如今孩子6岁了,皮肤确实有色素沉淀及皮肤变薄,其他智力和身体发育正常。 我脸上用的是不含激素的药elidel(处方). 身上不厉害时用的是On counter的 Aveeno 1% Hydracortison,实在厉害了用处方1%的furoate mometasone(处方).用了7, 8个月了,庆幸 还有效果。 littleme还给推荐过freedermHC, 说很有效。amazon 有卖。我没用过。 其他姐妹推荐过国内首都儿科研究所出的肤乐霜湿疹膏,如果买得到也可试一试。 >我脸上用的是不含激素的药elidel(处方). It is found that Elidel can cause skin cancer. My son used it too. When I asked the doctor to prescribe more, he said "you're using Elidel?!! It is now NOT allowed to be used for children under 2 years' of age." Faint! He forgot that it was him who gave us Elidel the first place.
以下是引用冰糖葫芦在2007-1-19 10:07:00的发言: >我脸上用的是不含激素的药elidel(处方). It is found that Elidel can cause skin cancer. My son used it too. When I asked the doctor to prescribe more, he said "you're using Elidel?!! It is now NOT allowed to be used for children under 2 years' of age." Faint! He forgot that it was him who gave us Elidel the first place. Holly cow! Our PD gave my daughter Elidel I will stop using it immediately!
以下是引用xil在2007-1-18 12:54:00的发言: 三年啊,真是可怜.只有湿疹宝宝的父母才知道这种痛苦了.你儿子是有什么过敏吗? When he was 8 months old, he was allergy to egg white. Now he seems to be allergy to honey. He is "allergy" to heat and dry air, and maybe his own sweat. Nothing else. Bathing is really tricky, especially for very active children. My son's doctor recommends 1 bath per week in winter, and 2 per week in summer. However, my son runs and jumps a lot during a day. He will feel quite inching if I don't bath him for 3 days in winter. It is even worse in summer. He got hives twice in daycare, after playing outside under the sun. That was a scary scene even for the daycare teachers. All of sudden my son was crying and rolling on the ground, with big watery bubbles growing rapidly under his skin. The "good thing" is that the hive goes away pretty quickly, too. His doctor can see nothing when we arrive to his office.
以下是引用nessie在2007-1-18 13:18:00的发言: 呵呵,给mm补充一下,俺们医生说不要用lotion,要用cream,lotion保湿效果不行 baby oil里面经常含有香料,我们儿子当初用了之后红肿了一大片。用的时候要小心。不放心得话可以去cvs买VE油用 Cream or lotion? it depends. Cream seems to be too "thick" for my son. Every time he will scratch if I apply cream.
以下是引用nessie在2007-1-18 13:34:00的发言: 我觉得最关键的是控制过敏源,不确定孩子有没有湿疹的时候,最好不要给孩子断母乳。 还有一个事情很奇怪,俺们儿子11个月回国3周,21个月回国3周,每次回去湿疹都好很多,回来之后即使有,也比以前情况要好一点。今年暑假回来之后基本上就干净了。 My son was breast-fed for a year, during which I was eating only vegetables and rice. However, he still has eczema. His "defense system" is tooooo sensitive.
以下是引用newmom在2007-1-19 10:14:00的发言: Holly cow! Our PD gave my daughter Elidel I will stop using it immediately! I heard the whole story is that, when your baby is using Elidel, her skin has little defense over sun shine. Therefore, if you don't pretect her skin very carefully, that part of skin is more likely to develop skin cancer.
以下是引用冰糖葫芦在2007-1-19 10:31:00的发言: I heard the whole story is that, when your baby is using Elidel, her skin has little defense over sun shine. Therefore, if you don't pretect her skin very carefully, that part of skin is more likely to develop skin cancer. Nice to know that. Thanks very much!
以下是引用冰糖葫芦在2007-1-19 10:29:00的发言: My son was breast-fed for a year, during which I was eating only vegetables and rice. However, he still has eczema. His "defense system" is tooooo sensitive. 我认识个朋友也是这样的,她一度只能吃土豆和蔬菜,酱油都不行。人都瘦得皮包骨头的,很可怜。。儿子倒是很胖。 不过朋友都告诉我breastfeeding比起formular还是要好很多,至少妈妈可以控制,formular的话如果那种水解的都不行的话,真的就没办法了。我们儿子当时就是这个尴尬处境。
以下是引用冰糖葫芦在2007-1-19 10:22:00的发言: When he was 8 months old, he was allergy to egg white. Now he seems to be allergy to honey. He is "allergy" to heat and dry air, and maybe his own sweat. Nothing else. Bathing is really tricky, especially for very active children. My son's doctor recommends 1 bath per week in winter, and 2 per week in summer. However, my son runs and jumps a lot during a day. He will feel quite inching if I don't bath him for 3 days in winter. It is even worse in summer. He got hives twice in daycare, after playing outside under the sun. That was a scary scene even for the daycare teachers. All of sudden my son was crying and rolling on the ground, with big watery bubbles growing rapidly under his skin. The "good thing" is that the hive goes away pretty quickly, too. His doctor can see nothing when we arrive to his office. comfort。。。 我儿子在direct sunshine下也会长hives,很奇怪。没用elidel的时候也一样。
以下是引用冰糖葫芦在2007-1-19 10:22:00的发言: When he was 8 months old, he was allergy to egg white. Now he seems to be allergy to honey. He is "allergy" to heat and dry air, and maybe his own sweat. Nothing else. Bathing is really tricky, especially for very active children. My son's doctor recommends 1 bath per week in winter, and 2 per week in summer. However, my son runs and jumps a lot during a day. He will feel quite inching if I don't bath him for 3 days in winter. It is even worse in summer. He got hives twice in daycare, after playing outside under the sun. That was a scary scene even for the daycare teachers. All of sudden my son was crying and rolling on the ground, with big watery bubbles growing rapidly under his skin. The "good thing" is that the hive goes away pretty quickly, too. His doctor can see nothing when we arrive to his office. comfort, hug hug your son and you! I understand how hard it is... 看来你的宝宝真的是体质和免疫的问题。我自己的过敏医生给我推荐过过敏针,需要打一年,最长5年。我至少有两个朋友(大人)都说效果很好。你要不问问医生可不可以给孩子用? 确实如你所说,dry and heat air是最糟糕的。皮肤汗腺不通,长痱子,比eczema更痒。cool and moisture air helps a lot. 这也是我们最近摸索出来的。
以下是引用september在2007-1-19 11:52:00的发言: comfort, hug hug your son and you! I understand how hard it is... 看来你的宝宝真的是体质和免疫的问题。我自己的过敏医生给我推荐过过敏针,需要打一年,最长5年。我至少有两个朋友(大人)都说效果很好。你要不问问医生可不可以给孩子用? 确实如你所说,dry and heat air是最糟糕的。皮肤汗腺不通,长痱子,比eczema更痒。cool and moisture air helps a lot. 这也是我们最近摸索出来的。 >过敏针,需要打一年,最长5年。 Sounds quite tough. My son had hives for 3 times only, not any more. I guess he has grown out of the hives? >cool and moisture air helps a lot. 这也是我们最近摸索出来的。 Absolutely! So far, I have tried all 3 types of humilifier: hot, cool fan, cool ultrasonic. Hot one is the worst. Currently, we're using ultrasonic + distill water.
Just a thought, would it be a good idea to do allergy blood test to figure out the source? Is it something the doctors suggest or do we have to ask for it?
以下是引用newmom在2007-1-20 18:39:00的发言: Just a thought, would it be a good idea to do allergy blood test to figure out the source? Is it something the doctors suggest or do we have to ask for it? You can ask for it. The thing is, if your child has it done 6 month of age, it will change when he is 1 year old. E.g my son is allergy to egg white when he is 8 month old. He is no longer allergy to it now.
My son is 7 years. He start eczema when he was only 2 weeks old. The eczema started fade out when he was around 5 and half. Now it is almost gone, but sometimes, still have some on his arm and legs. Only needs over counter's HYDROCORTOSONE now. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-31 12:42:06编辑过]
以下是引用yoy_158在2007-1-31 12:40:00的发言: My son is 7 years. He start eczema when he was only 2 weeks old. The eczema started fade out when he was around 5 and half. Now it is almost gone, but sometimes, still have some on his arm and legs. Only needs over counter's HYDROCORTOSONE now. My son is 3 yr. Still has a few eczema on his face especially around his mouth and his eyes. I found sometime strong wind can worse that. We use HYDROCORTOSONE CREAm USP2.5% for his face and HYDROCORTOSONE VALERATE CREAM USP 0.2% on his body. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-5 18:09:04编辑过]
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My son is 3 year old now, 3 years' of eczema. Last night, he scratched for 2 hours (2am~4am) because of itching.
多谢SEPTEMBER MM!如果不是看到你这个帖子,我都不知道短信的事呢。谢谢这么多建议和经验,都收藏了,我会好好学习。等你的更新。知道自己不孤单,心里好受多了。华人的JM门真好。 问问SEPTEMBER MM, ECZEMA就是湿疹吗?DERMATITIS是皮炎吗?LG皮肤不好,他父亲也是。非常肯定是他那边的GEN
强烈同意MM说的用药的问题。湿疹发起来的时候就是一定要用药,要把它控制住才行。我们原来那个医生总不主张用药,说用lotion就好,可宝宝当时受了好多罪,而且做父母的也非常辛苦。好在宝宝送回国两个月,奶奶带她到国内的儿童医院看病,医生开了药,奶奶没有我们那么多顾忌,就狠劲涂药,宝宝的湿疹在国内就这么好了。两个月后回到美国,又有开始犯的趋势,我们一发现湿疹冒头,就给她擦药,打压下去注意保湿,也就没再犯那么狠了。 另外要注意加了副食后过敏的问题,我嫁女儿都两岁了,还不能吃鸡蛋和麦片。 elidel不能用了,已经被FDA标了黑标了. why?
再说保湿。 湿疹最重要的就是不能热,注意衣服的透气和皮肤的保湿。 宝宝不能捂着。只要后脖颈,手脚是热乎乎的就说明宝宝不冷。胳膊腿凉的没关系。衣服用全棉的。我的matress pad也是全棉的 lotion很多,对每个孩子的效果也不一样。我用了aquaphor, eurecin, cetaphil, 凡士林等等不下十种。最终觉得burts bee对我家宝宝最管用。每次孩子poopoo之后就全身抹一遍。一天至少4,5遍。 还有一个小tip. 五个月带宝宝看医生,医生说湿疹是craddle cap引起的,先让治好了头皮再看,建议每次用刷子刷,洗完头之后头上抹baby oil.我家宝宝那时候确实也是经常长craddle cap, 全部刷掉以后,过一阵又长。那次听了医生的,我每次洗头的时候给他用general nature的craddle cap treatment刷,头两次刷完后用baby oil, 还是长。后来就不用baby oil了,改用cetaphil。用了两三天,居然以后就再也不长了。但湿疹还是没好。 如果天不热,孩子出汗不多,两天洗一次澡就可以了。洗的水温不用太热,跟你的手腕内温度一样就行。洗的时间不超过10分钟。洗完之后,立即抹lotion. 宝宝房间用加湿器。冬天我们这里已经算潮湿的了,我们还是每天晚上都开,宝宝房间里都有微微的水汽。(可怜我家的地板都要给毁了。) 这样坚持下来,从原来几乎三五天就要擦药到现在三星期左右才用用,而且一用就好。
呵呵,给mm补充一下,俺们医生说不要用lotion,要用cream,lotion保湿效果不行 baby oil里面经常含有香料,我们儿子当初用了之后红肿了一大片。用的时候要小心。不放心得话可以去cvs买VE油用
我给宝宝用苗岭洁肤霜, 基本上一擦就好, 不容易复发。 这个药号称纯中药的,不过也有不少人说,如果没有激素不可能效果这么好。不过反正用药量这么小, 有激素也没关系。 现在宝宝大点了, 湿疹也不发了。 说句挨砸的话,我是有点不敢用中药膏的。我看到一个英国的报告,他们化验了10种中药治湿疹的,都号称不含激素的,可化验结果8,9种不但有激素,而且含量还很高。
找过敏源 我的宝宝是全formular喂养,换过soy based,湿疹更严重。试过给过敏孩子吃的hydraXXX(名字记不全了,就是巨贵的那种),也不见有改善,所以最终还是回到了enfamil milk-based. 在添副食的时候,我比较slow, 一样一样试。目前只是发现对豆类过敏。 如果是母乳,母亲吃的食物也可以让宝宝过敏,不如海鲜,鸡蛋。所以母亲也需要一样一样试,每种食物持续4,5天,看看宝宝的反应。 过敏专科可以做过敏源测试,我自己做过,说实话那个过程很痛苦,我实在不忍心让宝宝受罪。而且听说一岁以下的孩子测试的结果也不是很准,我们就没做。长大些再说。 一般来说,孩子的湿疹到了2,3岁就算不能痊愈,也会好很多很多。我的宝宝快一岁,也许是我们找到了方法,也许根本就是孩子自己grow out of it. 所以妈妈不要灰心,前途是光明的。
找过敏源 我的宝宝是全formular喂养,换过soy based,湿疹更严重。试过给过敏孩子吃的hydraXXX(名字记不全了,就是巨贵的那种),也不见有改善,所以最终还是回到了enfamil milk-based. 在添副食的时候,我比较slow, 一样一样试。目前只是发现对豆类过敏。 如果是母乳,母亲吃的食物也可以让宝宝过敏,不如海鲜,鸡蛋。所以母亲也需要一样一样试,每种食物持续4,5天,看看宝宝的反应。 过敏专科可以做过敏源测试,我自己做过,说实话那个过程很痛苦,我实在不忍心让宝宝受罪。而且听说一岁以下的孩子测试的结果也不是很准,我们就没做。长大些再说。 一般来说,孩子的湿疹到了2,3岁就算不能痊愈,也会好很多很多。我的宝宝快一岁,也许是我们找到了方法,也许根本就是孩子自己grow out of it. 所以妈妈不要灰心,前途是光明的。
呵呵,给mm补充一下,俺们医生说不要用lotion,要用cream,lotion保湿效果不行 baby oil里面经常含有香料,我们儿子当初用了之后红肿了一大片。用的时候要小心。不放心得话可以去cvs买VE油用 这就是我说的究竟用什么保湿,要摸索。我家不但用过cream, 凡士林都用了,不管用,最后这个burts bee就是lotion, 结果很好。每人皮肤的吸收不一样。
我们儿子做的过敏源测试很简单,不怎么痛苦啊。 是在后背扎吗,还是挺疼的。
强烈同意MM说的用药的问题。湿疹发起来的时候就是一定要用药,要把它控制住才行。我们原来那个医生总不主张用药,说用lotion就好,可宝宝当时受了好多罪,而且做父母的也非常辛苦。好在宝宝送回国两个月,奶奶带她到国内的儿童医院看病,医生开了药,奶奶没有我们那么多顾忌,就狠劲涂药,宝宝的湿疹在国内就这么好了。两个月后回到美国,又有开始犯的趋势,我们一发现湿疹冒头,就给她擦药,打压下去注意保湿,也就没再犯那么狠了。 另外要注意加了副食后过敏的问题,我嫁女儿都两岁了,还不能吃鸡蛋和麦片。 elidel不能用了,已经被FDA标了黑标了. 我们儿子也是2岁了,不能喝牛奶,吃蛋白。蛋黄可以,还特爱吃,经常一早上吃俩。ld老怕给孩子吃傻了。 elidel用不用是看医生,我们看过的皮肤科医生还都是给开这个的。
我给宝宝用苗岭洁肤霜, 基本上一擦就好, 不容易复发。 这个药号称纯中药的,不过也有不少人说,如果没有激素不可能效果这么好。不过反正用药量这么小, 有激素也没关系。 现在宝宝大点了, 湿疹也不发了。 对,好多中药其实里面真正起作用的是西药成分。
这就是我说的究竟用什么保湿,要摸索。我家不但用过cream, 凡士林都用了,不管用,最后这个burts bee就是lotion, 结果很好。每人皮肤的吸收不一样。 呵呵。我这个是医生说的,给我们开的全都是油油的那种cream, aquaphor, eucerin, 凡士林都用过。burts bee我们到没试过,老二有湿疹的话要试试。
是在后背扎吗,还是挺疼的。 我就是在背上和胳膊上,扎了几十针那。我还偏偏好多都有过敏反应,又疼又痒好几天。
是在后背扎吗,还是挺疼的。 是。医生说都是microneedle,我看儿子扎完也没什么反应。以为不疼 不过我觉得查一下还是放心
why? Elidel本是治疗湿疹的好药,而且不含激素,但是大概在05年6月分左右的报告说又致癌可能性,所以fda 给black lable乐.当时让很多湿疹宝宝的父母非常的失望.我觉得因为没有确认这个致癌可能性,所以有的医生还在建议.每个医生的用药概念不一样,有的保守有的开放. 就我自己来说,我认为elidel这种新药在市场上考验还不久,所以既然有这个担心,我也就不给小宝宝用了.而激素那些东西,市场上的考验还是很丰富的.所以更放心.另外MM能不能把elidel的化学名称写下来,我突然有个问题,想查对一下.
找过敏源 我的宝宝是全formular喂养,换过soy based,湿疹更严重。试过给过敏孩子吃的hydraXXX(名字记不全了,就是巨贵的那种),也不见有改善,所以最终还是回到了enfamil milk-based. 在添副食的时候,我比较slow, 一样一样试。目前只是发现对豆类过敏。 如果是母乳,母亲吃的食物也可以让宝宝过敏,不如海鲜,鸡蛋。所以母亲也需要一样一样试,每种食物持续4,5天,看看宝宝的反应。 过敏专科可以做过敏源测试,我自己做过,说实话那个过程很痛苦,我实在不忍心让宝宝受罪。而且听说一岁以下的孩子测试的结果也不是很准,我们就没做。长大些再说。 一般来说,孩子的湿疹到了2,3岁就算不能痊愈,也会好很多很多。我的宝宝快一岁,也许是我们找到了方法,也许根本就是孩子自己grow out of it. 所以妈妈不要灰心,前途是光明的。
我觉得最关键的是控制过敏源,不确定孩子有没有湿疹的时候,最好不要给孩子断母乳。 还有一个事情很奇怪,俺们儿子11个月回国3周,21个月回国3周,每次回去湿疹都好很多,回来之后即使有,也比以前情况要好一点。今年暑假回来之后基本上就干净了。
我觉得最关键的是控制过敏源,不确定孩子有没有湿疹的时候,最好不要给孩子断母乳。 还有一个事情很奇怪,俺们儿子11个月回国3周,21个月回国3周,每次回去湿疹都好很多,回来之后即使有,也比以前情况要好一点。今年暑假回来之后基本上就干净了。 我大宝宝也这样, 好象是因为这里地毯加空调的缘故。
Elidel本是治疗湿疹的好药,而且不含激素,但是大概在05年6月分左右的报告说又致癌可能性,所以fda 给black lable乐.当时让很多湿疹宝宝的父母非常的失望.我觉得因为没有确认这个致癌可能性,所以有的医生还在建议.每个医生的用药概念不一样,有的保守有的开放. 就我自己来说,我认为elidel这种新药在市场上考验还不久,所以既然有这个担心,我也就不给小宝宝用了.而激素那些东西,市场上的考验还是很丰富的.所以更放心.另外MM能不能把elidel的化学名称写下来,我突然有个问题,想查对一下. MM不用给我查化学名了,我已经查到了.
我大宝宝也这样, 好象是因为这里地毯加空调的缘故。 有个说法是:水土.又医生说亚洲的孩子在美国得湿疹的比美国孩子要多很多,也比亚洲孩子在亚洲得湿疹的多很多.一旦遗传上有一点点过敏的基因的亚洲宝宝,到了美洲,基因表现就放大了.
再说保湿。 湿疹最重要的就是不能热,注意衣服的透气和皮肤的保湿。 宝宝不能捂着。只要后脖颈,手脚是热乎乎的就说明宝宝不冷。胳膊腿凉的没关系。衣服用全棉的。我的matress pad也是全棉的 lotion很多,对每个孩子的效果也不一样。我用了aquaphor, eurecin, cetaphil, 凡士林等等不下十种。最终觉得burts bee对我家宝宝最管用。每次孩子poopoo之后就全身抹一遍。一天至少4,5遍。 还有一个小tip. 五个月带宝宝看医生,医生说湿疹是craddle cap引起的,先让治好了头皮再看,建议每次用刷子刷,洗完头之后头上抹baby oil.我家宝宝那时候确实也是经常长craddle cap, 全部刷掉以后,过一阵又长。那次听了医生的,我每次洗头的时候给他用general nature的craddle cap treatment刷,头两次刷完后用baby oil, 还是长。后来就不用baby oil了,改用cetaphil。用了两三天,居然以后就再也不长了。但湿疹还是没好。 如果天不热,孩子出汗不多,两天洗一次澡就可以了。洗的水温不用太热,跟你的手腕内温度一样就行。洗的时间不超过10分钟。洗完之后,立即抹lotion. 宝宝房间用加湿器。冬天我们这里已经算潮湿的了,我们还是每天晚上都开,宝宝房间里都有微微的水汽。(可怜我家的地板都要给毁了。) 这样坚持下来,从原来几乎三五天就要擦药到现在三星期左右才用用,而且一用就好。
有个说法是:水土.又医生说亚洲的孩子在美国得湿疹的比美国孩子要多很多,也比亚洲孩子在亚洲得湿疹的多很多.一旦遗传上有一点点过敏的基因的亚洲宝宝,到了美洲,基因表现就放大了. 我自己前年春天回国花粉过敏也好些,不过回到美国又一样了。 原来听说如果对某种花粉过敏,那么搬家就好了。现在研究说也没用,过几年又会对新地方的新花粉过敏。
Found this post at wenxuecity. I will try this one too. http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=kids&MsgID=499203 我也听说胡萝卜水有用,不过我家孩子喝fomular, 一岁以下又不能直接喂胡萝卜,准备下个月就给他煮水喝。还有意米煮水,也是湿疹偏方。
same here 我好像扎了50针。 我好像扎了70针,我当时的感觉就跟坐老虎凳一样。
有个说法是:水土.又医生说亚洲的孩子在美国得湿疹的比美国孩子要多很多,也比亚洲孩子在亚洲得湿疹的多很多.一旦遗传上有一点点过敏的基因的亚洲宝宝,到了美洲,基因表现就放大了. 我前年回国带儿子去北京儿研所看得,找那个姓刘的主任医师,她人非常好,一看我们儿子就问是不是从国外回来的,说见了n多湿疹厉害的都是国外回来的,美国加拿大都有,她把这个叫做易位性皮炎,说是有点像水土不服。国内的孩子得湿疹的也有,但没有这么多,也没这么厉害。她说基本上很难根治,孩子大一点到2,3岁一般就好了。那个有名的湿疹膏就是他们那里出的,还有一种中药水一起用。我以前好像发帖子讲过。先用药水擦过,趁湿抹药膏。一起用的话效果要比光用药膏要好。 儿童医院我也带儿子去看了,也是看得专家门诊,他们就没讲那么清楚,就给开了乱七八糟一堆药,还不是很管用。他们那边也开始上elidel了。
我前年回国带儿子去北京儿研所看得,找那个姓刘的主任医师,她人非常好,一看我们儿子就问是不是从国外回来的,说见了n多湿疹厉害的都是国外回来的,美国加拿大都有,她把这个叫做易位性皮炎,说是有点像水土不服。国内的孩子得湿疹的也有,但没有这么多,也没这么厉害。她说基本上很难根治,孩子大一点到2,3岁一般就好了。那个有名的湿疹膏就是他们那里出的,还有一种中药水一起用。我以前好像发帖子讲过。先用药水擦过,趁湿抹药膏。一起用的话效果要比光用药膏要好。 儿童医院我也带儿子去看了,也是看得专家门诊,他们就没讲那么清楚,就给开了乱七八糟一堆药,还不是很管用。他们那边也开始上elidel了。 我们是在儿研所拿的肤乐霜,但没带女儿去看过病。到现在我们还备着肤乐霜,一旦她犯了就给她用。不过这个药里也有激素,而且含量不明。到底也说不清楚是中药起的作用大还是里面的激素的作用大。
我们是在儿研所拿的肤乐霜,但没带女儿去看过病。到现在我们还备着肤乐霜,一旦她犯了就给她用。不过这个药里也有激素,而且含量不明。到底也说不清楚是中药起的作用大还是里面的激素的作用大。 这也是我担心的。地塞米松好像在美国也不太用在baby上。
我们是在儿研所拿的肤乐霜,但没带女儿去看过病。到现在我们还备着肤乐霜,一旦她犯了就给她用。不过这个药里也有激素,而且含量不明。到底也说不清楚是中药起的作用大还是里面的激素的作用大。 呵呵,就是这个,俺们好长时间没用了,忘了名字了。
此外,做过敏原测试也有很多种方法,mm们提到的是一种,我们家宝宝是五六个月的时候做的血检,很简单,就是抽血就完了。准确程度不知道,但是我们家的是测出对 wheat过敏,我不吃面食了以后,他就好多了,最近有一次不注意,他吃了几个finger food(含 wheat),结果脸上就有长了rash。这两天又下去了。
此外,做过敏原测试也有很多种方法,mm们提到的是一种,我们家宝宝是五六个月的时候做的血检,很简单,就是抽血就完了。准确程度不知道,但是我们家的是测出对 wheat过敏,我不吃面食了以后,他就好多了,最近有一次不注意,他吃了几个finger food(含 wheat),结果脸上就有长了rash。这两天又下去了。
hehe,我现在一直后悔3个月就给儿子断了奶,后来虽然一直给他吃alimentum,还是不行。当时没有经验,什么都不懂。 我们老二我就打算一直breastfeeding,要不然孩子太受罪了。 这里医生成天说加湿,lotion什么的,俺觉得都是治标不治本。
先说用药。 如果孩子在发病期,比如已经破水或是连成一片了,一定要用药,因为这个时候所有的lotion都不管用的。而且因为痒,宝宝会很难受,很fussy. 破水了也容易引起感染。 用药要坚持用到皮肤完全光滑为止,不然两天后湿疹又卷土重来。而且以后对药的抗拒性越强,用药的强度越来越高,反而不好。 妈妈也许会担心激素的副作用,但短时间的使用是不会有影响的。而且皮肤吸收的少,比起口服药危害小的多了。据这里的一位妈妈(littleme)告诉我,她曾经有过很频繁的用药,如今孩子6岁了,皮肤确实有色素沉淀及皮肤变薄,其他智力和身体发育正常。 我脸上用的是不含激素的药elidel(处方). 身上不厉害时用的是On counter的 Aveeno 1% Hydracortison,实在厉害了用处方1%的furoate mometasone(处方).用了7, 8个月了,庆幸 还有效果。 littleme还给推荐过freedermHC, 说很有效。amazon 有卖。我没用过。 其他姐妹推荐过国内首都儿科研究所出的肤乐霜湿疹膏,如果买得到也可试一试。
>我脸上用的是不含激素的药elidel(处方). It is found that Elidel can cause skin cancer. My son used it too. When I asked the doctor to prescribe more, he said "you're using Elidel?!! It is now NOT allowed to be used for children under 2 years' of age." Faint! He forgot that it was him who gave us Elidel the first place.
>我脸上用的是不含激素的药elidel(处方). It is found that Elidel can cause skin cancer. My son used it too. When I asked the doctor to prescribe more, he said "you're using Elidel?!! It is now NOT allowed to be used for children under 2 years' of age." Faint! He forgot that it was him who gave us Elidel the first place.
三年啊,真是可怜.只有湿疹宝宝的父母才知道这种痛苦了.你儿子是有什么过敏吗? When he was 8 months old, he was allergy to egg white. Now he seems to be allergy to honey. He is "allergy" to heat and dry air, and maybe his own sweat. Nothing else. Bathing is really tricky, especially for very active children. My son's doctor recommends 1 bath per week in winter, and 2 per week in summer. However, my son runs and jumps a lot during a day. He will feel quite inching if I don't bath him for 3 days in winter. It is even worse in summer. He got hives twice in daycare, after playing outside under the sun. That was a scary scene even for the daycare teachers. All of sudden my son was crying and rolling on the ground, with big watery bubbles growing rapidly under his skin.
呵呵,给mm补充一下,俺们医生说不要用lotion,要用cream,lotion保湿效果不行 baby oil里面经常含有香料,我们儿子当初用了之后红肿了一大片。用的时候要小心。不放心得话可以去cvs买VE油用 Cream or lotion? it depends. Cream seems to be too "thick" for my son. Every time he will scratch if I apply cream.
我觉得最关键的是控制过敏源,不确定孩子有没有湿疹的时候,最好不要给孩子断母乳。 还有一个事情很奇怪,俺们儿子11个月回国3周,21个月回国3周,每次回去湿疹都好很多,回来之后即使有,也比以前情况要好一点。今年暑假回来之后基本上就干净了。 My son was breast-fed for a year, during which I was eating only vegetables and rice.
Holly cow! Our PD gave my daughter Elidel
I heard the whole story is that, when your baby is using Elidel, her skin has little defense over sun shine. Therefore, if you don't pretect her skin very carefully, that part of skin is more likely to develop skin cancer. Nice to know that. Thanks very much!
My son was breast-fed for a year, during which I was eating only vegetables and rice.
When he was 8 months old, he was allergy to egg white. Now he seems to be allergy to honey. He is "allergy" to heat and dry air, and maybe his own sweat. Nothing else. Bathing is really tricky, especially for very active children. My son's doctor recommends 1 bath per week in winter, and 2 per week in summer. However, my son runs and jumps a lot during a day. He will feel quite inching if I don't bath him for 3 days in winter. It is even worse in summer. He got hives twice in daycare, after playing outside under the sun. That was a scary scene even for the daycare teachers. All of sudden my son was crying and rolling on the ground, with big watery bubbles growing rapidly under his skin.
When he was 8 months old, he was allergy to egg white. Now he seems to be allergy to honey. He is "allergy" to heat and dry air, and maybe his own sweat. Nothing else. Bathing is really tricky, especially for very active children. My son's doctor recommends 1 bath per week in winter, and 2 per week in summer. However, my son runs and jumps a lot during a day. He will feel quite inching if I don't bath him for 3 days in winter. It is even worse in summer. He got hives twice in daycare, after playing outside under the sun. That was a scary scene even for the daycare teachers. All of sudden my son was crying and rolling on the ground, with big watery bubbles growing rapidly under his skin.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-19 13:19:57编辑过]
comfort, hug hug your son and you! I understand how hard it is... 看来你的宝宝真的是体质和免疫的问题。我自己的过敏医生给我推荐过过敏针,需要打一年,最长5年。我至少有两个朋友(大人)都说效果很好。你要不问问医生可不可以给孩子用? 确实如你所说,dry and heat air是最糟糕的。皮肤汗腺不通,长痱子,比eczema更痒。cool and moisture air helps a lot. 这也是我们最近摸索出来的。 >过敏针,需要打一年,最长5年。 Sounds quite tough. My son had hives for 3 times only, not any more. I guess he has grown out of the hives? >cool and moisture air helps a lot. 这也是我们最近摸索出来的。 Absolutely! So far, I have tried all 3 types of humilifier: hot, cool fan, cool ultrasonic. Hot one is the worst. Currently, we're using ultrasonic + distill water.
用了各种lotion,都不能治标,问题是我们两边没有人有皮肤问题,后来儿科医生给开了HYDROCORTOSONE OINTMENT USP,2.5%现在好点了,但是还是没有完全好,有人说这玩意要跟一辈子,真的吗?痛苦啊
My son's pediatrics is 50 now, and still develops eczema every winter.
Justin had eczema before 1 year old. After 1 year old, he outgrew it.
We did allergy blood test when he was 6 months, and found out he was allergic to egg white.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-19 17:31:28编辑过]
Just a thought, would it be a good idea to do allergy blood test to figure out the source? Is it something the doctors suggest or do we have to ask for it? You can ask for it. The thing is, if your child has it done 6 month of age, it will change when he is 1 year old. E.g my son is allergy to egg white when he is 8 month old. He is no longer allergy to it now.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-31 12:42:06编辑过]
My son is 7 years. He start eczema when he was only 2 weeks old. The eczema started fade out when he was around 5 and half. Now it is almost gone, but sometimes, still have some on his arm and legs. Only needs over counter's HYDROCORTOSONE now.
My son is 3 yr. Still has a few eczema on his face especially around his mouth and his eyes. I found sometime strong wind can worse that. We use HYDROCORTOSONE CREAm USP2.5% for his face and HYDROCORTOSONE VALERATE CREAM USP 0.2% on his body.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-5 18:09:04编辑过]