
楼主 (北美华人网)
最不能说的是everything should be merit based. Everyone should be treated equal. 在今天的大气候下,回家进了卧室关起门可以说,连娃都不敢让他们听见。
下一层是”D&I is important because diversity brings different perspectives and ideas. As a global company with diverse customers, it will benefit blah blah blah”. 这是awareness. 标准答案,安全,不求有功但求无过。
再下一层是”I understand people all come from different backgrounds and have different starting points. To ensure D&I, we need to realize that and provide extra support in certain situations”. 这说明你是proponent.
再下层是分享经验”My company supports D&I efforts in such such way. I participated this and that, such as outreach programs in underserved schools/programs etc etc”. 这表现你的participation.
更高层次是”I noticed the demographics imbalance in our organization. I proposed to review all the borderline interview rejects with other senior engineers and recruiters with a focus on URMs. By doing so and so, we identified so and so number of candidates and were able to bring in so and so many...” 还有”I helped to establish a process to find mentors and sponsors for female and URM engineers”这体现了leadership. 
这个世界真是让人看不懂 皇帝的新装 美国的文革 荒谬与疯狂
最不能说的是everything should be merit based. Everyone should be treated equal. 在今天的大气候下,回家进了卧室关起门可以说,连娃都不敢让他们听见。
下一层是”D&I is important because diversity brings different perspectives and ideas. As a global company with diverse customers, it will benefit blah blah blah”. 这是awareness. 标准答案,安全,不求有功但求无过。
再下一层是”I understand people all come from different backgrounds and have different starting points. To ensure D&I, we need to realize that and provide extra support in certain situations”. 这说明你是proponent.
再下层是分享经验”My company supports D&I efforts in such such way. I participated this and that, such as outreach programs in underserved schools/programs etc etc”. 这表现你的participation.
更高层次是”I noticed the demographics imbalance in our organization. I proposed to review all the borderline interview rejects with other senior engineers and recruiters with a focus on URMs. By doing so and so, we identified so and so number of candidates and were able to bring in so and so many...” 还有”I helped to establish a process to find mentors and sponsors for female and URM engineers”这体现了leadership. 
Snowpig 发表于 2021-12-09 23:55
