
纠正楼里的,欲速则不达的英文是haste makes waste。 再贡献几个: 计划赶不上变化:best laid plans。我最初是在美剧里看到的,场景是有人问一中年妇女你有孩子吗?中年妇女无奈地说 "best laid plans",对方说“oh, sorry". 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳:once bitten, twice shy。Wham那首著名的Last Christmas歌词里就有。 骑虎难下/左右为难:stuck between a rock and a hard place 这个英文里一直是用否定句的,而且是说针对某件事或某句话的反应,不是用来形容性格的------不善罢甘休/不逆来顺受:not take something sitting down. 比如 I won't take this sitting down.  祸不单行/屋漏偏逢连夜雨:when it rains, it pours 自力更生:stand on one's own feet 或者 pull oneself up by one's bootstraps 比如我们华人对黑人的普遍看法是they need to stand on their own feet/ they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps 😄 桥到船头自然直:cross that bridge when you/we get there 唾手可得(的东西):low hanging fruit。我们组每年年初最喜欢说的话,场景是先把轻而易举的事做了。 矮子里面拔将军/退而求其次:scrape the bottom of the barrel。跟上面那句反的,年末我们组常说的话,场景是容易的客户都搞定了,只好在剩下的歪瓜裂枣里挑了。 齐心协力/全员出动:all hands on deck。我老板每到年末最喜欢说的话 😄 "We need all hands on deck to meet goal."

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身边有一个35岁的女性朋友决定想要返回大学去读完她没完成的本科学历的时候,跟我说了一句 "Never too old to learn" 是不是可以翻译成 活到老,学到老? 还有脚踏实地- down to the earth.

DSL925 发表于 2021-12-07 02:26

down to earth是平易近人吧。
楼主开贴挺好的, 我来帮大家总结一下
悬而未决:Up in the air 操之过急:Jump the gun 锦上添花:The cherry on top, the icing on the cake
冰山一角 tip of the iceberg 大海捞针 find the needle in the haystack 彼之砒霜,吾之蜜糖 one man’s trash, another man’s treasure
Calling a spade a spade -- 有一说一 Speak of the devil -- 说曹操,曹操到 Judge a book by its cover -- 以貌取人 It takes two to tango -- 单巴掌拍不响 Saving for a rainy day -- 未雨绸缪
Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟, 一箭双雕, 一举两得
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor''s delight -- 朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里
long time no see -- 好久不见
画蛇添足 -- gild the lily
有其母必有其女 -- Like mother like daughter 以眼还眼, 以牙还牙 -- An eye for an eye 血浓于水 -- Blood is thicker than water 覆水难收 -- Don''t Cry Over Spilled Milk 情人眼裡出西施 -- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 一报还一报 -- What goes around comes around 英雄所见略同 -- Great minds think alike 有钱能使鬼推磨 -- money talks
Follow the river and you''ll get to the sea ? To fish in the air. 缘木求鱼 As ugly as a scarecrow - 丑八怪? A wet blanket 败兴之人? As busy as a bee - 勤劳忙碌得像小蜜蜂?
爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog 不遗余力 Spare no effort 孤注一掷 go all in 以简胜繁 less is more 活到老学到老 Never too old to learn. 脚踏实地 Be down-to-earth. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 Where there is a will, there is a way
谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, god disposes.
沉默是金 silence is golden 
掌上明珠 apple in the eye
熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect
闷骚:shy on the street, sexy on the sheet
脚踏实地- down to the earth.
活到老,学到老 Never too old to learn 人之初性本善 Humans are born good
江山易改本性难移 -- you can take the boy out of the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the boy
吃一堑, 长一智 -- live and learn
兔子不吃窝边草 -- don’t shit where you eat 锦囊妙计,藏了一手 -- have a trick up my sleeve
眼不见, 心不烦 -- Out of sight, out of mind
吃啥补啥 you are what you eat, 这个不是很准, 主要中国人的饮食习惯和欧美人不一样。 you are what you eat 的意思应该更接近: 吃垃圾食品成垃圾人。
塞翁失马,焉知非福 A blessing in disguise
长话短说 Make a long story short
众口铄金, 积毁销骨 Soft tongue can kill
欲速则不达 more haste, less speed
吹毛求疵 nitpicking
人之初性本善,性相近习相远 ,看到过最喜欢的翻译是 Humans were born kind, similar in nature, apart by nurture.
欲速则不达 haste makes waste
计划赶不上变化:best laid plans。我最初是在美剧里看到的,场景是有人问一中年妇女你有孩子吗?中年妇女无奈地说 "best laid plans",对方说“oh, sorry". 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳:once bitten, twice shy。Wham那首著名的Last Christmas歌词里就有。 骑虎难下/左右为难:stuck between a rock and a hard place 这个英文里一直是用否定句的,而且是说针对某件事或某句话的反应,不是用来形容性格的------不善罢甘休/不逆来顺受:not take something sitting down. 比如 I won''t take this sitting down.  祸不单行/屋漏偏逢连夜雨:when it rains, it pours 自力更生:stand on one''s own feet 或者 pull oneself up by one''s bootstraps 比如我们华人对黑人的普遍看法是they need to stand on their own feet/ they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps 😄 桥到船头自然直:cross that bridge when you/we get there 唾手可得(的东西):low hanging fruit。我们组每年年初最喜欢说的话,场景是先把轻而易举的事做了。 矮子里面拔将军/退而求其次:scrape the bottom of the barrel。跟上面那句反的,年末我们组常说的话,场景是容易的客户都搞定了,只好在剩下的歪瓜裂枣里挑了。 齐心协力/全员出动:all hands on deck。我老板每到年末最喜欢说的话 😄 "We need all hands on deck to meet goal."

Heiniu 发表于 2021-12-06 16:46

down to earth是平易近人吧。
gu015 发表于 2021-12-08 01:01

个人觉得,down to earth 就是现在流行的说法:接地气