(哈佛最近的一项民意调查 -美国的民主) + (英国 - 1944 年具有里程碑意义的盖洛普民意调查)

楼主 (北美华人网)
Q A national poll of 18- to 29-year-olds by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School indicates that 52% of them believe that our democracy is “in trouble,” at 39%, or “failing,” at 13%.
https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/12/01/harvard-poll-52-of-young-americans-think-democracy-is-in-trouble-or-failing/ UQ

Q The poll found that 52% of young people in the U.S. believe that the country"s democracy is either "in trouble" or "a failed democracy." Just 7% said that democracy in the United States is "healthy."
https://www.npr.org/2021/12/01/1060429939/young-americans-are-raising-alarms-about-the-state-of-u-s-democracy-in-a-new-pol UQ

Q The ObserverPolitics Why trust politicians? How UK voters lost faith in our leaders Decline of trust in politicians raises profound questions about the UK’s democracy.
More people than ever before feel disaffected by our political system. But what are the reasons for this and what risks does it pose?
A landmark Gallup poll in 1944 found that 35% of voters believed politicians were merely “out for themselves”. But the same poll found slightly more – 36% – believed their political leaders were largely selfless people, focused primarily on advancing the interests of their country, while some 22% said they put their party first. UQ