" 世界十大工程壮举 "! Nov 26 2021

楼主 (北美华人网)
Q https://www.traveller.com.au/the-worlds-10-greatest-feats-of-engineering-h1zz8i
The Millau Viaduct by architect Norman Foster, between Causse du Larzac and Causse de Sauveterre and above Tarn, Aveyron, in France. Photo: Alamy
The Great Pyramid Where? Giza, Egypt A distant camel caravan passes the majestic pyramids at Giza. Photo: iStock
The Eiffel Tower Where? Paris, France Photo: iStock
The Hoover Dam Where? Nevada/ Arizona, USA Photo: iStock
The Panama Canal Where? Panama Photo: Danny Lehman/Getty
The Seikan Tunnel Where? Japan A bullet train exits the Hokkaido side of the undersea Seikan Tunnel. Photo: Alamy
The Great Man-Made River Where? Libya The opening of the Great Man Made River Project bringing water from southern Libyan subterranean acquifers to the coastal north. Photo: Barry Iverson/Alamy
Kansai Airport Where? Japan Photo: Earnest Tse/Alamy
The Large Hadron Collider Where? Near Geneva, Switzerland Photo: iStock
The Millau Viaduct Where? Tarn River, France Photo: iStock
The Saturn V rocket Where? Florida, USA Apollo 8 space vehicle at Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida in 1968. Photo: Getty
