
高中最后一年了,找过无数体力工,目前找不到工作,麦当劳等都面试过,不能理解面试问题。她问我为什么我找不着工作啊,朋友们都打工,她找不到。我想着怎么也得高中毕业吧,说实话有时我想着如果学校都是网课多好,我替她做网课怎么也得高中毕业,她朋友开始申请大学early admission 材料,都讨论哪儿读大学,她问我她能不能也申请。我俩关系并不好,她脾气暴躁啥事都怪我,我每天搭配营养饭绞尽脑汁,我觉得自己都抑郁了。说话不能理解大人辛苦,没有共情能力,我做手术回来躺床上得慢慢起床她见我第一句话就是 where is my food?我这些年度日如年,天天想着让她搬走。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:26

还有一个工作,对男生,就是去moving company,四处都在招人。
回复 100楼3906的帖子
Walmart 没给面试,16,7的女孩水管工,割草等她不愿意申请这类,我也不能逼着申请。
回复 100楼3906的帖子
Walmart 没给面试,16,7的女孩水管工,割草等她不愿意申请这类,我也不能逼着申请。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:40

回复 1楼的帖子
家里娃一样,安静坐那儿,用老师的话说,body在,mind走了,越到后面越跟不上,目前12年级,够呛能毕业,目前一学期读两门课都是4,50分,老母亲愁白了头。以前没用药是因为药物副作用是失眠,depression, 她从小就失眠然后情绪低落,不敢雪上加霜。目前12年级了开始用药,30mg Dexedrine 只管两小时,不敢往上加。这药还心跳加速。不知道怎么办,不能理解问题。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-17 17:32

我从小就是add 我自己都不知道,就知道上课几乎从来不听课,特别是化学物理之类不感兴趣的,要不发呆神游要不看小说要不睡大觉, 晚自习基本解一道题就睡着了,醒了继续做又睡着了,一晚上做1-2道题。高中平时成绩很一般20名到40名徘徊。最后高考知道压力了,拼命学习,高考爆发考的很好。大学控制力慢慢提高了,更好了。
这东西遗传,所以现在家里也是有个ADHD, 很聪明,就是好动注意力不行丢三落四,情绪控制不行,执行力不行,各种 executive function 都不行。非常challenging, 对父母耐心考验极大。
有我自己的经验来说,做父母的不要太过于发愁,很多会outgrow. 我现在也好好的。
回复 12楼shiashia的帖子
zhimama 发表于 2021-10-18 00:46

我从小就是add 我自己都不知道,就知道上课几乎从来不听课,特别是化学物理之类不感兴趣的,要不发呆神游要不看小说要不睡大觉, 晚自习基本解一道题就睡着了,醒了继续做又睡着了,一晚上做1-2道题。高中平时成绩很一般20名到40名徘徊。最后高考知道压力了,拼命学习,高考爆发考的很好。大学控制力慢慢提高了,更好了。
这东西遗传,所以现在家里也是有个ADHD, 很聪明,就是好动注意力不行丢三落四,情绪控制不行,执行力不行,各种 executive function 都不行。非常challenging, 对父母耐心考验极大。
有我自己的经验来说,做父母的不要太过于发愁,很多会outgrow. 我现在也好好的。
ecnanif 发表于 2021-10-18 08:15

回复 63楼皈依佛门的帖子
是,记得她初中时为了学习做一天,密密麻麻记笔记一大本,然后崩溃哭着说 我一点儿都记不住啊,不能读书,初中我给她念 题,读书只能读两句话。不能理解任何带文字的数学题。现在17岁了交流有问题不能理解,没有共情能力。孩子家长都崩溃,啥事都指责我。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-17 23:13

这个可能不仅仅是ADHD了。ADHD经常伴随其他mental disease 一同出现,还是问问医生吧
回复 102楼3906的帖子
高中最后一年了,找过无数体力工,目前找不到工作,麦当劳等都面试过,不能理解面试问题。她问我为什么我找不着工作啊,朋友们都打工,她找不到。我想着怎么也得高中毕业吧,说实话有时我想着如果学校都是网课多好,我替她做网课怎么也得高中毕业,她朋友开始申请大学early admission 材料,都讨论哪儿读大学,她问我她能不能也申请。我俩关系并不好,她脾气暴躁啥事都怪我,我每天搭配营养饭绞尽脑汁,我觉得自己都抑郁了。说话不能理解大人辛苦,没有共情能力,我做手术回来躺床上得慢慢起床她见我第一句话就是 where is my food?我这些年度日如年,天天想着让她搬走。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:26

taotao321 发表于 2021-10-18 00:04

关于社交 我觉得没事 现在社交都在网上 真人面基很少了 看不出来add
回复 12楼shiashia的帖子
zhimama 发表于 2021-10-18 00:46

我家孩子也是ADHD,五年级诊断的,学业上没什么问题但社交方面的问题很大,也是操碎了心。初中平均两星期丢一件外衣,饭盒只要带去学校就带不回来了。作业有一半吧要不忘了写要不忘了交。高中后好了很多但社交问题一直在。孩子也很痛苦。如今12 年级。因为这个孩子爸爸不让他报一流大学,总是和孩子说你不适合这些学校,看得出来孩子很伤心。
回复 107楼Vickiemouse的帖子
肯定是医生诊断出来的啊,我家的从小就看专家,她有celiac disease,饮食调整。
我孩子很小不会说话的时候感觉有问题,从小抱着她跟别人说话,她不停打断不让跟别人说话,去图书馆参加活动不能听故事,老师讲故事她干别的。记得2+2=4 讲了一个多星期也不会,试过各种体育运动,不喜欢不去,从小失眠看医生,我一晚一晚上给她按摩捏脊,能睡一会,看天空都是灰暗的,从小情绪低落。唉,我每天掰手指头过日子,希望她能自立。不能满足就开始骂人bitch
我孩子很小不会说话的时候感觉有问题,从小抱着她跟别人说话,她不停打断不让跟别人说话,去图书馆参加活动不能听故事,老师讲故事她干别的。记得2+2=4 讲了一个多星期也不会,试过各种体育运动,不喜欢不去,从小失眠看医生,我一晚一晚上给她按摩捏脊,能睡一会,看天空都是灰暗的,从小情绪低落。唉,我每天掰手指头过日子,希望她能自立。不能满足就开始骂人bitch
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 09:19

高中最后一年了,找过无数体力工,目前找不到工作,麦当劳等都面试过,不能理解面试问题。她问我为什么我找不着工作啊,朋友们都打工,她找不到。我想着怎么也得高中毕业吧,说实话有时我想着如果学校都是网课多好,我替她做网课怎么也得高中毕业,她朋友开始申请大学early admission 材料,都讨论哪儿读大学,她问我她能不能也申请。我俩关系并不好,她脾气暴躁啥事都怪我,我每天搭配营养饭绞尽脑汁,我觉得自己都抑郁了。说话不能理解大人辛苦,没有共情能力,我做手术回来躺床上得慢慢起床她见我第一句话就是 where is my food?我这些年度日如年,天天想着让她搬走。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:26

我孩子很小不会说话的时候感觉有问题,从小抱着她跟别人说话,她不停打断不让跟别人说话,去图书馆参加活动不能听故事,老师讲故事她干别的。记得2+2=4 讲了一个多星期也不会,试过各种体育运动,不喜欢不去,从小失眠看医生,我一晚一晚上给她按摩捏脊,能睡一会,看天空都是灰暗的,从小情绪低落。唉,我每天掰手指头过日子,希望她能自立。不能满足就开始骂人bitch
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 09:19

回复 100楼3906的帖子
Walmart 没给面试,16,7的女孩水管工,割草等她不愿意申请这类,我也不能逼着申请。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:40

回复 1楼皈依佛门的帖子
作为两个孩子都是ADHD的家长,我建议你降低期望。ADHD的人很多需要长时间专注的工作没办法完成,不能抵抗外界的诱惑,精细动作不协调,体育运动能力差,以后离婚率也是普通人的三倍。大脑多巴胺分泌不足,导致容易抑郁,对什么事情都没有精神,也没有社交。其他人给你强调ADHD娃多么成功,我以前也希望有奇迹,但是基本上俩娃以后的人生就这样走下去了。 另外,你自己是不是ADHD?你不是你配偶是不是?

bluesmaster01 发表于 2021-10-18 01:58

可能是传统的classroom 不适合她 试试私校或者加强运动培养专注力? 记得有本书上说ADHD 现在overdiagnose , 吃药容易造成依赖性而且影响大脑正常发育
回复 84楼的帖子
医生改了 另一种药 Vyvanse 40 mg, 周二开始吃试试,周一不上课。她前一阵子做数学真是做到凌晨两点,数学选的比正常孩子简单,一遍遍重复讲不能理解,要吃药,我不让晚上吃药,讲时我要随时挥手或拍手让她mind come back, 告诉她只能上学前1小时吃,晚上不能吃。这么每天学到凌晨,数学考了40分
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:19

pat pat太辛苦了,看看孩子有什么喜欢和擅长的科目,扬长避短吧。很多ADHD的孩子都比较有创造力想象力,也许你的女儿更合适艺术或者文体类的工作,数学不擅长没什么的。
高中最后一年了,找过无数体力工,目前找不到工作,麦当劳等都面试过,不能理解面试问题。她问我为什么我找不着工作啊,朋友们都打工,她找不到。我想着怎么也得高中毕业吧,说实话有时我想着如果学校都是网课多好,我替她做网课怎么也得高中毕业,她朋友开始申请大学early admission 材料,都讨论哪儿读大学,她问我她能不能也申请。我俩关系并不好,她脾气暴躁啥事都怪我,我每天搭配营养饭绞尽脑汁,我觉得自己都抑郁了。说话不能理解大人辛苦,没有共情能力,我做手术回来躺床上得慢慢起床她见我第一句话就是 where is my food?我这些年度日如年,天天想着让她搬走。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:26

感觉你的女儿不是(或者不仅仅是)ADHD吧,是不是high functional autistic? 如果能确诊,可以联系当地的福利部门,会有一些给这些孩子的特殊职业培训和工作机会。
我孩子很小不会说话的时候感觉有问题,从小抱着她跟别人说话,她不停打断不让跟别人说话,去图书馆参加活动不能听故事,老师讲故事她干别的。记得2+2=4 讲了一个多星期也不会,试过各种体育运动,不喜欢不去,从小失眠看医生,我一晚一晚上给她按摩捏脊,能睡一会,看天空都是灰暗的,从小情绪低落。唉,我每天掰手指头过日子,希望她能自立。不能满足就开始骂人bitch
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 09:19

听着不仅是adhd的问题了吧。感觉是有其他行为上的问题。 说实话我听lz你的描述觉得这个孩子非常惹人厌。你还是让她找份工作搬走吧。
Vickiemouse 发表于 2021-10-18 09:26

没觉得孩子有比父母更不容易的了。 我们小时候在国内没那么多adhd的讲究。父母严加管教,学校严格要求,很多也都慢慢进入正轨了。 美国这里虽说对这些孩子的同情心是好的,但很多时候因为这孩子有这个病,所以其他行为的问题也都忍了,这种应对方式对孩子也没帮助吧,至少我是不能容忍这孩子骂她母亲bitch的。
dukenyc125 发表于 2021-10-17 21:07

抱抱楼主,我家老二也是确诊这种类型,特别聪明的孩子,我家三个孩子里接受能力,理解力最强的,学校做测试的时候,有几个细项关于语言表达,理解方面超过100%, 但是同时也有几项分数就特别差,比如working memory基本就不及格,所以具体到学习上,就是坐不下来学,学完后面忘记前面,小时候内容简单的时候,问题不大,但是遇到相对复杂的内容,需要多步累加学习的内容,就学不走。比如一个作业需要7/8 条要求,他看完,就只能记住头1-2步,剩下的步骤就随性发挥,再比如中文,我之前每天带着学习半小时到1小时,学了三年了,还是小学一年级第一册水平,小他三岁的弟弟今年春开始跟他一起开始找老师学,现在学的进度比他还快点。 成绩现在就是平均,这还是我们上了很多课外的读写,数学的课的情况下。我发现他睡眠足了,专注性会好点, 他觉一直很少,睡眠质量也差,增加运动量睡眠质量就好很多。所以我现在抓运动,抓睡觉,学习看到哪个单项弱就找1-1的课或者小group的课补,大group我家跟不了,光神游四方了。坚持下来效果还是有,就是比别的孩子慢很多,比如别人1-2个月就可以养成的习惯,学明白的,他大概9-12个月。感觉这个病吧就是对家长的耐心极大的挑战,他醒着的时候,我差不多都在他边上,5分钟提醒一次该干嘛,电脑上所有app,网站都whitelist,只可以接触到学习相关的。之前他睡不好,我都是陪着睡着才离开,我陪着他大概30-50分钟能入睡,不陪他就会搞个2小时都睡不着。我常常都很绝望,不知道这样我可以坚持多久,我不这么贴身陪之后他可怎么办呢,最近慢慢有意识的放手,感觉孩子还是有进步吧,希望可以慢慢outgrow。
babyduck 发表于 2021-10-17 15:36

高中最后一年了,找过无数体力工,目前找不到工作,麦当劳等都面试过,不能理解面试问题。她问我为什么我找不着工作啊,朋友们都打工,她找不到。我想着怎么也得高中毕业吧,说实话有时我想着如果学校都是网课多好,我替她做网课怎么也得高中毕业,她朋友开始申请大学early admission 材料,都讨论哪儿读大学,她问我她能不能也申请。我俩关系并不好,她脾气暴躁啥事都怪我,我每天搭配营养饭绞尽脑汁,我觉得自己都抑郁了。说话不能理解大人辛苦,没有共情能力,我做手术回来躺床上得慢慢起床她见我第一句话就是 where is my food?我这些年度日如年,天天想着让她搬走。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:26

观察一下孩子脾气,有些孩子的脾气像小狗一样。没有贬义。她需要臣服信赖一个人(这个人先要驯服她),有这个人在,她遵从这个人的指令,哪怕不理解甚至觉得不对,但因为臣服属性也会认真去做。因为信赖,只要这个人在她就有安全感,情绪稳定,甚至会试图体贴人,虽然会贴错地方....... 如果没有这个人辖制,就作天作地,各种行为不当,不讲理什么都出来了。这个人一出现,立刻偃旗息鼓...... 任何决定,这种孩子都不能做的,脑子里一团乱麻,说不去不喜欢的,也许是她喜欢的;说喜欢的,也许是不喜欢的,都要她臣服的这个人给做决定才行,当然这个人要足够了解她,也要够严厉,压得住孩子的脾气。孩子发现每次这个人做的决定最后是对的,就更增加了孩子对这个人的信赖。
== My name is Brian and I was diagnosed with ADHD in 1997. Since then I’ve completed school, attended University, served in the military and now work in the mental health field. All of the above wasn’t as easy for me as others perhaps but possible for anyone. I’ve been medicated and not medicated (mainly not) Now I’m looking at the next generation and I thought I would share my top 10 coping strategies. This is probably more focused towards teens. This is the group I consider most important but they aren’t in order of importance. Some were told to me some I worked out, some just happened by accident. 1. Time is everything - An ADHD brain finds it very difficult to subjectively judge the passing of time, especially when focused on a task. Devices like a phone or a clock on a computer are ok. But if you’re on another screen or your phone is in your pocket, you forget to check it. ADHD being close to an autism spectrum disorder, tactile reminders are great. Enter the wristwatch. I can feel it on my wrist and through habit development I check it all the time when I’m working or out and about. When it comes to deadlines or timings nothing will get you fired quicker than being late. As a parent if a child is doing something and they need to leave the house or bath etc. 15, 10 and 5 minute warnings go a LONG way. 2. Stay old school. Devices and screens are great tools however as above they lack a certain something when it comes to checking things. So chores or schedules etc. where possible make visual chart on paper or when noting something down in a diary etc. stick to paper and pen. There’s something about the visual and tactile elements working together that helps the information stick when compared to a device. For kids chores an actual physical chart of the weeks chores with times and colours etc. We will forget we need to take the bins out on Wednesday. We cant hold a schedule in our heads like that. And its a predictor of consequence and reward a huge factor in how our brains work. 3. Notebook Probably my number one. Similar to above. Have a list of tasks to do today? In the notebook. Say you’re going to do something? In the notebook. Noting things down, again combines the tactile and the visual and transferring that to a calendar provides the repetition for remembering the information. Also refer to point 10. 4. Read and re read. ADHD has been shown to be mainly an executive function disorder. The main part is “Working Memory” (please google what it is) ADHD people don’t have working memory or its very weak. It’s very difficult for use to hold a thought which makes comprehension very difficult. (Things like mental arithmetic are near impossible) When reading, read 2 -3 sentences then read them again (or more times). Slower yes but significantly more accurate. 5. Fidget focusing is hard. For most schoolwork or office tasks you’re going to be sitting still. For an ADHD brain this is torture. MOVE! If you can walk around the house and read schoolwork, do it. If you’re at work and have to take a call or make a call, take a walk (if you can). In situations where you must be in one spot. Use a fidget. I use a bike chain fidget or the most interesting feeling hair tie I can find. (In the military, on parade, standing perfectly still I used to wiggle my toes). 6. Routines. Due to the working memory issue and general distractions, routine, structure and habit development is key. Rather than adhering to times (eg shower at 7am) . I adhere to the steps Try and break tasks down into routines when it’s important not to forget. I used to forget to take my meds all the time. So now I have a routine around it and it’s done the same way each day (obviously items I need are always in the same spot. E.g. Shower, dry, MEDS, WRISTWATCH, kitchen, kettle on, coffee made, leave it on the bench, and get dressed. The 2 important ones are meds and wristwatch. But the markers after the key behaviour are just as important as the ones before it. If I see someone with a coffee or I feel like I want a coffee is a “backup reminder” and I can use my back up watch and back up meds that live in my work bag ( rarely used) This can be done with anything. It’s more about developing habits. We don’t have working memory, so the idea is to get it into our longer term memory and doing it so many times that we can’t get it wrong, so even when were absent minded we still to the right thing. (E.g. do you remember putting your seatbelt on in the car today or yesterday?) Most daily important tasks need to become the seatbelt. 7. Communicate. We are quick to get emotional. Non-physical emotions are hard for us to project (e.g. we’re angry we throw things and scream, we don’t pout.) This means others don’t pick up on how were feeling, until it's this extreme outward display. So tell people how you feel. Get used to the pattern of “When X happens, I feel Y”. The pattern keeps things calm and really helps you get your point across. Telling people what’s going on in your head and helps them understand and hopefully will build positive meaningful relationships. And people won’t be offended when your feelings seem out of sync with the situation. 8. Educate yourself Understand and learn how an ADHD brain works. Being able to tell people what’s going on in your head will help greatly in them understanding you. Even something simple like “ ADHD brains are quick to emotion, on a scale of 1-10 we tend to experience emotions at 8, 9, 10, its very hard for us to keep it between 1-7" Most people want to understand and are lovely about it. They just cant pick up on it. So tell them ( We don't do hints) To use an analogy. Non ADHD people are Leopards, they live on land, and they’re very good at climbing trees. You are a shark very good at swimming, the leopards can’t understand why you can’t climb trees. Your goal is to teach the leopards how to swim. 9. 1 thing at a time. Another feature of an ADHD brain is we aren’t good at future projecting (e.g. understanding that it takes 30 small steps to get to a goal, we dont even see the steps) which makes self-motivation hard. So often when we have a big job like cleaning a messy bedroom it’s too big and overwhelming to understand where to start. Train your brain and thought process to look at jobs as tiny sections. So don’t clean a room, you can’t do it all at once can you? What you can do is pick up the laundry, or dust a desk. (And remember this when writing your notebook). That comes into activities too, video games are attractive to us because they offer instantaneous feedback for an action we take in game. Consequences or reward. Remember this when your looking at hobbies you might like. (eg I love Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, instant consequences or reward) 10. Strengths and Confidence. People find it difficult to understand you. The stats are not in your favour. ADHD have a higher rate of schooling drop out, Marriage difficulties and inconsistent employment. You will face rejection. Learn to have a thick skin and be mentally bulletproof. NOT DISTANT from people, believe in yourself is what I’m saying. Learn to focus on your strengths and accomplishments. One of the benefits of the notebook is at the end of the day you can check it and see your accomplishments, which inherently self-esteem boosting. If someone you notice isn’t maybe good for your confidence or self-esteem let them go. You are different and that’s ok! You will find friends that don’t mind  and they tend to be great people. As a parent, the number one thing is teaching them confidence. If they don't have high confidence and self esteem, the world will chew them up. At no point do I say I "suffer from ADHD" suffering is a choice not a state of being. Also telling someone they "suffer" is A ) potential limiting B ) against point 10. Edit: Apologies for spelling and grammar. I'm usually pretty good. But ofcourse I blasted this out in one go and didn't check it. Sorry Edit: Suffering point. Sorry again. **** Update***** Many apologies I can’t make it shareable in this group Was not expecting that kind of response. Just to be super clear I’m in no way perfect I still struggle sometimes and that’s ok.
darkcaramel 发表于 2021-10-18 13:17

高中最后一年了,找过无数体力工,目前找不到工作,麦当劳等都面试过,不能理解面试问题。她问我为什么我找不着工作啊,朋友们都打工,她找不到。我想着怎么也得高中毕业吧,说实话有时我想着如果学校都是网课多好,我替她做网课怎么也得高中毕业,她朋友开始申请大学early admission 材料,都讨论哪儿读大学,她问我她能不能也申请。我俩关系并不好,她脾气暴躁啥事都怪我,我每天搭配营养饭绞尽脑汁,我觉得自己都抑郁了。说话不能理解大人辛苦,没有共情能力,我做手术回来躺床上得慢慢起床她见我第一句话就是 where is my food?我这些年度日如年,天天想着让她搬走。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:26

回复 100楼3906的帖子
Walmart 没给面试,16,7的女孩水管工,割草等她不愿意申请这类,我也不能逼着申请。
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 07:40

== My name is Brian and I was diagnosed with ADHD in 1997. Since then I’ve completed school, attended University, served in the military and now work in the mental health field. All of the above wasn’t as easy for me as others perhaps but possible for anyone. I’ve been medicated and not medicated (mainly not) Now I’m looking at the next generation and I thought I would share my top 10 coping strategies. This is probably more focused towards teens. This is the group I consider most important but they aren’t in order of importance. Some were told to me some I worked out, some just happened by accident. 1. Time is everything - An ADHD brain finds it very difficult to subjectively judge the passing of time, especially when focused on a task. Devices like a phone or a clock on a computer are ok. But if you’re on another screen or your phone is in your pocket, you forget to check it. ADHD being close to an autism spectrum disorder, tactile reminders are great. Enter the wristwatch. I can feel it on my wrist and through habit development I check it all the time when I’m working or out and about. When it comes to deadlines or timings nothing will get you fired quicker than being late. As a parent if a child is doing something and they need to leave the house or bath etc. 15, 10 and 5 minute warnings go a LONG way. 2. Stay old school. Devices and screens are great tools however as above they lack a certain something when it comes to checking things. So chores or schedules etc. where possible make visual chart on paper or when noting something down in a diary etc. stick to paper and pen. There’s something about the visual and tactile elements working together that helps the information stick when compared to a device. For kids chores an actual physical chart of the weeks chores with times and colours etc. We will forget we need to take the bins out on Wednesday. We cant hold a schedule in our heads like that. And its a predictor of consequence and reward a huge factor in how our brains work. 3. Notebook Probably my number one. Similar to above. Have a list of tasks to do today? In the notebook. Say you’re going to do something? In the notebook. Noting things down, again combines the tactile and the visual and transferring that to a calendar provides the repetition for remembering the information. Also refer to point 10. 4. Read and re read. ADHD has been shown to be mainly an executive function disorder. The main part is “Working Memory” (please google what it is) ADHD people don’t have working memory or its very weak. It’s very difficult for use to hold a thought which makes comprehension very difficult. (Things like mental arithmetic are near impossible) When reading, read 2 -3 sentences then read them again (or more times). Slower yes but significantly more accurate. 5. Fidget focusing is hard. For most schoolwork or office tasks you’re going to be sitting still. For an ADHD brain this is torture. MOVE! If you can walk around the house and read schoolwork, do it. If you’re at work and have to take a call or make a call, take a walk (if you can). In situations where you must be in one spot. Use a fidget. I use a bike chain fidget or the most interesting feeling hair tie I can find. (In the military, on parade, standing perfectly still I used to wiggle my toes). 6. Routines. Due to the working memory issue and general distractions, routine, structure and habit development is key. Rather than adhering to times (eg shower at 7am) . I adhere to the steps Try and break tasks down into routines when it’s important not to forget. I used to forget to take my meds all the time. So now I have a routine around it and it’s done the same way each day (obviously items I need are always in the same spot. E.g. Shower, dry, MEDS, WRISTWATCH, kitchen, kettle on, coffee made, leave it on the bench, and get dressed. The 2 important ones are meds and wristwatch. But the markers after the key behaviour are just as important as the ones before it. If I see someone with a coffee or I feel like I want a coffee is a “backup reminder” and I can use my back up watch and back up meds that live in my work bag ( rarely used) This can be done with anything. It’s more about developing habits. We don’t have working memory, so the idea is to get it into our longer term memory and doing it so many times that we can’t get it wrong, so even when were absent minded we still to the right thing. (E.g. do you remember putting your seatbelt on in the car today or yesterday?) Most daily important tasks need to become the seatbelt. 7. Communicate. We are quick to get emotional. Non-physical emotions are hard for us to project (e.g. we’re angry we throw things and scream, we don’t pout.) This means others don’t pick up on how were feeling, until it's this extreme outward display. So tell people how you feel. Get used to the pattern of “When X happens, I feel Y”. The pattern keeps things calm and really helps you get your point across. Telling people what’s going on in your head and helps them understand and hopefully will build positive meaningful relationships. And people won’t be offended when your feelings seem out of sync with the situation. 8. Educate yourself Understand and learn how an ADHD brain works. Being able to tell people what’s going on in your head will help greatly in them understanding you. Even something simple like “ ADHD brains are quick to emotion, on a scale of 1-10 we tend to experience emotions at 8, 9, 10, its very hard for us to keep it between 1-7" Most people want to understand and are lovely about it. They just cant pick up on it. So tell them ( We don't do hints) To use an analogy. Non ADHD people are Leopards, they live on land, and they’re very good at climbing trees. You are a shark very good at swimming, the leopards can’t understand why you can’t climb trees. Your goal is to teach the leopards how to swim. 9. 1 thing at a time. Another feature of an ADHD brain is we aren’t good at future projecting (e.g. understanding that it takes 30 small steps to get to a goal, we dont even see the steps) which makes self-motivation hard. So often when we have a big job like cleaning a messy bedroom it’s too big and overwhelming to understand where to start. Train your brain and thought process to look at jobs as tiny sections. So don’t clean a room, you can’t do it all at once can you? What you can do is pick up the laundry, or dust a desk. (And remember this when writing your notebook). That comes into activities too, video games are attractive to us because they offer instantaneous feedback for an action we take in game. Consequences or reward. Remember this when your looking at hobbies you might like. (eg I love Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, instant consequences or reward) 10. Strengths and Confidence. People find it difficult to understand you. The stats are not in your favour. ADHD have a higher rate of schooling drop out, Marriage difficulties and inconsistent employment. You will face rejection. Learn to have a thick skin and be mentally bulletproof. NOT DISTANT from people, believe in yourself is what I’m saying. Learn to focus on your strengths and accomplishments. One of the benefits of the notebook is at the end of the day you can check it and see your accomplishments, which inherently self-esteem boosting. If someone you notice isn’t maybe good for your confidence or self-esteem let them go. You are different and that’s ok! You will find friends that don’t mind  and they tend to be great people. As a parent, the number one thing is teaching them confidence. If they don't have high confidence and self esteem, the world will chew them up. At no point do I say I "suffer from ADHD" suffering is a choice not a state of being. Also telling someone they "suffer" is A ) potential limiting B ) against point 10. Edit: Apologies for spelling and grammar. I'm usually pretty good. But ofcourse I blasted this out in one go and didn't check it. Sorry Edit: Suffering point. Sorry again. **** Update***** Many apologies I can’t make it shareable in this group Was not expecting that kind of response. Just to be super clear I’m in no way perfect I still struggle sometimes and that’s ok.
babyduck 发表于 2021-10-18 12:58

回复 131楼babyduck的帖子
Thank you for sharing that.
回复 135楼如梦飞花的帖子
chengcheng 发表于 2021-10-17 13:42

回复 131楼babyduck的帖子
这个说的特别好。我老公很明显就是,我看他也差不多是这样控制的,正常生活可以做到。觉得如果没有自信心支撑,这种孩子过得会很辛苦,希望儿子能够早点grow out吧。我家小孩的爷爷和太爷爷也是这样的。感觉是一种会遗传的脑回路。
回复 135楼如梦飞花的帖子
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 13:45

多参加一些运动呢 比如足球什么的 集体运动很好
抱抱楼主,我家老二也是确诊这种类型,特别聪明的孩子,我家三个孩子里接受能力,理解力最强的,学校做测试的时候,有几个细项关于语言表达,理解方面超过100%, 但是同时也有几项分数就特别差,比如working memory基本就不及格,所以具体到学习上,就是坐不下来学,学完后面忘记前面,小时候内容简单的时候,问题不大,但是遇到相对复杂的内容,需要多步累加学习的内容,就学不走。比如一个作业需要7/8 条要求,他看完,就只能记住头1-2步,剩下的步骤就随性发挥,再比如中文,我之前每天带着学习半小时到1小时,学了三年了,还是小学一年级第一册水平,小他三岁的弟弟今年春开始跟他一起开始找老师学,现在学的进度比他还快点。 成绩现在就是平均,这还是我们上了很多课外的读写,数学的课的情况下。我发现他睡眠足了,专注性会好点, 他觉一直很少,睡眠质量也差,增加运动量睡眠质量就好很多。所以我现在抓运动,抓睡觉,学习看到哪个单项弱就找1-1的课或者小group的课补,大group我家跟不了,光神游四方了。坚持下来效果还是有,就是比别的孩子慢很多,比如别人1-2个月就可以养成的习惯,学明白的,他大概9-12个月。感觉这个病吧就是对家长的耐心极大的挑战,他醒着的时候,我差不多都在他边上,5分钟提醒一次该干嘛,电脑上所有app,网站都whitelist,只可以接触到学习相关的。之前他睡不好,我都是陪着睡着才离开,我陪着他大概30-50分钟能入睡,不陪他就会搞个2小时都睡不着。我常常都很绝望,不知道这样我可以坚持多久,我不这么贴身陪之后他可怎么办呢,最近慢慢有意识的放手,感觉孩子还是有进步吧,希望可以慢慢outgrow。
babyduck 发表于 2021-10-17 15:36

我家孩子感觉跟您家的很像,但是我们没有做过测试,老师也没建议去做。当然我家娃没有您家娃那么聪明。 我家的也是睡不着,睡的晚加上很难入睡,习惯很难养成,另外学东西都慢半拍。 我想知道您给孩子用药吗?如果药物帮助不大,我们也不想评估了,就靠着家长耐心的引导和鼓励,希望娃是个普通的孩子就行了,不想强推
看完所有回复了,我家的还没确诊,感觉多动. 在这里学到不少,但如果大家有个这类孩子的微信群,那就太好啦!
看完所有回复了,我家的还没确诊,感觉多动. 在这里学到不少,但如果大家有个这类孩子的微信群,那就太好啦!
Fancygirl 发表于 2021-10-18 15:55

我就是一直ADHD, 现在也是。外人看来觉的还不错吧。我妈希望我成为医生,幸亏从小主意大没有听她的。我自己知道我的能力是被压抑的,没有体现出来,如果从小能够正确引导,早一点diagnose早一点认识自己,早早放弃不适合自己的,选择适合自己的方向,会比现在更好。与人交往什么的都是短板,但是还是喜欢社交的。
shiashia 发表于 2021-10-17 13:41

为何有的小孩很小就吃药 一旦吃药是要终身吗
我家孩子感觉跟您家的很像,但是我们没有做过测试,老师也没建议去做。当然我家娃没有您家娃那么聪明。 我家的也是睡不着,睡的晚加上很难入睡,习惯很难养成,另外学东西都慢半拍。 我想知道您给孩子用药吗?如果药物帮助不大,我们也不想评估了,就靠着家长耐心的引导和鼓励,希望娃是个普通的孩子就行了,不想强推
Xixi2021 发表于 2021-10-18 15:15

睡眠我让他带运动手表天天看,发现运动量大的那天深度睡眠的时间会大大增加,所以要是没有sports那天就规定他跳绳1000个,感觉对提高睡眠质量有些作用,哪天手表显示睡眠时间太少,周末中午让他nap一会儿,或者晚上9点前上床睡觉。睡觉的时候屋子里放舒缓的背景音乐感觉也有些效果,我专门搞了个效果比较好的speaker在他屋里,以前用tablet放,后面发现他自己破解密码拿来玩游戏,就换成了最老式的mp3. 他自己觉得听音乐做作业和睡觉都有帮助。

Cdrama 发表于 2021-10-18 15:57

回复 135楼如梦飞花的帖子
jessiez 发表于 2021-10-18 13:45

你女儿喜欢做手工吗?善于做手工可以esty上开店,或者去艺术大学把高等教育完成,然后做一些wfh的设计工作。有些艺术学校对学术成绩要求不高主要看portfolio。 我是比较严重adhd的,成绩一直中下,艺术动手能力还不错。社会上与人打交道的工作我最多做两年就辞职了,我可以社交也能交到朋友,可是人际关系让我很有压力很累很难受。
回复 12楼shiashia的帖子
livehappy,看看这篇文章,ADD和Adhd 都有办法改善的,我看到过调理改善的非常好的案例,需要可以私信我你看看是否对你有帮助
抱抱楼主,我家老二也是确诊这种类型,特别聪明的孩子,我家三个孩子里接受能力,理解力最强的,学校做测试的时候,有几个细项关于语言表达,理解方面超过100%, 但是同时也有几项分数就特别差,比如working memory基本就不及格,所以具体到学习上,就是坐不下来学,学完后面忘记前面,小时候内容简单的时候,问题不大,但是遇到相对复杂的内容,需要多步累加学习的内容,就学不走。比如一个作业需要7/8 条要求,他看完,就只能记住头1-2步,剩下的步骤就随性发挥,再比如中文,我之前每天带着学习半小时到1小时,学了三年了,还是小学一年级第一册水平,小他三岁的弟弟今年春开始跟他一起开始找老师学,现在学的进度比他还快点。 成绩现在就是平均,这还是我们上了很多课外的读写,数学的课的情况下。我发现他睡眠足了,专注性会好点, 他觉一直很少,睡眠质量也差,增加运动量睡眠质量就好很多。所以我现在抓运动,抓睡觉,学习看到哪个单项弱就找1-1的课或者小group的课补,大group我家跟不了,光神游四方了。坚持下来效果还是有,就是比别的孩子慢很多,比如别人1-2个月就可以养成的习惯,学明白的,他大概9-12个月。感觉这个病吧就是对家长的耐心极大的挑战,他醒着的时候,我差不多都在他边上,5分钟提醒一次该干嘛,电脑上所有app,网站都whitelist,只可以接触到学习相关的。之前他睡不好,我都是陪着睡着才离开,我陪着他大概30-50分钟能入睡,不陪他就会搞个2小时都睡不着。我常常都很绝望,不知道这样我可以坚持多久,我不这么贴身陪之后他可怎么办呢,最近慢慢有意识的放手,感觉孩子还是有进步吧,希望可以慢慢outgrow。
babyduck 发表于 2021-10-17 15:36

抱抱你,也抱抱楼主。。。家有ADD的孩子确实是对家长极大的挑战,太难了。 家长降低期望值是必须的,必须要让自己脱离华人家长互相攀比的环境,这样对自己对孩子都好。我现在觉得华人扎堆的地方有毒,不管孩子是不是ADHD,我都觉得那股骨子里的攀比会在不知不觉中就把你吃掉了,先吃了你,然后再吃你孩子。
== My name is Brian and I was diagnosed with ADHD in 1997. Since then I’ve completed school, attended University, served in the military and now work in the mental health field. All of the above wasn’t as easy for me as others perhaps but possible for anyone. I’ve been medicated and not medicated (mainly not) Now I’m looking at the next generation and I thought I would share my top 10 coping strategies. This is probably more focused towards teens. This is the group I consider most important but they aren’t in order of importance. Some were told to me some I worked out, some just happened by accident. 1. Time is everything - An ADHD brain finds it very difficult to subjectively judge the passing of time, especially when focused on a task. Devices like a phone or a clock on a computer are ok. But if you’re on another screen or your phone is in your pocket, you forget to check it. ADHD being close to an autism spectrum disorder, tactile reminders are great. Enter the wristwatch. I can feel it on my wrist and through habit development I check it all the time when I’m working or out and about. When it comes to deadlines or timings nothing will get you fired quicker than being late. As a parent if a child is doing something and they need to leave the house or bath etc. 15, 10 and 5 minute warnings go a LONG way. 2. Stay old school. Devices and screens are great tools however as above they lack a certain something when it comes to checking things. So chores or schedules etc. where possible make visual chart on paper or when noting something down in a diary etc. stick to paper and pen. There’s something about the visual and tactile elements working together that helps the information stick when compared to a device. For kids chores an actual physical chart of the weeks chores with times and colours etc. We will forget we need to take the bins out on Wednesday. We cant hold a schedule in our heads like that. And its a predictor of consequence and reward a huge factor in how our brains work. 3. Notebook Probably my number one. Similar to above. Have a list of tasks to do today? In the notebook. Say you’re going to do something? In the notebook. Noting things down, again combines the tactile and the visual and transferring that to a calendar provides the repetition for remembering the information. Also refer to point 10. 4. Read and re read. ADHD has been shown to be mainly an executive function disorder. The main part is “Working Memory” (please google what it is) ADHD people don’t have working memory or its very weak. It’s very difficult for use to hold a thought which makes comprehension very difficult. (Things like mental arithmetic are near impossible) When reading, read 2 -3 sentences then read them again (or more times). Slower yes but significantly more accurate. 5. Fidget focusing is hard. For most schoolwork or office tasks you’re going to be sitting still. For an ADHD brain this is torture. MOVE! If you can walk around the house and read schoolwork, do it. If you’re at work and have to take a call or make a call, take a walk (if you can). In situations where you must be in one spot. Use a fidget. I use a bike chain fidget or the most interesting feeling hair tie I can find. (In the military, on parade, standing perfectly still I used to wiggle my toes). 6. Routines. Due to the working memory issue and general distractions, routine, structure and habit development is key. Rather than adhering to times (eg shower at 7am) . I adhere to the steps Try and break tasks down into routines when it’s important not to forget. I used to forget to take my meds all the time. So now I have a routine around it and it’s done the same way each day (obviously items I need are always in the same spot. E.g. Shower, dry, MEDS, WRISTWATCH, kitchen, kettle on, coffee made, leave it on the bench, and get dressed. The 2 important ones are meds and wristwatch. But the markers after the key behaviour are just as important as the ones before it. If I see someone with a coffee or I feel like I want a coffee is a “backup reminder” and I can use my back up watch and back up meds that live in my work bag ( rarely used) This can be done with anything. It’s more about developing habits. We don’t have working memory, so the idea is to get it into our longer term memory and doing it so many times that we can’t get it wrong, so even when were absent minded we still to the right thing. (E.g. do you remember putting your seatbelt on in the car today or yesterday?) Most daily important tasks need to become the seatbelt. 7. Communicate. We are quick to get emotional. Non-physical emotions are hard for us to project (e.g. we’re angry we throw things and scream, we don’t pout.) This means others don’t pick up on how were feeling, until it's this extreme outward display. So tell people how you feel. Get used to the pattern of “When X happens, I feel Y”. The pattern keeps things calm and really helps you get your point across. Telling people what’s going on in your head and helps them understand and hopefully will build positive meaningful relationships. And people won’t be offended when your feelings seem out of sync with the situation. 8. Educate yourself Understand and learn how an ADHD brain works. Being able to tell people what’s going on in your head will help greatly in them understanding you. Even something simple like “ ADHD brains are quick to emotion, on a scale of 1-10 we tend to experience emotions at 8, 9, 10, its very hard for us to keep it between 1-7" Most people want to understand and are lovely about it. They just cant pick up on it. So tell them ( We don't do hints) To use an analogy. Non ADHD people are Leopards, they live on land, and they’re very good at climbing trees. You are a shark very good at swimming, the leopards can’t understand why you can’t climb trees. Your goal is to teach the leopards how to swim. 9. 1 thing at a time. Another feature of an ADHD brain is we aren’t good at future projecting (e.g. understanding that it takes 30 small steps to get to a goal, we dont even see the steps) which makes self-motivation hard. So often when we have a big job like cleaning a messy bedroom it’s too big and overwhelming to understand where to start. Train your brain and thought process to look at jobs as tiny sections. So don’t clean a room, you can’t do it all at once can you? What you can do is pick up the laundry, or dust a desk. (And remember this when writing your notebook). That comes into activities too, video games are attractive to us because they offer instantaneous feedback for an action we take in game. Consequences or reward. Remember this when your looking at hobbies you might like. (eg I love Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, instant consequences or reward) 10. Strengths and Confidence. People find it difficult to understand you. The stats are not in your favour. ADHD have a higher rate of schooling drop out, Marriage difficulties and inconsistent employment. You will face rejection. Learn to have a thick skin and be mentally bulletproof. NOT DISTANT from people, believe in yourself is what I’m saying. Learn to focus on your strengths and accomplishments. One of the benefits of the notebook is at the end of the day you can check it and see your accomplishments, which inherently self-esteem boosting. If someone you notice isn’t maybe good for your confidence or self-esteem let them go. You are different and that’s ok! You will find friends that don’t mind  and they tend to be great people. As a parent, the number one thing is teaching them confidence. If they don't have high confidence and self esteem, the world will chew them up. At no point do I say I "suffer from ADHD" suffering is a choice not a state of being. Also telling someone they "suffer" is A ) potential limiting B ) against point 10. Edit: Apologies for spelling and grammar. I'm usually pretty good. But ofcourse I blasted this out in one go and didn't check it. Sorry Edit: Suffering point. Sorry again. **** Update***** Many apologies I can’t make it shareable in this group Was not expecting that kind of response. Just to be super clear I’m in no way perfect I still struggle sometimes and that’s ok.
babyduck 发表于 2021-10-18 12:58
