没有人讨论吗, 或将关系到今后的物价,人权和生命权

楼主 (北美华人网)
A congressional stalemate over whether to raise America’s debt ceiling showed signs of easing. Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the Senate, said he would support raising the limit until December, avoiding a sovereign default as early as October 18th. As a condition, he wants Democrats to raise the borrowing cap by a fixed amount, rather than suspend it altogether until some future time. December may bring another round of brinkmanship
A federal judge blocked an abortion law passed in Texas that allows anyone in America to sue anyone who helps someone in the state abort a fetus older than six weeks. Robert Pitman, whom Barack Obama nominated to the bench in 2014, forbade state courts from accepting suits under the law. Texas filed an appeal. The conservative majority Supreme Court last month declined to prevent Texas from enacting the law