芯片又不是动植物需要喝水,人家生产用水都是循环的,大家就不要操这个心了。大部分高尔夫球场也是循环水浇的 - 虽然我个人认为凤凰城太多高尔夫球场了,很浪费。 谁说凤凰城有牛粪味?我从来没有闻到过啊?牛肉倒是真便宜,据我们家负责采购的领导说这里随便就能买到上好的USDA choice(还是select? 高级的那个)比加州便宜很多的牛排。 “Intel says it cleaned up and returned 95 percent of the freshwater it used in 2020. It has its own water treatment plant at its Ocotillo campus in Chandler that’s similar to a municipal plant. There’s also a “brine reduction facility,” a public-private partnership with the city of Chandler, that brings 2.5 million gallons of Intel’s wastewater a day back to drinking standard. Intel uses some of the treated water again, and the rest is sent to replenish groundwater sources or be used by surrounding communities.” “Last year, the company pledged that by 2030 it will restore and return more freshwater than it uses.”
楼主加州的 wfh
谁说凤凰城有牛粪味?我从来没有闻到过啊?牛肉倒是真便宜,据我们家负责采购的领导说这里随便就能买到上好的USDA choice(还是select? 高级的那个)比加州便宜很多的牛排。
“Intel says it cleaned up and returned 95 percent of the freshwater it used in 2020. It has its own water treatment plant at its Ocotillo campus in Chandler that’s similar to a municipal plant. There’s also a “brine reduction facility,” a public-private partnership with the city of Chandler, that brings 2.5 million gallons of Intel’s wastewater a day back to drinking standard. Intel uses some of the treated water again, and the rest is sent to replenish groundwater sources or be used by surrounding communities.”
“Last year, the company pledged that by 2030 it will restore and return more freshwater than it uses.”
估计她说的是加州比如riversides 这样的地方,牛粪味是有一些。。
这你也信?哪家的golf course是循环水浇的?从哪里来的循环水?
这个I’d 就在凤凰城,然后一直抱怨外州的人把凤凰城房价炒高了,估计他还没买到房吧
阿“电”,看来你是被电得不轻,脑子都瓦特叻! 只有你这样的精分才会一边数落Phoenix的坏处,一边住在那里。
我不知道你指哪个,车可以上船,对亚裔友好,岛上很多菲律宾人,Bainbridge Island 没有大的医院和购物中心因为当地人不喜欢过于商业化,gig harbor 这个小城市发展更全面些,有医院,costco. Ymca 和几个大超市,去机场也只要半小小时,去亚洲超市也很近。