想问下jms今年的 dependent care还能 carry 到 明年吗

楼主 (北美华人网)
很快又要到最后一个季度啦,开始 查看各种税前账户。。。 不知道今年的 dependent care还能 carry到 明年吗 ?还是今年放进去的 只能 12月31号 花完? 网上Google了下,好像 有的说可以有的说不可以,想问问大家。谢谢啦 !
In May, the Treasury Department came up with a partial mid-year fix: Employers could let workers make a one-time mid-year change to how much money they were putting in their accounts on a prospective basis, and they upped the carryover to $550. That lessened the pain, but Congressional action was needed for a better solution. The new law allows employers to make these changes: allow employees to carry over unused money up to the full annual amount from the plan year 2020 to 2021, and also from the plan year 2021 to 2022 for healthcare and dependent care FSAs allow up to a 12-month grace period for employees to incur new expenses and submit claims against unused accumulated funds for plan years ending in 2020 or 2021 for healthcare and dependent care FSAs allow midyear election changes on a prospective basis without a change in status event for plan years ending in 2021 for healthcare and dependent care FSAs allow dependent care reimbursement up to age 14 in cases where an employee’s dependent turned 13 in 2020 and the employee had leftover funds from 2020 (this special carry forward rule helps employees whose dependents “aged out” during the pandemic) for dependent care FSAs allow health FSA participants who stop participating in the plan (ex-employees) during calendar year 2020 or 2021 to continue to receive reimbursements through the end of the year, including grace periods (this post-termination benefit applies to healthcare FSAs, not dependent care FSAs)
"In May, the Treasury Department came up with a partial mid-year fix: Employers could let workers make a one-time mid-year change to how much money they were putting in their accounts on a prospective basis"....
啊,今年年中的时候打电话给fsa dependent care管理公司问能不能增加funds, 被坚定地告知不能。现在暑假都过完了,即使现在改,也不能 cover summer camp的$$了,哎。。。。
In May, the Treasury Department came up with a partial mid-year fix: Employers could let workers make a one-time mid-year change to how much money they were putting in their accounts on a prospective basis, and they upped the carryover to $550. That lessened the pain, but Congressional action was needed for a better solution. The new law allows employers to make these changes: allow employees to carry over unused money up to the full annual amount from the plan year 2020 to 2021, and also from the plan year 2021 to 2022 for healthcare and dependent care FSAs allow up to a 12-month grace period for employees to incur new expenses and submit claims against unused accumulated funds for plan years ending in 2020 or 2021 for healthcare and dependent care FSAs allow midyear election changes on a prospective basis without a change in status event for plan years ending in 2021 for healthcare and dependent care FSAs allow dependent care reimbursement up to age 14 in cases where an employee’s dependent turned 13 in 2020 and the employee had leftover funds from 2020 (this special carry forward rule helps employees whose dependents “aged out” during the pandemic) for dependent care FSAs allow health FSA participants who stop participating in the plan (ex-employees) during calendar year 2020 or 2021 to continue to receive reimbursements through the end of the year, including grace periods (this post-termination benefit applies to healthcare FSAs, not dependent care FSAs)

lingling7 发表于 2021-09-27 16:07
