
楼主 (北美华人网)
大家好,最近在帮父母申请绿卡。我是online file I-130. 填完父母和自己的基本信息后,要求online上传Evidence:
有两个是必须提供的: 1)Proof of U.S. Citizenship: 我现在只有入籍宣誓拿到的Naturalization Certificate, 还没去usps办理美国护照,只upload这个是不是就够了? 2) Petitioner''s birth certificate: 我现在只有办理绿卡时有的出生公证,一本里边四张纸,跟这个链接里的一模一样:https://gonglue.us/china-birth-certificate。 这四张纸直接扫描 上传就可以了吗? 我发现英文的那两页是 钢印,扫描可能压根看不出有钢印。 移民局最后会不会要求我寄原件呢?
===================== Proof of U.S. Citizenship Upload documents which show that you are a U.S. citizen. Examples of these documents include: A copy of your birth certificate, issued by a civil registrar, vital statistics office, or other civil authority showing that you were born in the United States A copy of your naturalization certificate or certificate of citizenship issued by USCIS or the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) A copy of Form FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA), issued by a U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate A copy of your unexpired U.S. passport An original statement from a U.S. consular officer verifying that you are a U.S. citizen with a valid passport

Petitioner''s birth certificate Upload a copy of your birth certificate showing your name and the names of your parent(s).

还有一个问题是 Additional Evidence, 如果提供了出生公证,是不是Additional Evidence 不用填了?
是不是I-130只要提供Naturalization Certificate 和自己的出生公证就可以了,I-130通过了以后,父母在境外申请绿卡签证的时候,才需要准备父母的出生公证,结婚公证之类的文件?
够 可以。记得给你爸的那个还需要他们的结婚证