Hacker news也在讨论第三针 感觉索南和大妈殊途同归了 😀

楼主 (北美华人网)
The whole booster conversation seems like a political game.
If you have a vaccine, then your risk of death is far below that of the flu (statistically).
If you don't have a vaccine by now, you want covid instead and this booster conversation is irrelevant.
Kids are banned from taking anything.
So I expect booster or no booster, frankly it just won't matter much at the population scale.
I also don't understand the mask/booster thing now.
Is it to protect kids? If so, then all that effort is better directed at the FDA who has banned them from getting the vaccine. I think this is the area where people should have the most anger and Biden should frankly push legislation to replace or reform the FDA. Their behavior has been atrocious.
Is it to protect the unvaccinated? COVID is not going away, so IMO here we just want everyone in this population to get the disease as fast as possible to get it over with. Spreading is basically "good" for this group.
Is it to protect the vaccinated? This makes no sense, as the risk to the vaccinated well below the range we have accepted for decades
Pfizer最早说要第三针的时候,Fauci这个老油条发表讲话,结论是我们没说赞成也没说反对,我就知道这是个policical game了
"If you have a vaccine, then your risk of death is far below that of the flu (statistically). "
其它的话我没意见, 但这句话有问题 “so IMO here we just want everyone in this population to get the disease as fast as possible to get it over with”。 如果你是靠自然感染免疫的话,你的risk是多大?你的家人危险有多大? 参见隔壁楼的4岁小孩去世
"If you have a vaccine, then your risk of death is far below that of the flu (statistically). "
其它的话我没意见, 但这句话有问题 “so IMO here we just want everyone in this population to get the disease as fast as possible to get it over with”。 如果你是靠自然感染免疫的话,你的risk是多大?你的家人危险有多大? 参见隔壁楼的4岁小孩去世
surge 发表于 2021-09-14 12:25

阅读有障碍吧 我说这个同学的帖子值得思考