F class 自由15年了,不少次国泰前面6个座占4个,我是中美商务舱什么样都忘了。pandemic以前每年积10张来回票。知道折腾的人根本不要上千,更别说上万了。。。我记得是平均$400来回,花3个小时。现在懒了,还有几百万等着贬值呢。LZ 别以为坐前面的都是挥金如土的。其实连private jet都有很多deals,我飞过2年。
F class 自由15年了,不少次国泰前面6个座占4个,我是中美商务舱什么样都忘了。pandemic以前每年积10张来回票。知道折腾的人根本不要上千,更别说上万了。。。我记得是平均$400来回,花3个小时。现在懒了,还有几百万等着贬值呢。LZ 别以为坐前面的都是挥金如土的。其实连private jet都有很多deals,我飞过2年。 yolandos 发表于 2021-08-31 10:45
Haha, they say "I could tell you but then I would have to kill you". Believing it is doable and you are half way there. 98% people will stop right there. And you need to do your own research because the game changes every year。In a nutshell, the current game is a matter of recycling your credit lines and buy stuff you can quickly turn into cash and in turn pay your credit cards and stay under the radors. You think big (like putting 200K charge through in a month on your CCs) and pay a very tiny fee during the process when you combine with your miles earning CC with your cashback CCs. Treat your miles as another digitial currency which you can use to buy airline tickets (but also keep in mind that it devalues much faster than USD). I think round trip F class cost 80K-130K oneway. The rest is just simple math and a matter of keeping the cost down. Also keep in mind how many hrs you put in and see if it is worth your time.
buy stuff you can quickly turn into cash 这个好像是最难的 Just4vennting 发表于 2021-08-31 16:08
Yes it does require some creative thinking. Years ago people bought billions worth of $1 dollar coins from US mint with CC and shipped for free and turne around and deposit them into banks and paid off the credit bills. These coins ended up in US treasury and eventually the program to replace paper dollar bill with coin dollar was killed. I read about it and found it too funny that U.S. government was played... it was way too heavy though. Another example was buying gold from ebay with all the fees discounted and unload them immediately at local gold collectors/dealers...
Yes it does require some creative thinking. Years ago people bought billions worth of $1 dollar coins from US mint with CC and shipped for free and turne around and deposit them into banks and paid off the credit bills. These coins ended up in US treasury and eventually the program to replace paper dollar bill with coin dollar was killed. I read about it and found it too funny that U.S. government was played... it was way too heavy though. Another example was buying gold from ebay with all the fees discounted and unload them immediately at local gold collectors/dealers... yolandos 发表于 2021-08-31 16:30
这次到欧洲玩半个月,一家人花费也不会超过一万美金,机票买得早挺便宜。但如果买商务舱, 一家人的机票就要快两万了,似乎又是无论如何不可能花费的。
不禁好奇,这里很多工作家庭收入是top 1%, 大多是5%, 有多少人自费商务舱呢?要到什么境界才会考虑自费商务舱呢?
🔥 最新回帖
一个月一趟 这就有点惨了 时差调来调去也很辛苦 我觉得一年三趟可以
🛋️ 沙发板凳
我觉得noise cancellation headphone就可以了。很多公务舱给配的。然后睡着了就不觉得吵了。
坐长途飞机我用BOSE抗噪耳机, 大大减少噪音照成的不适
我和父母做商务舱回国,一路上我都在上网看电脑,我妈当时没说啥。后来忍不住问我,这样不觉得浪费么? 我说:如果是睡13个小时不是更浪费么?我平时在家不是每晚都睡在床上么? 又:如果控制回国频率,比如2-3年回去一次,攒着一起坐商务舱,估计就可以自由了。
对 噪音是我觉得比坐十几个小时更讨厌的 所以商务舱比经济舱舒服毋庸置疑 但是指望商务舱美美睡一觉下了飞机立马吃喝玩乐不受影响 可能性不大 更不要说还有时差呢
re。感觉BOSE耳机可以把周围人说话的噪音给过滤了,但是那种飞机本身的嗡嗡嗡的噪音还在。而且感觉noise cancelling headphone一直戴着耳膜会刺痛。
Business class和跨洋的first class从来不pay sticker price
西雅图到北京往返最多11个小时。打个盹再斗个地主吃两餐就到了。 如果觉得累可以先在西雅图住一宿。 当然疫情发生后就没有了
花在这里 是真的对得起自己
年纪大了 知道花在对自己好的地方最好。买什么名牌包?也不在乎别人的眼光
住行 最要紧了
体验太不同 世界太不同 对自己的感觉太不同
F class 自由15年了,不少次国泰前面6个座占4个,我是中美商务舱什么样都忘了。pandemic以前每年积10张来回票。知道折腾的人根本不要上千,更别说上万了。。。我记得是平均$400来回,花3个小时。现在懒了,还有几百万等着贬值呢。LZ 别以为坐前面的都是挥金如土的。其实连private jet都有很多deals,我飞过2年。
Haha, they say "I could tell you but then I would have to kill you". Believing it is doable and you are half way there. 98% people will stop right there.
And you need to do your own research because the game changes every year。In a nutshell, the current game is a matter of recycling your credit lines and buy stuff you can quickly turn into cash and in turn pay your credit cards and stay under the radors. You think big (like putting 200K charge through in a month on your CCs) and pay a very tiny fee during the process when you combine with your miles earning CC with your cashback CCs. Treat your miles as another digitial currency which you can use to buy airline tickets (but also keep in mind that it devalues much faster than USD). I think round trip F class cost 80K-130K oneway. The rest is just simple math and a matter of keeping the cost down. Also keep in mind how many hrs you put in and see if it is worth your time.
You may not believe it but these two are very very similar problems and have surprising similar solutions (besides printing money yourself)...
我们这一盒3lbs 才13 买多还更便宜 我每次都买四盒
Yes it does require some creative thinking. Years ago people bought billions worth of $1 dollar coins from US mint with CC and shipped for free and turne around and deposit them into banks and paid off the credit bills. These coins ended up in US treasury and eventually the program to replace paper dollar bill with coin dollar was killed. I read about it and found it too funny that U.S. government was played... it was way too heavy though. Another example was buying gold from ebay with all the fees discounted and unload them immediately at local gold collectors/dealers...
嗯,我也是打算娃上大学了,就开始给自己买商务/头等 😊