***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于300 才可浏览 ***** Results for 5-year-olds. Montessori students achieved higher scores [converted to average z scores (18)] for both academic and behavioral tests. Five-year-olds were also tested on executive function, thought to be important to success in school. On one such test, children were asked to sort cards by one rule, switch to a new rule, and (if they did well) then switch to a compound rule. Montessori children performed significantly better on this test. A test of children's ability to delay gratification (a treat) did not indicate statistically significant differences. Social/Behavioral Measures. Children were given five stories about social problems, such as another child hoarding a swing, and were asked how they would solve each problem (9). Montessori children were significantly more likely (43% versus 18% of responses) to use a higher level of reasoning by referring to justice or fairness to convince the other child to relinquish the object. Observations at the playground during recess indicated Montessori children were significantly more likely to be involved in positive shared peer play and significantly less likely to be involved in rough play that was ambiguous in intent (such as wrestling without smiling). The False Belief task was administered to examine children's understanding of the mind (10). Recognition that people represent the world in subjective as well as objective ways is a landmark achievement in social cognition (11). Social negotiation and discussion about mental states leads to this advance in children (12). Whereas 80% (significantly more than chance) of the Montessori 5-year-olds passed, the control children were at chance, with 50% passing. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-6 0:33:29编辑过]
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于300 才可浏览 ***** Social/Behavioral Measures. As a social skills test, 12-year-olds read six stories about social problems (such as not being asked to a party) and were asked to choose among four responses. Montessori 12-year-olds were significantly more likely to choose the positive assertive response (for example, verbally expressing one's hurt feelings to the host). On a questionnaire regarding their feelings about school, Montessori children indicated having a greater sense of community, responding more positively to items such as, "Students in my class really care about each other" and "Students in this class treat each other with respect."
Results for 5-year-olds. Montessori students achieved higher scores [converted to average z scores (18)] for both academic and behavioral tests. Five-year-olds were also tested on executive function, thought to be important to success in school. On one such test, children were asked to sort cards by one rule, switch to a new rule, and (if they did well) then switch to a compound rule. Montessori children performed significantly better on this test. A test of children's ability to delay gratification (a treat) did not indicate statistically significant differences. Social/Behavioral Measures. Children were given five stories about social problems, such as another child hoarding a swing, and were asked how they would solve each problem (9). Montessori children were significantly more likely (43% versus 18% of responses) to use a higher level of reasoning by referring to justice or fairness to convince the other child to relinquish the object. Observations at the playground during recess indicated Montessori children were significantly more likely to be involved in positive shared peer play and significantly less likely to be involved in rough play that was ambiguous in intent (such as wrestling without smiling). The False Belief task was administered to examine children's understanding of the mind (10). Recognition that people represent the world in subjective as well as objective ways is a landmark achievement in social cognition (11). Social negotiation and discussion about mental states leads to this advance in children (12). Whereas 80% (significantly more than chance) of the Montessori 5-year-olds passed, the control children were at chance, with 50% passing.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-6 0:33:29编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-6 0:19:23编辑过]
想划个highlight,弄半天太麻烦,算了。 看来意思就是5岁时蒙氏基本各方面都优势明显,12岁时学习方面差别不大,社交能力较强,作者也不知为什么。我还是上次的问题,这个蒙氏看来非常重视与人交往的能力,不同年龄孩子在一起吗。孩子们说学校那些好话,谁知是不是真心话,是不是有点早熟呀?这蒙氏教育处来的人应该情商都比较高吧? 我也看明白了。 “孩子们说学校那些好话,谁知是不是真心话,是不是有点早熟呀?这蒙氏教育处来的人应该情商都比较高吧?”这个疑问,嗯,嗯,不知道怎么解释好。 很想知道以后呢,12岁以后呢,这些蒙氏的孩子们长大后是否能具有蒙氏教育重要的目标之一“健全的人格”,这是我最关心的问题。
很想知道以后呢,12岁以后呢,这些蒙氏的孩子们长大后是否能具有蒙氏教育重要的目标之一“健全的人格”,这是我最关心的问题。 同想知道。对他们future research那几条感兴趣。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-6 1:19:12编辑过]
对,正想听听你的意见。 我只是凭感觉,我父母也只是凭他们的感觉教育我,也没怎么长歪吗。会不会学了理论反而缩手缩脚,弄巧成拙了呢。 我能不能说,可能是他们的教育方式正确,也可能就是运气。 你从幼儿园、小学的同学想起,有多少比例的同学受到了高等教育,有相对体面的工作家庭。同样教室里坐着的人,同样的教育体制,为什么会有天差地别的结果?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-6 1:33:02编辑过]
我能不能说,可能是他们的教育方式正确,也可能就是运气。 你从幼儿园、小学的同学想起,有多少比例的同学受到了高等教育,有相对体面的工作家庭。同样教室里坐着的人,同样的教育体制,为什么会有天差地别的结果?
我的一个朋友说,教育孩子其实就是大人重新学习如何做人。好象真是这样,我现在经常想,我这样做会不会给宝宝负面的影响。 是啊。至少和LG拌嘴,小心不要让娃听到。厚厚。。。
我的一个朋友说,教育孩子其实就是大人重新学习如何做人。好象真是这样,我现在经常想,我这样做会不会给宝宝负面的影响。 同意. 但是正视自己的问题是一会事儿, 要全都改过真的好难啊,
家庭影响的结果? 呵呵。 我从小在高校环境里长大,同学的家庭环境、经济情况都大同小异。可是10多年、20年下来,差别也非常非常大。家庭是重要的影响,但也仅仅是影响之一。
我的一个朋友说,教育孩子其实就是大人重新学习如何做人。好象真是这样,我现在经常想,我这样做会不会给宝宝负面的影响。 狂nod. 狂nod.
呵呵。 我从小在高校环境里长大,同学的家庭环境、经济情况都大同小异。可是10多年、20年下来,差别也非常非常大。家庭是重要的影响,但也仅仅是影响之一。 那还有什么?个人资质? 开发引导是否得当? 我从小生活的环境和你一样,倒是觉得大多数同学都过得不错。差点的,父母多半不是学校教工。我还想举这作为家庭影响的正面例子呢。
我最近经常对帆帆发火, 大声骂过她几次, 就为了阻止她吃手, 还有她不喝奶的时候太多了, 我也被磨没了耐心, 骂了她几回 现在想想真后悔, 以后一定要克制克制 帆帆能懂吗?
帆帆能懂吗? 懂, 她贼聪明呢, 骂她她会瘪瘪嘴装委屈, 不正眼看你, 低着头自己玩手, 过会儿再偷偷瞄你一眼 我觉得她们已经能听懂话了, 比如说她们在地上自由活动, 老往厨房爬, 我看到就会说, 不能爬过去, 那边危险, 快到妈妈这里来, 她们就会掉转头爬过来
这么小的孩子你可千万别以为他们不懂,还是要注意些。我给淘淘喂辅食也是一肚子气,也冲他大声说过话,后来也有些后悔。以后尽量控制吧! 是啊, 真的要控制, 其实她们已经能听懂了 我说:拍拍小手, 她们就会拿两个小拳头出来对碰, 我说, 再见, 她们就会摆再见手势 反正我觉得她们真的进步很快, 忽然间可以听懂很多话
那还有什么?个人资质? 开发引导是否得当? 我从小生活的环境和你一样,倒是觉得大多数同学都过得不错。差点的,父母多半不是学校教工。我还想举这作为家庭影响的正面例子呢。
我婆婆送给我们8个字:幼儿养性,童蒙正启。她希望我们能从小能培养宝宝一个快乐的性格。我和老公也希望朝这方面努力。 性格决定命运,还是有一定道理的,比如:同样是单亲家庭,有些孩子因为家庭原因一蹶不振,但也有很乐观的孩子,我老公一个朋友从小父母离异,可是他就很开朗,和他在一起觉得整个人都觉得开怀起来了。 哇,你PP真有文化,这么复杂的事情8个字就概括出来了,有点那啥“身正为师,学高为范”的意识,不愧是当LD的
哇,你PP真有文化,这么复杂的事情8个字就概括出来了,有点那啥“身正为师,学高为范”的意识,不愧是当LD的 豆妈,我婆婆最近在看佛经,是从佛经里面领悟出来的, 好像佛经里面就有这样的话吧。
豆妈,我婆婆最近在看佛经,是从佛经里面领悟出来的, 好像佛经里面就有这样的话吧。
我婆婆送给我们8个字:幼儿养性,童蒙正启。她希望我们能从小能培养宝宝一个快乐的性格。我和老公也希望朝这方面努力。 性格决定命运,还是有一定道理的,比如:同样是单亲家庭,有些孩子因为家庭原因一蹶不振,但也有很乐观的孩子,我老公一个朋友从小父母离异,可是他就很开朗,和他在一起觉得整个人都觉得开怀起来了。 说得真好