前两天把我的Luella(好像是这么拼的吧,网上已经找不到图了)靴子那去return and rebuy乐,哈哈,拿回来一百刀啊!!!一个多月前原价买的,还没穿过昨天美滋滋地穿了,很舒服又很stylish,在office走来走去,收到很多人的夸奖哈哈!! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 10:26:19编辑过]
men plaid cashmere scarf for bf. I love this plaid red dress in 00 black dress in 00 and 0 silk cowlneck in pxs and xs and this turtleneck disappeared when I submitted order. I called and SA told me it's sold out, although you can still add it to your cart. It will be gone when you try to check out. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 10:38:02编辑过]
以下是引用bbcat在2007-1-5 10:34:00的发言: SA told me it's sold out, although you can still add it to your cart. It will be gone when you try to check out. 搞错了,以为我和你买的是一个呢。 我买的是另外一款essential turtleneck。 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 10:45:22编辑过]
以下是引用understandme在2007-1-5 10:44:00的发言: 嗯,就是不知道店里怎么样了。有时候网上便宜些,有时候店里折到简直难以相信的CHEAP。 还有上次CHIC MM买的皮衣,我搞了一件可是没想到XS那么那么地小。。。。在想要不要打电话去搜寻一个S号的。。。。 how much is it now
以下是引用bbcat在2007-1-5 11:03:00的发言: thanks a lot!!! can i use it online? do i need to use it with BR cc card? 是br cs给我的,不知道是不是只能我的account用。你再试一下我刚给你发的另外一个。 再不行的话,我就没辙了。
以下是引用bbcat在2007-1-5 10:53:00的发言: do u think i can wear 00 dress? will that be too small for me? 0 is way too big. i just tried on one dress last night in BR.. I am gonna hold off online orders because local is ALWAYS cheaper than online. I have a survey code to use locally too. haha
以下是引用understandme在2007-1-5 11:33:00的发言: wispy mm, Is that coupon code for one time use only? Otherwise, could you share it here? Yes, it is one-time use only and also it is account associated. I am the only one who can use it. Sorry~
以下是引用understandme在2007-1-5 11:46:00的发言: Sometimes local stores dont' have it or the price could be even higher. That's why lazy people like us buy online. our local store is always cheaper than online
以下是引用jessicam在2007-1-5 11:32:00的发言: 0 is way too big. i just tried on one dress last night in BR.. I am gonna hold off online orders because local is ALWAYS cheaper than online. I have a survey code to use locally too. haha good news. I remember their size 0 dress was big on me too
以下是引用understandme在2007-1-5 12:36:00的发言: hehe, I have the same thought. JUst wanted to get some basics. It's OK if nothing is left then. i want the nude color dress the most
以下是引用jenniferuiuc在2007-1-5 13:28:00的发言: 今天去了店里,黑色的风衣是$84.99,原价是$198的。还有一件条纹的turtleneck是$13.99,很多人买过的。网上$19.99的那些毛衣有的卖$19.99,有的卖$23.99. wow! great news! i can PA my trench coat
以下是引用Caffeine在2007-1-5 13:41:00的发言: the price is really low now...... but I have not bought any clothes since 12/26/06. let's see when I'll make the first purchase in 2007 i was same as you until last night when i made my first purchase of $10 in AE for 2007 now there is no point holding
以下是引用jessicam在2007-1-5 13:43:00的发言: i was same as you until last night when i made my first purchase of $10 in AE for 2007 now there is no point holding haha...once you start ... I'm holding back to make a big purchase later
以下是引用bbcat在2007-1-5 10:34:00的发言: men plaid cashmere scarf for bf. I love this plaid red dress in 00 black dress in 00 and 0 silk cowlneck in pxs and xs and this turtleneck disappeared when I submitted order. I called and SA told me it's sold out, although you can still add it to your cart. It will be gone when you try to check out. 00你穿会不会大阿
以下是引用bbcat在2007-1-5 14:17:00的发言: 怎么可能大,我就怕小了,jcrew 0的裙子我穿都紧阿现在 same here but jcrew this season reduces the size for 0. now i feel like jcrew 2= br 0 in terms of the dresses
以下是引用jessicam在2007-1-5 14:20:00的发言: same here but jcrew this season reduces the size for 0. now i feel like jcrew 2= br 0 in terms of the dresses 所以我觉得br 00的dress我应该穿得正好
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 7:41:43编辑过]
看来Jcrew不更新,本来准备奉献给它家的钱,都只好送到别家去啦 NND 再不更新,大家统一移情别恋了啦。 没错没错,不过估计等JCREW一更新,我又扑通一声跳下水了 不过他们都是final sale还没有fs code...没劲
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 7:49:18编辑过]
我太激动了,又下了一个大蛋,搜肠刮肚,就找到一个10% off的code(一次性的).
这件本来$22的时候 order了一件p0,还没试大小,也应该在14天之内,不过又弄个00 size, 价格双保险。
正在找粉色的crew neck毛衣,希望这种不掉毛。
我几天前在店里看到好几件P00和P0,拿起来端详半天,总觉得我不可能塞到P00里面去,尤其这个是straight的,屁股那里的尺寸小。 可惜我那天逛街前因为刚刚沐浴更衣完毕,不想试衣服,否则今天也不用两个尺寸都买了。 我准备今天再杀到店里去看看
要是再有15% off的胖胖什么的就好了.
哦哦哦哦哦~~想起来了,几天前的了一个survay invitation.哈哈~一会儿做,廖胜于无.
要是再有15% off的胖胖什么的就好了.
哦哦哦哦哦~~想起来了,几天前的了一个survay invitation.哈哈~一会儿做,廖胜于无.
跟我想法一样,趁早赶紧下单再说,然后再冲去mall里 我最近什么survey invitation都没有,可怜
我几天前在店里看到好几件P00和P0,拿起来端详半天,总觉得我不可能塞到P00里面去,尤其这个是straight的,屁股那里的尺寸小。 可惜我那天逛街前因为刚刚沐浴更衣完毕,不想试衣服,否则今天也不用两个尺寸都买了。 我准备今天再杀到店里去看看
我得目测也不一定准,呵呵,不过他们的P00真的好小啊,我有次试一条裤子硬是扣不上扣子 没准你能在店里看到实物就买了
They always have free shipping, much better than jcrew
BRFREE for 125+
BRCARD for 50+ if you have a br card
LUXE for any amount if you have a luxe card.
They always have free shipping, much better than jcrew
BRFREE for 125+
BRCARD for 50+ if you have a br card
LUXE for any amount if you have a luxe card.
哪个mm见过这条裤子吗,会不会很薄? VERY BO
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 10:26:19编辑过]
跳了一蛋大的 猫贴上来看看!
black dress in 00 and 0 silk cowlneck in pxs and xs
and this turtleneck disappeared when I submitted order. I called and SA told me it's sold out, although you can still add it to your cart. It will be gone when you try to check out.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 10:38:02编辑过]
men plaid cashmere scarf for bf. I love this plaid
[em01 猫好贴心哪! 这一蛋确实比较大。
SA told me it's sold out, although you can still add it to your cart. It will be gone when you try to check out.
搞错了,以为我和你买的是一个呢。 我买的是另外一款essential turtleneck。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 10:45:22编辑过]
搞错了,以为我和你买的是一个呢。 我买的是另外一款essential turtleneck。
i mean the 19.99 one. i think we are talking about the same thing
嗯,就是不知道店里怎么样了。有时候网上便宜些,有时候店里折到简直难以相信的CHEAP。 还有上次CHIC MM买的皮衣,我搞了一件可是没想到XS那么那么地小。。。。在想要不要打电话去搜寻一个S号的。。。。 how much is it now
do u think i can wear 00 dress? will that be too small for me?
i mean the 19.99 one. i think we are talking about the same thing 哦,那就是一个。 对了,你还要下单么?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-5 11:56:48编辑过]
哦,那就是一个。 对了,你还要下单么? wah!!! i want it!!!
wah!!! i want it!!! 好的。
thanks a lot!!! can i use it online? do i need to use it with BR cc card? 只能online用。 不知道是不是必须br cc,你试一试。不行的话可别怪我啊。
这个我试穿过 觉得料子不是很好 拉链试了两条都不好用 而且腰身的地方特别不服帖,有点水桶腰的感觉
thanks a lot!!! can i use it online? do i need to use it with BR cc card? 是br cs给我的,不知道是不是只能我的account用。你再试一下我刚给你发的另外一个。 再不行的话,我就没辙了。
do u think i can wear 00 dress? will that be too small for me? 0 is way too big. i just tried on one dress last night in BR.. I am gonna hold off online orders because local is ALWAYS cheaper than online. I have a survey code to use locally too. haha
早上起来,钱不是被这家赚走就是被那家赚走啊 收到BR email说有新降价,发现昨天放到购物狂里的东西都降了10到40刀不等,一激动就下了个大单。其实也没有几件啊,200多就美了 $39.99 (昨天还要79.99) 这件cocktail dress我上周在店里看到了,当时还贵,所以嫌麻烦没有试,依稀记得P00非常的小,所以我同时order了P00和P0。买dress真的是罪过,不过看在是little black的份上还是忍不住,而且我喜欢这种领型。 从59.99降到了39.99,可惜只有黑色的,买了条P00来试试,我怀疑自己穿不了P00,这样就正好不用屯了,也有P0,但是不是我特别中意的样子,所以不想两个都买来比 从29.99降到了19.99,是丝的,看起来很舒服,两个颜色都买了。但是黑色那张看起来对bra比较有挑战性。 昨天看到有mm说这个鞋子很小,所以也决定试一下,49.99 下面这条dress,显示有P00号,但是实际上OOS了 这个我并不是很想买(基本上我不买strapless),但是看起来很美啊,好像咖啡因mm曾经秀过试穿照吧 这个红dress好像很大,我在店里试过,0号的,我根本挂不住,直接掉下来了。。不知道p00的会不会是超超小
wispy mm, Is that coupon code for one time use only? Otherwise, could you share it here? Yes, it is one-time use only and also it is account associated. I am the only one who can use it. Sorry~
just get them in local store then br store is too far from where i am. Just wondering if this sweater is worth $40
Sometimes local stores dont' have it or the price could be even higher. That's why lazy people like us buy online. our local store is always cheaper than online
0 is way too big. i just tried on one dress last night in BR.. I am gonna hold off online orders because local is ALWAYS cheaper than online. I have a survey code to use locally too. haha good news. I remember their size 0 dress was big on me too
None specified. add Gift Message
None specified. add
你可笑死我了... i am gonna wait until i can use the 15% off, if nothing is left, that's okay..
hehe, I have the same thought. JUst wanted to get some basics. It's OK if nothing is left then. i want the nude color dress the most
我太激动了,又下了一个大蛋,搜肠刮肚,就找到一个10% off的code(一次性的).
这件本来$22的时候 order了一件p0,还没试大小,也应该在14天之内,不过又弄个00 size, 价格双保险。
正在找粉色的crew neck毛衣,希望这种不掉毛。
这两个我都买过,可都退了 裤子腰/跨部P00有点紧,P0又太松,只能说我长的怪异! 毛衣挺合身,穿着蛮帅气,可毛掉得好厉害!Alpaca是种什么毛涅?
今天去了店里,黑色的风衣是$84.99,原价是$198的。还有一件条纹的turtleneck是$13.99,很多人买过的。网上$19.99的那些毛衣有的卖$19.99,有的卖$23.99. wow! great news! i can PA my trench coat
wow! great news! i can PA my trench coat 我也买了,型很好
wow! great news! i can PA my trench coat 这个师什么样的?有图吗?谢谢。
similar to this one but shorter. it is sold out online. in black
the price is really low now...... but I have not bought any clothes since 12/26/06. let's see when I'll make the first purchase in 2007 i was same as you until last night when i made my first purchase of $10 in AE for 2007 now there is no point holding
i am gonna wait until i can use the 15% off, if nothing is left, that's okay.. same here
好久不去br家了 又省钱又防止买鸡肋啊 可能它家真的不适合我,either
i was same as you until last night when i made my first purchase of $10 in AE for 2007 now there is no point holding haha...once you start ... I'm holding back to make a big purchase later
哎,一上来就看见这个帖子,害得我又跳了150多,这几天买东西都买疯了,荷包瘪了 你都买了啥?我就等着去 local store 呢。
men plaid cashmere scarf for bf. I love this plaid red dress in 00
black dress in 00 and 0 silk cowlneck in pxs and xs
and this turtleneck disappeared when I submitted order. I called and SA told me it's sold out, although you can still add it to your cart. It will be gone when you try to check out.
怎么可能大,我就怕小了,jcrew 0的裙子我穿都紧阿现在 same here but jcrew this season reduces the size for 0. now i feel like jcrew 2= br 0 in terms of the dresses
same here but jcrew this season reduces the size for 0. now i feel like jcrew 2= br 0 in terms of the dresses 所以我觉得br 00的dress我应该穿得正好
did anybody see this one in the local store? 我跑了两家店也没有看到。
不是每次都有10% survey code 吗?不要忘了用。
你都买了啥?我就等着去 local store 呢。 和她们差不多,黑色的dress2条,5分裤一条,红丝衬衫,还有劳工的围巾。
所以我觉得br 00的dress我应该穿得正好 好像有人说那条黑色的dress腰比较粗来者,不知道会不会不合身。我听你的话,寻觅一条黑色裙子今年party穿
好像有人说那条黑色的dress腰比较粗来者,不知道会不会不合身。我听你的话,寻觅一条黑色裙子今年party穿 哈哈。其实你还可以买哪个红色的strapless。那个你穿肯定美死了!!活着那个strapless的黑色版本也很不错