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大家都很厉害 娃教育的那么有爱心 做义工必须点赞!👍👍
116 楼
115 楼


🛋️ 沙发板凳

这个暑假我家在做,一周20小时这样。 去年疫情也没做。
学校有规定做满多少小时的, mm查一下你们的学校。 疫情期间的确变了不少, 有很多online 的志愿机会, 像给小朋友读书,教学习,还有捐玩具食物等机会, 都不需要in person, mm可以让孩子考虑考虑。


可以挑娃们本身已经参与的活动做 volunteer,比如做体育啊乐队啊的助教,做 speech 啊 robotics 的 judge 或者 event organizer.
这些活动参与和 volunteer 之间有很多 overlap,比较省时间。
uglyduck 发表于 2021-07-21 17:41


Heiniu 发表于 2021-07-21 17:42

BEST VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS April is Volunteer Month! Volunteering not only adds value to your resume and college application, but contributing to your community also stimulates your personal and professional growth and allows you to make a difference.  Since the pandemic has moved so much of life digitally, organizations have found ways to engage volunteers using virtual methods as well. With virtual volunteering opportunities, you can contribute to your community and the world at large from the comfort and safety of your home!  Take a look at the following virtual volunteering opportunities for high school students. This list provides a variety of options for students based on a multitude of different interests and skills. Humane Society Though students can’t volunteer in person to work with animals safely during the pandemic, they can still help further the Humane Society’s mission by phone banking. Students must be over 16-years-old to volunteer and will place calls to support the Humane Society’s legislative priorities and ballot initiatives. The Trevor Project Students over the age of 18 can volunteer virtually for the Trevor Project to help staff crisis intervention hotlines and provide support to LGBTQ youth, ages 13 to 24. Best Buddies This organization provides an opportunity for students to help with their e-Buddies program, through which volunteers email with a buddy who has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, at least once every two weeks. Volunteers are matched with buddies based on interest, games, and location. People in the same states are not matched. This is a great way for students to help those with different abilities feel included and make a new friend. Girls Inc. As a social media ambassador for Girls Inc., students can help amplify the organization’s message by creating and sharing social media posts that teach girls how to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers. The goal of these posts is to add to a healthy, educated, and independent upbringing for girls. Even very busy students can spend 5 to 10 minutes a day working on this effort! Be My Eyes This organization pairs student volunteers with blind and low-vision individuals to provide visual assistance through a video app. Students can help folks who have trouble seeing with daily tasks like checking expiration dates, distinguishing between different colors, and reading important instructions. Adopt a Nursing Home Through this Texas Health Care Association project, student volunteers can send letters and online messages to nursing home residents to help keep their spirits high while they can no longer have visitors.  Lifetime Connections Without Walls This organization provides an opportunity for older adults to join classes and activities from the comfort and safety of their homes. Students can virtually volunteer their time by sending reminders about these events or even facilitating sessions. Donate:Code This organization connects students who are willing to donate their coding skills to charities and community groups who need that type of support. Students also have the opportunity to build their skills and portfolios through this volunteer position. Mozilla Mozilla offers another opportunity to students with computer skills to volunteer and help build a better internet. Students can volunteer to help with programming, design, or even testing. Amnesty Decoders This opportunity from an arm of Amnesty International allows students to help identify human rights violations that can become human rights projects using their computers, smart phones, and tablets. Students might find violations like tweets that are abusive to women or even locate vulnerable villages in war-torn regions like Darfur. Teenangels This organization offers an exciting opportunity for students ages 13 to 18 who have an interest in cyber security to help run programs that teach students, parents, and teachers about the safe and responsible use of the internet.  Citizen Scholars This is an opportunity for student history buffs to volunteer for the Smithsonian Institute, which is the largest museum and research complex in the world. Students can virtually assist in transcribing papers of prominent Americans, historic documents, and records from the Smithsonian’s scientific collection to make them more accessible to not only researchers but also the public.  Citizen Archivist This opportunity with the National Archives allows students to help preserve and share public records detailing the story of the United States and its people. Volunteers transcribe, tag, and add comments to these public records to help make them more searchable and accessible. TeensGive This is a fantastic opportunity for students in grades 9 through 12 to tutor other students online without the component of travel that tutoring often requires. TeensGive also focuses on helping students who are behind in school because of disadvantages like former gang membership, homelessness, or inequality. School on Wheels Another teaching-related opportunity, this organization gives students ages 16 to 18 the chance to volunteer to tutor students who are living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes, and the streets in Southern California. Tutors will work with students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade. Operation Gratitude This organization gives students who love to write the chance to send thank-you letters to first responders, troops, and veterans to support their efforts and thank them for their service. Project Gutenberg As this organization continues to grow the world’s largest digital library of over 60,000 free books, it needs volunteer proofreaders--a perfect opportunity for students who love to read and write! Bookshare Bookshare’s mission is to make reading more accessible to people who face reading barriers like visual impairments, learning disabilities, dyslexia, and physical disabilities. With this organization, students can volunteer to scan in new books and proofread scanned titles as the collection of over 900,000 titles improves. Tarjimly Students who have second-language skills or are multilingual can volunteer with this app that provides on-demand translation services for immigrants, asylees, and refugees. Translators Without Borders Students who are fluent in two or more languages can also volunteer for Translators Without Borders and translate texts for a variety of international organizations that focus on crisis relief, health, and education. 

这个是找volunteer的一些机构信息, 打开后找自己感兴趣的机构, 有in person 的也有 virtual 的

可以挑娃们本身已经参与的活动做 volunteer,比如做体育啊乐队啊的助教,做 speech 啊 robotics 的 judge 或者 event organizer.
这些活动参与和 volunteer 之间有很多 overlap,比较省时间。

artdong 发表于 2021-07-21 17:57

re. 如果不想特意再增加其他的工作,体育活动的主教,加orchestra排练表演,因为是小孩不付钱也算是volunteer。甚至在教会帮忙带小朋友唱歌服事钢琴都算的。
Volunteer 一定要做,是申请大学的一部分,学校的规定只是最低的,不能拿那个当作目标。一方面要多做,另外最好有固定长期的,比如某个机构坚持做几年。
我觉得特别浪费时间, 我知道中国小孩都是乱填个数, 不要太多就好了, 也没人查,我家几个亲戚小孩全这样,
我觉得特别浪费时间, 我知道中国小孩都是乱填个数, 不要太多就好了, 也没人查,我家几个亲戚小孩全这样,
jpbabyking 发表于 2021-07-21 18:10

我觉得特别浪费时间, 我知道中国小孩都是乱填个数, 不要太多就好了, 也没人查,我家几个亲戚小孩全这样,
jpbabyking 发表于 2021-07-21 18:10

Clover4l 发表于 2021-07-21 18:11

在中国, 公章就是个萝卜, 何况签名, 何况申请交材料的时候, 又没让你把这些都交上去, 也没人到中国去查
我觉得特别浪费时间, 我知道中国小孩都是乱填个数, 不要太多就好了, 也没人查,我家几个亲戚小孩全这样,
jpbabyking 发表于 2021-07-21 18:10

疫情前我们去过个照顾残疾人的summer camp,24/7 两周,算200小时,给证书。 还有其他跟自己课外活动相关的义工,时间多的可以申请”President''s Volunteer Service Award”, 分金银铜奖,可以在common app里算award/activity的一种。同时做义工的过程是对孩子的极大锻炼,很多essay 故事就诞生在这里。越是好的学校越看重community service。
这暑假有in-person, 大概一礼拜10小时。Intern时间比volunteer多。
Acad 发表于 2021-07-21 18:21

Acad 发表于 2021-07-21 18:21

公用马甲11 发表于 2021-07-21 18:24


落地无声 发表于 2021-07-21 18:28

这种表格哪里查呀?我想看看娃的dream school有没有这个要求

落地无声 发表于 2021-07-21 18:28

这种表格哪里查呀?我想看看娃的dream school有没有这个要求
公用马甲11 发表于 2021-07-21 18:46

谷歌,打入学校名字和common data set
这种表格哪里查呀?我想看看娃的dream school有没有这个要求
公用马甲11 发表于 2021-07-21 18:46

学校+ Common Data Sets
10011 发表于 2021-07-21 19:53

Mark 一下,即便不是申请,给小孩找点社会活动有啥不好
谷歌,打入学校名字和common data set
落地无声 发表于 2021-07-21 19:00


可以挑娃们本身已经参与的活动做 volunteer,比如做体育啊乐队啊的助教,做 speech 啊 robotics 的 judge 或者 event organizer.
这些活动参与和 volunteer 之间有很多 overlap,比较省时间。

artdong 发表于 2021-07-21 17:57

Securities 发表于 2021-07-21 20:26

回复 28楼公用马甲11的帖子
回复 28楼公用马甲11的帖子
10011 发表于 2021-07-21 21:25

uglyduck 发表于 2021-07-21 17:41

Acad 发表于 2021-07-21 18:21

其实做的这些义工,不到一定程度(President’s award之类的),对大学录取影响不大,就是培养一下参与社区的意识。
sweetme 发表于 2021-07-21 21:52

回复 8楼Gongyong的帖子
mark volunteer opportunity. thanks!
sweetme 发表于 2021-07-21 21:52

这个是找volunteer的信息, 打开后找自己感兴趣的机构, 有in person 的也有 virtual 的
sweetme 发表于 2021-07-21 21:52



时时舞 发表于 2021-07-21 22:03

做了对孩子有好处。我家是初中参加了竞赛,高中就回去初中做volunteer coach., , ,
做了对孩子有好处。我家是初中参加了竞赛,高中就回去初中做volunteer coach., , ,
MissWW 发表于 2021-07-21 22:08

回复 1楼公用马甲11的帖子
bighead12345 发表于 2021-07-21 21:52

uglyduck 发表于 2021-07-21 22:52

Mark volunteer opportunities
Mark 一下。以后再看

时时舞 发表于 2021-07-21 22:03

robots 发表于 2021-07-21 18:27

re这个。我家6岁娃这个暑假参加镇上的戏剧camp,据他说他交的几个最好的朋友都是高中生volunteer CIT,每天带孩子玩,还给我娃画了好几张画,上面写着“Best friend”,看着特暖。这几个高中生CIT让他这次camp增色不少,孩子每天和她们玩得都很开心,真心感谢她们!
BEST VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS April is Volunteer Month! Volunteering not only adds value to your resume and college application, but contributing to your community also stimulates your personal and professional growth and allows you to make a difference.  Since the pandemic has moved so much of life digitally, organizations have found ways to engage volunteers using virtual methods as well. With virtual volunteering opportunities, you can contribute to your community and the world at large from the comfort and safety of your home!  Take a look at the following virtual volunteering opportunities for high school students. This list provides a variety of options for students based on a multitude of different interests and skills. Humane Society Though students can’t volunteer in person to work with animals safely during the pandemic, they can still help further the Humane Society’s mission by phone banking. Students must be over 16-years-old to volunteer and will place calls to support the Humane Society’s legislative priorities and ballot initiatives. The Trevor Project Students over the age of 18 can volunteer virtually for the Trevor Project to help staff crisis intervention hotlines and provide support to LGBTQ youth, ages 13 to 24. Best Buddies This organization provides an opportunity for students to help with their e-Buddies program, through which volunteers email with a buddy who has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, at least once every two weeks. Volunteers are matched with buddies based on interest, games, and location. People in the same states are not matched. This is a great way for students to help those with different abilities feel included and make a new friend. Girls Inc. As a social media ambassador for Girls Inc., students can help amplify the organization’s message by creating and sharing social media posts that teach girls how to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers. The goal of these posts is to add to a healthy, educated, and independent upbringing for girls. Even very busy students can spend 5 to 10 minutes a day working on this effort! Be My Eyes This organization pairs student volunteers with blind and low-vision individuals to provide visual assistance through a video app. Students can help folks who have trouble seeing with daily tasks like checking expiration dates, distinguishing between different colors, and reading important instructions. Adopt a Nursing Home Through this Texas Health Care Association project, student volunteers can send letters and online messages to nursing home residents to help keep their spirits high while they can no longer have visitors.  Lifetime Connections Without Walls This organization provides an opportunity for older adults to join classes and activities from the comfort and safety of their homes. Students can virtually volunteer their time by sending reminders about these events or even facilitating sessions. Donate:Code This organization connects students who are willing to donate their coding skills to charities and community groups who need that type of support. Students also have the opportunity to build their skills and portfolios through this volunteer position. Mozilla Mozilla offers another opportunity to students with computer skills to volunteer and help build a better internet. Students can volunteer to help with programming, design, or even testing. Amnesty Decoders This opportunity from an arm of Amnesty International allows students to help identify human rights violations that can become human rights projects using their computers, smart phones, and tablets. Students might find violations like tweets that are abusive to women or even locate vulnerable villages in war-torn regions like Darfur. Teenangels This organization offers an exciting opportunity for students ages 13 to 18 who have an interest in cyber security to help run programs that teach students, parents, and teachers about the safe and responsible use of the internet.  Citizen Scholars This is an opportunity for student history buffs to volunteer for the Smithsonian Institute, which is the largest museum and research complex in the world. Students can virtually assist in transcribing papers of prominent Americans, historic documents, and records from the Smithsonian’s scientific collection to make them more accessible to not only researchers but also the public.  Citizen Archivist This opportunity with the National Archives allows students to help preserve and share public records detailing the story of the United States and its people. Volunteers transcribe, tag, and add comments to these public records to help make them more searchable and accessible. TeensGive This is a fantastic opportunity for students in grades 9 through 12 to tutor other students online without the component of travel that tutoring often requires. TeensGive also focuses on helping students who are behind in school because of disadvantages like former gang membership, homelessness, or inequality. School on Wheels Another teaching-related opportunity, this organization gives students ages 16 to 18 the chance to volunteer to tutor students who are living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes, and the streets in Southern California. Tutors will work with students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade. Operation Gratitude This organization gives students who love to write the chance to send thank-you letters to first responders, troops, and veterans to support their efforts and thank them for their service. Project Gutenberg As this organization continues to grow the world’s largest digital library of over 60,000 free books, it needs volunteer proofreaders--a perfect opportunity for students who love to read and write! Bookshare Bookshare’s mission is to make reading more accessible to people who face reading barriers like visual impairments, learning disabilities, dyslexia, and physical disabilities. With this organization, students can volunteer to scan in new books and proofread scanned titles as the collection of over 900,000 titles improves. Tarjimly Students who have second-language skills or are multilingual can volunteer with this app that provides on-demand translation services for immigrants, asylees, and refugees. Translators Without Borders Students who are fluent in two or more languages can also volunteer for Translators Without Borders and translate texts for a variety of international organizations that focus on crisis relief, health, and education. 

这个是找volunteer的一些机构信息, 打开后找自己感兴趣的机构, 有in person 的也有 virtual 的
Gongyong 发表于 2021-07-21 18:03

Mark. Thanks for sharing!!
Mark volunteer opportunities!
如果假期不忙其他活动的话 做做志愿者有什么不好的呢,早点接触社会挺好的

落地无声 发表于 2021-07-21 18:28

Mark mark
谷歌,打入学校名字和common data set
落地无声 发表于 2021-07-21 19:00

Mark 谢谢分享
这个是找volunteer的信息, 打开后找自己感兴趣的机构, 有in person 的也有 virtual 的
Gongyong 发表于 2021-07-21 21:58

mark 高中生义工
不知道具体做了多少小时, 但俩娃都做了学校要求的时数,也都没多做,家长根本不用管, 学校里会提供很多资源。不觉得会影响大学申请,现在做一般义工的太多了, 很难突出。
回复 25楼robots的帖子
mark 高中生义工
BEST VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS April is Volunteer Month! Volunteering not only adds value to your resume and college application, but contributing to your community also stimulates your personal and professional growth and allows you to make a difference.  Since the pandemic has moved so much of life digitally, organizations have found ways to engage volunteers using virtual methods as well. With virtual volunteering opportunities, you can contribute to your community and the world at large from the comfort and safety of your home!  Take a look at the following virtual volunteering opportunities for high school students. This list provides a variety of options for students based on a multitude of different interests and skills. Humane Society Though students can’t volunteer in person to work with animals safely during the pandemic, they can still help further the Humane Society’s mission by phone banking. Students must be over 16-years-old to volunteer and will place calls to support the Humane Society’s legislative priorities and ballot initiatives. The Trevor Project Students over the age of 18 can volunteer virtually for the Trevor Project to help staff crisis intervention hotlines and provide support to LGBTQ youth, ages 13 to 24. Best Buddies This organization provides an opportunity for students to help with their e-Buddies program, through which volunteers email with a buddy who has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, at least once every two weeks. Volunteers are matched with buddies based on interest, games, and location. People in the same states are not matched. This is a great way for students to help those with different abilities feel included and make a new friend. Girls Inc. As a social media ambassador for Girls Inc., students can help amplify the organization’s message by creating and sharing social media posts that teach girls how to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers. The goal of these posts is to add to a healthy, educated, and independent upbringing for girls. Even very busy students can spend 5 to 10 minutes a day working on this effort! Be My Eyes This organization pairs student volunteers with blind and low-vision individuals to provide visual assistance through a video app. Students can help folks who have trouble seeing with daily tasks like checking expiration dates, distinguishing between different colors, and reading important instructions. Adopt a Nursing Home Through this Texas Health Care Association project, student volunteers can send letters and online messages to nursing home residents to help keep their spirits high while they can no longer have visitors.  Lifetime Connections Without Walls This organization provides an opportunity for older adults to join classes and activities from the comfort and safety of their homes. Students can virtually volunteer their time by sending reminders about these events or even facilitating sessions. Donate:Code This organization connects students who are willing to donate their coding skills to charities and community groups who need that type of support. Students also have the opportunity to build their skills and portfolios through this volunteer position. Mozilla Mozilla offers another opportunity to students with computer skills to volunteer and help build a better internet. Students can volunteer to help with programming, design, or even testing. Amnesty Decoders This opportunity from an arm of Amnesty International allows students to help identify human rights violations that can become human rights projects using their computers, smart phones, and tablets. Students might find violations like tweets that are abusive to women or even locate vulnerable villages in war-torn regions like Darfur. Teenangels This organization offers an exciting opportunity for students ages 13 to 18 who have an interest in cyber security to help run programs that teach students, parents, and teachers about the safe and responsible use of the internet.  Citizen Scholars This is an opportunity for student history buffs to volunteer for the Smithsonian Institute, which is the largest museum and research complex in the world. Students can virtually assist in transcribing papers of prominent Americans, historic documents, and records from the Smithsonian’s scientific collection to make them more accessible to not only researchers but also the public.  Citizen Archivist This opportunity with the National Archives allows students to help preserve and share public records detailing the story of the United States and its people. Volunteers transcribe, tag, and add comments to these public records to help make them more searchable and accessible. TeensGive This is a fantastic opportunity for students in grades 9 through 12 to tutor other students online without the component of travel that tutoring often requires. TeensGive also focuses on helping students who are behind in school because of disadvantages like former gang membership, homelessness, or inequality. School on Wheels Another teaching-related opportunity, this organization gives students ages 16 to 18 the chance to volunteer to tutor students who are living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes, and the streets in Southern California. Tutors will work with students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade. Operation Gratitude This organization gives students who love to write the chance to send thank-you letters to first responders, troops, and veterans to support their efforts and thank them for their service. Project Gutenberg As this organization continues to grow the world’s largest digital library of over 60,000 free books, it needs volunteer proofreaders--a perfect opportunity for students who love to read and write! Bookshare Bookshare’s mission is to make reading more accessible to people who face reading barriers like visual impairments, learning disabilities, dyslexia, and physical disabilities. With this organization, students can volunteer to scan in new books and proofread scanned titles as the collection of over 900,000 titles improves. Tarjimly Students who have second-language skills or are multilingual can volunteer with this app that provides on-demand translation services for immigrants, asylees, and refugees. Translators Without Borders Students who are fluent in two or more languages can also volunteer for Translators Without Borders and translate texts for a variety of international organizations that focus on crisis relief, health, and education. 

这个是找volunteer的一些机构信息, 打开后找自己感兴趣的机构, 有in person 的也有 virtual 的
Gongyong 发表于 2021-07-21 18:03

Mark volunteers opportunities
我们这儿学校里就有一些渠道,比如在图书馆辅导小孩作业啊什么的。我都想参加可是他们不要大人😆 我觉得美国这种volunteer的精神挺好的,华人应该多学习。我平生认识的第一个美国人就是大学毕业以后去非洲参加peace corp的,当时挺为他们感动的。我来美以后还研究过如何参加,但是他们只要美国公民,估计我唯一的机会就是等我孩子参加的时候作为家长去蹭了,不知道我孩子有没有这个觉悟。
BEST VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS April is Volunteer Month! Volunteering not only adds value to your resume and college application, but contributing to your community also stimulates your personal and professional growth and allows you to make a difference.  Since the pandemic has moved so much of life digitally, organizations have found ways to engage volunteers using virtual methods as well. With virtual volunteering opportunities, you can contribute to your community and the world at large from the comfort and safety of your home!  Take a look at the following virtual volunteering opportunities for high school students. This list provides a variety of options for students based on a multitude of different interests and skills. Humane Society Though students can’t volunteer in person to work with animals safely during the pandemic, they can still help further the Humane Society’s mission by phone banking. Students must be over 16-years-old to volunteer and will place calls to support the Humane Society’s legislative priorities and ballot initiatives. The Trevor Project Students over the age of 18 can volunteer virtually for the Trevor Project to help staff crisis intervention hotlines and provide support to LGBTQ youth, ages 13 to 24. Best Buddies This organization provides an opportunity for students to help with their e-Buddies program, through which volunteers email with a buddy who has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, at least once every two weeks. Volunteers are matched with buddies based on interest, games, and location. People in the same states are not matched. This is a great way for students to help those with different abilities feel included and make a new friend. Girls Inc. As a social media ambassador for Girls Inc., students can help amplify the organization’s message by creating and sharing social media posts that teach girls how to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers. The goal of these posts is to add to a healthy, educated, and independent upbringing for girls. Even very busy students can spend 5 to 10 minutes a day working on this effort! Be My Eyes This organization pairs student volunteers with blind and low-vision individuals to provide visual assistance through a video app. Students can help folks who have trouble seeing with daily tasks like checking expiration dates, distinguishing between different colors, and reading important instructions. Adopt a Nursing Home Through this Texas Health Care Association project, student volunteers can send letters and online messages to nursing home residents to help keep their spirits high while they can no longer have visitors.  Lifetime Connections Without Walls This organization provides an opportunity for older adults to join classes and activities from the comfort and safety of their homes. Students can virtually volunteer their time by sending reminders about these events or even facilitating sessions. Donate:Code This organization connects students who are willing to donate their coding skills to charities and community groups who need that type of support. Students also have the opportunity to build their skills and portfolios through this volunteer position. Mozilla Mozilla offers another opportunity to students with computer skills to volunteer and help build a better internet. Students can volunteer to help with programming, design, or even testing. Amnesty Decoders This opportunity from an arm of Amnesty International allows students to help identify human rights violations that can become human rights projects using their computers, smart phones, and tablets. Students might find violations like tweets that are abusive to women or even locate vulnerable villages in war-torn regions like Darfur. Teenangels This organization offers an exciting opportunity for students ages 13 to 18 who have an interest in cyber security to help run programs that teach students, parents, and teachers about the safe and responsible use of the internet.  Citizen Scholars This is an opportunity for student history buffs to volunteer for the Smithsonian Institute, which is the largest museum and research complex in the world. Students can virtually assist in transcribing papers of prominent Americans, historic documents, and records from the Smithsonian’s scientific collection to make them more accessible to not only researchers but also the public.  Citizen Archivist This opportunity with the National Archives allows students to help preserve and share public records detailing the story of the United States and its people. Volunteers transcribe, tag, and add comments to these public records to help make them more searchable and accessible. TeensGive This is a fantastic opportunity for students in grades 9 through 12 to tutor other students online without the component of travel that tutoring often requires. TeensGive also focuses on helping students who are behind in school because of disadvantages like former gang membership, homelessness, or inequality. School on Wheels Another teaching-related opportunity, this organization gives students ages 16 to 18 the chance to volunteer to tutor students who are living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes, and the streets in Southern California. Tutors will work with students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade. Operation Gratitude This organization gives students who love to write the chance to send thank-you letters to first responders, troops, and veterans to support their efforts and thank them for their service. Project Gutenberg As this organization continues to grow the world’s largest digital library of over 60,000 free books, it needs volunteer proofreaders--a perfect opportunity for students who love to read and write! Bookshare Bookshare’s mission is to make reading more accessible to people who face reading barriers like visual impairments, learning disabilities, dyslexia, and physical disabilities. With this organization, students can volunteer to scan in new books and proofread scanned titles as the collection of over 900,000 titles improves. Tarjimly Students who have second-language skills or are multilingual can volunteer with this app that provides on-demand translation services for immigrants, asylees, and refugees. Translators Without Borders Students who are fluent in two or more languages can also volunteer for Translators Without Borders and translate texts for a variety of international organizations that focus on crisis relief, health, and education. 

这个是找volunteer的一些机构信息, 打开后找自己感兴趣的机构, 有in person 的也有 virtual 的
Gongyong 发表于 2021-07-21 18:03

是的 我们公司这一年也开发了许多网络志愿活动。 当然也有不少人还在一直坚持现场做。 想起去年三四月美国闹口罩慌 我老板坚持每周去Foodbank志愿 没有口罩和手套 还给一些独居老人送物送吃上门。我真的很佩服!
回复 8楼Gongyong的帖子
thanks, MARK!
我家的初中没毕业都上两百小时了,甚至疫情期间都一直的做,夏天一礼拜两天,一天俩小时。上课时周末帮忙,还是一天俩小时。她骑马,所以找了个帮忙照顾马,喂马,遛马,清理马棚之类的义工。 当然还有些其他学校能帮的就帮些赚点 credit

Mark volunteer opportunities
BEST VIRTUAL VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS April is Volunteer Month! Volunteering not only adds value to your resume and college application, but contributing to your community also stimulates your personal and professional growth and allows you to make a difference.  Since the pandemic has moved so much of life digitally, organizations have found ways to engage volunteers using virtual methods as well. With virtual volunteering opportunities, you can contribute to your community and the world at large from the comfort and safety of your home!  Take a look at the following virtual volunteering opportunities for high school students. This list provides a variety of options for students based on a multitude of different interests and skills. Humane Society Though students can’t volunteer in person to work with animals safely during the pandemic, they can still help further the Humane Society’s mission by phone banking. Students must be over 16-years-old to volunteer and will place calls to support the Humane Society’s legislative priorities and ballot initiatives. The Trevor Project Students over the age of 18 can volunteer virtually for the Trevor Project to help staff crisis intervention hotlines and provide support to LGBTQ youth, ages 13 to 24. Best Buddies This organization provides an opportunity for students to help with their e-Buddies program, through which volunteers email with a buddy who has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, at least once every two weeks. Volunteers are matched with buddies based on interest, games, and location. People in the same states are not matched. This is a great way for students to help those with different abilities feel included and make a new friend. Girls Inc. As a social media ambassador for Girls Inc., students can help amplify the organization’s message by creating and sharing social media posts that teach girls how to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers. The goal of these posts is to add to a healthy, educated, and independent upbringing for girls. Even very busy students can spend 5 to 10 minutes a day working on this effort! Be My Eyes This organization pairs student volunteers with blind and low-vision individuals to provide visual assistance through a video app. Students can help folks who have trouble seeing with daily tasks like checking expiration dates, distinguishing between different colors, and reading important instructions. Adopt a Nursing Home Through this Texas Health Care Association project, student volunteers can send letters and online messages to nursing home residents to help keep their spirits high while they can no longer have visitors.  Lifetime Connections Without Walls This organization provides an opportunity for older adults to join classes and activities from the comfort and safety of their homes. Students can virtually volunteer their time by sending reminders about these events or even facilitating sessions. Donate:Code This organization connects students who are willing to donate their coding skills to charities and community groups who need that type of support. Students also have the opportunity to build their skills and portfolios through this volunteer position. Mozilla Mozilla offers another opportunity to students with computer skills to volunteer and help build a better internet. Students can volunteer to help with programming, design, or even testing. Amnesty Decoders This opportunity from an arm of Amnesty International allows students to help identify human rights violations that can become human rights projects using their computers, smart phones, and tablets. Students might find violations like tweets that are abusive to women or even locate vulnerable villages in war-torn regions like Darfur. Teenangels This organization offers an exciting opportunity for students ages 13 to 18 who have an interest in cyber security to help run programs that teach students, parents, and teachers about the safe and responsible use of the internet.  Citizen Scholars This is an opportunity for student history buffs to volunteer for the Smithsonian Institute, which is the largest museum and research complex in the world. Students can virtually assist in transcribing papers of prominent Americans, historic documents, and records from the Smithsonian’s scientific collection to make them more accessible to not only researchers but also the public.  Citizen Archivist This opportunity with the National Archives allows students to help preserve and share public records detailing the story of the United States and its people. Volunteers transcribe, tag, and add comments to these public records to help make them more searchable and accessible. TeensGive This is a fantastic opportunity for students in grades 9 through 12 to tutor other students online without the component of travel that tutoring often requires. TeensGive also focuses on helping students who are behind in school because of disadvantages like former gang membership, homelessness, or inequality. School on Wheels Another teaching-related opportunity, this organization gives students ages 16 to 18 the chance to volunteer to tutor students who are living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes, and the streets in Southern California. Tutors will work with students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade. Operation Gratitude This organization gives students who love to write the chance to send thank-you letters to first responders, troops, and veterans to support their efforts and thank them for their service. Project Gutenberg As this organization continues to grow the world’s largest digital library of over 60,000 free books, it needs volunteer proofreaders--a perfect opportunity for students who love to read and write! Bookshare Bookshare’s mission is to make reading more accessible to people who face reading barriers like visual impairments, learning disabilities, dyslexia, and physical disabilities. With this organization, students can volunteer to scan in new books and proofread scanned titles as the collection of over 900,000 titles improves. Tarjimly Students who have second-language skills or are multilingual can volunteer with this app that provides on-demand translation services for immigrants, asylees, and refugees. Translators Without Borders Students who are fluent in two or more languages can also volunteer for Translators Without Borders and translate texts for a variety of international organizations that focus on crisis relief, health, and education. 

这个是找volunteer的一些机构信息, 打开后找自己感兴趣的机构, 有in person 的也有 virtual 的
Gongyong 发表于 2021-07-21 18:03

我家的初中没毕业都上两百小时了,甚至疫情期间都一直的做,夏天一礼拜两天,一天俩小时。上课时周末帮忙,还是一天俩小时。她骑马,所以找了个帮忙照顾马,喂马,遛马,清理马棚之类的义工。 当然还有些其他学校能帮的就帮些赚点 credit
iceox 发表于 2021-07-22 10:33

uglyduck 发表于 2021-07-22 12:27

uglyduck 发表于 2021-07-22 12:27

她帮忙的那地是 rescue horse, 退役,老的,或者有人不要养的
学校+ Common Data Sets
robots 发表于 2021-07-21 19:00

回复 8楼Gongyong的帖子
mark 高中volunteer
学校+ Common Data Sets
robots 发表于 2021-07-21 19:00

公用马甲11 发表于 2021-07-21 17:36

想上好大学的话还是挺重要的。 我家女儿在市中心的图书馆做义工,免费教钢琴,每周一次3个小时,坚持了三年。那里的学生多数是家庭条件不好没有条件请老师的孩子,甚至成人。开始的时候好几个高中生一起教,后来其他几个孩子嫌远嫌时间长都不做了,只有她自己坚持下来了,疫情开始后转成在家里网课。因此她跟图书馆的管理员们都交了朋友,也跟学习的孩子和家庭保持良好关系。她自己感觉这段经历对她自己很有益,学到很多跟学生和陌生人交流的 技巧。她也见识到了贫困家庭的孩子在没有钱学音乐的情况下怎么样千方百计的学音乐的,感触很深。 加上其它活动,她一年做了将近300个的小时义工,全部是真实的时间。