政治闲话in English-why does Gordon Chang hate China so much?

楼主 (北美华人网)
The Chinese American political commentator Gordon Chang Gordon G. Chang - Wikipedia has made a career out of bashing China. He is known for repeatedly predicting, mistakenly again and again, the impending collapse of China, starting from his book The Coming Collapse of China written some 20 years ago. Now at age 70, despite all his failed predictions, he still finds a ready audience in the right wing media. For example, here he preaches how China will be buried in Afghanistan now the US is pulling out of the country: China will be the next empire to enter the Afghan ‘graveyard’ | TheHill
Though I find his hatred of China sad and his repeated and failed prophesies comical, I kind of understand Gordon Chang. Let’s face it - it is not easy to be Chinese and live in America. We are strung between two very different worlds and cultures that it’s not unusual to encounter other Gordon Changs in our own communities. Many of us may have even harbored some of Gordon’s views ourselves at one time or another. To understand this "Gordon Chang phenomenon," I decided to search the internet, and found this interesting analysis by a Kevin Chung Why does Gordon Chang hate China so much? - Quora:
"I used to think of Gordan Chang as a Chinese ‘Uncle Tom’, but now I realize he is much worse than that. He isn’t just subservient to white folks (the definition of an Uncle Tom), but he has to bash China twice as a hard compared to even the most extreme right-wing white-supremacist, in the vain attempt to show that he isn’t one (a Chinese). He’s a horrible and pathetic person, and it is his self-loathing that drives him to be so venomous towards China. To understand him, we need to focus on his childhood. More specifically, the racist abuse and discrimination he endured during his formative years as a result of his Asian appearance. Rather than blaming his victimizers, he blames his own Chinese appearance, he blames China and everything Chinese. He is like the wimp who gets bullied, and rather than fighting back, tries to find new victims for his oppressors to oppress. Not only that, but he partakes in the abuse with twice the viciousness as other bullies in order to fit in. As immigrants, we have met these types of individuals before. Those who are of the same ethnicity, yet want nothing to do with the newcomers, as they believe it will make them look bad. Those who want to distance themselves as much as possible from newcomers of the same ethnicity, in order to avoid being categorized together. Those who denigrate and treat people of the same ethnicity with contempt, in a misguided belief that this will secure their status as “honorary whites”. Those who would say things like “you people” to people of the same skin color. He is nothing but scum, living a life of denial."
Ok Kevin, I wouldn’t go so far as calling Gordon "scum" but you’ve made a good point.
General Chang is a secret agent for the Chinese security bureau.
General Chang is a secret agent for the Chinese security bureau.
crabcrab 发表于 2021-07-09 20:48

That’s one of his many names
One of the reasons he is so popular with the conservatives is that he says things the white men want to say but cannot for fear of being labeled racists