I applied another of the same card. AMEX samll business. with $100 bonus + 5000 points+$150 Tigerdirect GC. They called me and asked me to confirm the tax something and my address. I gave them my SSN and address then got approved. Then I applied the same card for my LD with the same address. He got rejected after a call although his credit score is higher than mine.Hope that helps [此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-29 6:00:12编辑过]
以下是引用howareyougood在2007-1-3 21:26:00的发言: Did you fill in your business address? I don't know how to deal with it,Thanks, Was there a business address to fill in? I only provided my home address. Also on the application I used my name as the company name, my SSN as the tax ID.
以下是引用howareyougood在2007-1-3 21:26:00的发言: Did you fill in your business address? I don't know how to deal with it,Thanks, 选那个business addr = home address就可以了 我申请的时候没有填TIN,留空也没问题,就算是那个sole p*******什么的,下一页再确认一下
$250太诱人了 可是又怕被查问 哎哎
这么高的风险 还有,设置不管用,我没登录也可以看到
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-29 6:00:12编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-31 6:05:15编辑过]
Did you fill in your business address? I don't know how to deal with it,Thanks, Was there a business address to fill in? I only provided my home address. Also on the application I used my name as the company name, my SSN as the tax ID.
Did you fill in your business address? I don't know how to deal with it,Thanks, 选那个business addr = home address就可以了 我申请的时候没有填TIN,留空也没问题,就算是那个sole p*******什么的,下一页再确认一下
我有blue for student,还能不能申这个bizness卡???? 要是他们一看就看出来我不是bizness woman是学生据了我就惨了
这个offer 什么时候截止呢? 刚申了一张BOA 的卡,怕同时申请太多卡被据
选那个business addr = home address就可以了 我申请的时候没有填TIN,留空也没问题,就算是那个sole p*******什么的,下一页再确认一下
TIN 是虾米啊? 申请一共填多少页啊?
TIN 是虾米啊? 申请一共填多少页啊?
可能缩写叫做TIN,也有可能我记错了 是这个: Federal Tax ID 只用填一页信息,后面就是确认几次 谢谢MM。 再请问你填写的时候地址能写下吗?
谢谢MM。 再请问你填写的时候地址能写下吗?
我的地址很短,所以没问题 看到有人说写不下,申请完了打电话去要求更新的 thanks again