

Q 我专门找了民调机构Ipsos最新的民调,2019年民调显示91%的中国人认为自己国家走在正确的道路上,而英国只有21%,法国只有20%。 UQ

https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2694509&postid=88707681#88707681 Q It has an important role in the life of the people of West Java, as it supports agriculture, water supply, fishery, industry, sewerage, and electricity for 25 million people. It has been noted for being considered one of the most polluted rivers in the world.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citarum_River
Revitalization In November 2011, the river revitalization began, with an expected cost of Rp35 trillion ($4 billion) over 15 years. The revitalization is occurring from Mount Wayang through eight regencies and three cities for a distance of 180 kilometers. The target for the first three years is to collect 10.5 million cubic meters of sedimentation.[15] In February 2018, the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo launched a seven-year plan to clean up the whole river to achieve clean drinking-water status, ordering 7,000 regular soldiers to clean up allocated sections of the river on a regular basis. They have powers to block up outlets conveying polluted wastewater from factories into the river and are installing rubbish treatment and water treatment facilities. Problems are - lack of money for continuing action, lack of coordination at local level, bribes paid by factories to avoid change, and upstream soil erosion from deforestation that enhances the silting of the lower river. But with wider internet publicity, and now the top-down government enforcement, more foreign consultants are coming in to recommend necessary changes upstream, and local awareness and anti-plastics campaigns are beginning to take effect.[16] UQ

EvenOdd 发表于 2021-06-13 17:31

Q 我們在「強本」上取得了明顯的成效。但也要清醒地認識到,「本」不僅在於我們所創造的財富,也在於自然界賦予我們的財富,這樣的「本」不是我們所能創造的。當前,制約經濟發展的資源、環境等因素比較突出,建設資源節約型和環境友好型社會的任務十分艱巨。
我們應當繼續發揚艱苦奮鬥和勤儉節約的優良傳統,切實珍惜民力和財力,珍惜資源、環境,在「節用」上花大力氣。要樹立社會主義榮辱觀,旗幟鮮明地反對鋪張浪費和大手大腳,堅決反對奢靡享樂之風,大力弘揚勤儉節約之風,讓勤儉精神廣為弘揚,勤儉意識深入人心,勤儉行為化為自覺,真正使崇尚勤儉成為社會風尚。 ... 現代企業是社會的細胞,社會是孕育企業成長的母體。所以,企業在自身發展的同時,應該當好「企業公民」,飲水思源,回報社會,這是企業不可推卸的社會責任,也是構建和諧社會的重要內容。
https://www.hk01.com UQ

Q 我专门找了民调机构Ipsos最新的民调,2019年民调显示91%的中国人认为自己国家走在正确的道路上,而英国只有21%,法国只有20%。 UQ

https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2694509&postid=88707681#88707681 Q It has an important role in the life of the people of West Java, as it supports agriculture, water supply, fishery, industry, sewerage, and electricity for 25 million people. It has been noted for being considered one of the most polluted rivers in the world.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citarum_River
Revitalization In November 2011, the river revitalization began, with an expected cost of Rp35 trillion ($4 billion) over 15 years. The revitalization is occurring from Mount Wayang through eight regencies and three cities for a distance of 180 kilometers. The target for the first three years is to collect 10.5 million cubic meters of sedimentation.[15] In February 2018, the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo launched a seven-year plan to clean up the whole river to achieve clean drinking-water status, ordering 7,000 regular soldiers to clean up allocated sections of the river on a regular basis. They have powers to block up outlets conveying polluted wastewater from factories into the river and are installing rubbish treatment and water treatment facilities. Problems are - lack of money for continuing action, lack of coordination at local level, bribes paid by factories to avoid change, and upstream soil erosion from deforestation that enhances the silting of the lower river. But with wider internet publicity, and now the top-down government enforcement, more foreign consultants are coming in to recommend necessary changes upstream, and local awareness and anti-plastics campaigns are beginning to take effect.[16] UQ

EvenOdd 发表于 2021-06-13 17:31

Perhaps, next G7 meeting should be held there - West Java!
BTW, a separate meeting mainly for business leaders!
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zhangada 发表于 2021-06-13 10:35

中国外汇的钱是不能拿回中国用的,只能(1)买美国国债 (2)海外投资
比方说中国袜子厂,卖给美国1一双袜子,挣了1亿刀, 这笔钱,袜子厂已经从国家换汇的机构,换了6.x亿人民币回国了, 国家手里的1亿一刀,是不能进中国的,否则就是凭空印钱,通货膨胀
这一亿刀要不买美国国债挨宰,要不就是投资, 从目前看显然投资划算,无论政治,经济,还是外交方面看

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